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I knocked on the front door and Leighanne opened the door. She must have seen I had been crying because she hugged me tight. I hugged back and tap her back, my way of telling her it was ok. She let go of me and closed the door. I went straight to the stairs but stopped when Nick spoke.

"Don't you want to talk about it? Are you running away from the truth?"

I turned around and glared at Nick. I was so fucking tired and not in the mood for another fight.

"Drop it, Carter! I'm not in the mood for your games."

"You love Rachel so much and you're just wasting your chance to be with her. What happened to you, man?!"

Yes, I love her still. But that will never change a thing because things are complicated now, Nickolas, so stop messing with me."

I took a step closer to Nick, my fist was closed. I was ready to fight back if Nick made a wrong move.

"Alex!" Howie shouted. I looked at him and saw concern in his eyes.

"What?! Make this kid stop, he doesn't know what he is saying." I told Howie then walked towards the stairs.

"Why don't you make me understand?" Nick shouted again before I can climb the stairs.

"You wanna know? That woman kept my son from me for three damn years. You have no idea how painful that is so shut the hell up! Stop defending her even just once!"

"Why don't you try and listen to what she wanted to tell you. AJ, you have to know the truth. She did not keep Alexis from you. She tried to tell you."

"Ok" I crossed my arms and pretended I was so fucking interested "Let's hear what you got. I’m ready for another set of lies.”

Nick, with the help of Brian, told me everything Rachel told them. Brian also added the details of his phone call with Q earlier, Q confirmed that everything Rachel said was true. I couldn't believe the things I heard, tears are flowing freely from my eye.

"It’s been a tough day for you, bro, why don't you give it a rest? I promise we'll fix this tomorrow, I will do everything I can."

Brian said thoughtfully. I nodded, looked at everyone and motioned I'd go upstairs to sleep.

"We'll be just right here if you need anything"

I heard Nick said, I nodded again without looking back. It took a while before I fell asleep. I saw Rachel’s sad face when I was telling her painful things, when in fact it was not her fault. I cried myself to sleep.


I tried to open my eyes when I felt someone was waking me up. They were still a bit swollen from crying last night so it took awhile before I was able to open my eyes. I saw Leighanne and Leigh standing by my bedside.

"Morning, Ladies." I said while checking if I was wearing a decent clothes or if I was wearing anything at all. I was relieved to see I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday.

"Brian doesn't want us to wake you up." Leighanne started

"They all think you need more rest" Leigh added and looked at Leighanne.

"But we heard Heather will be here in fifteen or twenty minutes. You might wanna hear what she is going to say." I looked up to her, surprised. "Husband called her yesterday, before you came home and wanted her to be here ASAP." She continued explaining.

"Thank! You guys are the best!" I said.

The girls nodded before leaving my room. I stood up and took a shower, it was another long day for me.

"You two wake him up, didn't you?"

I heard Brian asked Leighanne and Leigh when he saw me climbing down the stairs.

“Good morning, Rok.” I smiled at him

"He has to hear whatever that stupid manager of yours will say. He is the victim here" Leighanne answered and looked at me. I winked at her.

"He's been hurt enough. Alex can only take so much. I don't want him to go through what he's gone through before." Brian countered.

“Hey! Don’t talk about me as if I’m not here.” I joked to lighten up Brian’s mood. The last thing I want was for the couple to fight because of me.

“Fine.” Brian looked at me then to Leighanne “But you will take full responsibility whatever happens to Alex."

"Fine!" Leighanne nodded.

We all looked at the front door when we heard a car coming. I saw Nick and Howie came out from nowhere. I nodded at them to acknowledge their presence. The front door opened and I saw Heather with Jen, the assistant tour manager.

"This one's better be good, Brian. You have no idea what I've been through just to be here" Heather said while walking towards the couch. I didn’t gave Brian a chance to talk.

."How could you do that to me? I thought you were a friend?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Rachel..." I whispered

"What about Rachel? Have you found her?" She asked not looking straight into my eyes

"Yes! And she told us the truth" Nick answered for me, I was trying so hard to control my anger.

"I see. So you already know she really didn't love you that's why she left you." Heather laughed

"You son of a bitch!"

I was happy that Brian stood up fast enough to stopped me from hitting Heather. My mom was always reminding me to never hit a woman.

"Hey!" Brian turned me around "What the hell is happening to you?"

“I did you a favour, Alex, you should be thanking me. I did what was best for you.” Heather said while she stood up.

“You made my life miserable.” I whispered under my breath, Brian was still holding my arms. Heather laughed again, full of sarcasm.

“Come on, Alex, you wanted that solo album so bad. I made that possible.” She grinned “You became successful when she left you.”

“You’re lying about that!” Leighanne stood up, she ignored Brian’s warning look “Alex will still be successful even when they are together. BSB fans loves Rachel. You made up those letters, you made Rachel believed all your stupid lies!”

“Oh, sweetheart” Heather gave Leighanne a smile that made everyone more furious “You are lucky BSB fans accepted you and loved you otherwise I’ll get rid of you too if I had to” she grinned.

“You are lucky too, I am not a violent person.” Leighanne said then pressed her lips together.

Brian let go of my arms and went to Leighanne. He wrapped his arms around her. Everyone can see the anger in Brian’s eyes but they know he won’t do anything to Heather, he was better than me.

“Why did you do that to me, Heather?” I asked in a low voice, for so many years I trusted her, I thought she really was a friend.

“I told you I did what was best for you...”

“Rachel was the best thing that happened to me, I thought you knew that.”

“There was never a day you didn’t tell me that, I was sick and tired of hearing how much you loved her Alex, she left you but you still love her. She doesn’t care about you!”

“That’s not true! You made her leave me, why, Heather? Why?”

“You wanna know why? Coz I love you, damn it!” Heather was trying to stop her tears from falling “I’ve been loving you for eight years, Alex, but no matter what I do you never noticed me and then she came and all of a sudden you were in love...” Heather paused for a moment “I had to do those things Alex, I thought when she’s gone you would finally notice me, but that never happened.”

I was too shocked to speak, I knew she loved me but I thought she got over me long before I met Rachel. I couldn’t believed Heather was capable of those things. She wiped her tears and took her bag from the couch, she looked at everyone before she walked towards the door

“I hope you can find a new tour manager in two weeks time because I quit! I’ve had enough of this!” Heather opened the front door but before she stepped out she turned and look at me “If it’s true that I made your life and Rachel’s miserable then I am happy, now we’re even”

Heather closed the door and walked to her car. Jen was about to follow Heather when Howie stopped her.

“We need a tour manager, Jen, we need you.” Howie smied a bit.

“Are you serious?” Jen asked

“I think we are.” Brian supported Howie’s decision, he laughed when he saw the happiness on Jen’s face

“I think you’ve just been promoted, honey, Congratulations!”

Nick tapped Jen’s shoulder. She smiled at them and said her never ending Thank yous. After telling her that she has my vote as well, I excused myself from the celebration. I remembered my promise to Alexis that I will pick him up for breakfast.