Under Pressure
Chapter 4
It was watching TV that I almost found my way out. I was watching the news, don't ask me why, and they were covering the story of what happened across the street. At first I got all excited because I figured they had caught the guy, but my hopes immediately sank when the caster announced that 'Shotgun Sean' was still on the loose. What a name. It didn't comfort me any knowing it. In fact, I think I would have been better off not knowing.
My way out I figured, was when the newscaster announced that the police were looking for anyone who had any information on the suspect to please call in. I immediately scrambled off the bed and to the desk, digging through the drawers for the complimentary pad and pen that hotels usual left. I found it and was back in front of the TV in time to see the number scrolling across the screen for a second time.
1-800-38 ...
"Hey, Nick."
Dammit. I jumped at Brian's entrance and by the time I looked back at the screen, they were already onto another story. Something about cats overrunning the cities. I sighed and crumpled up the paper. A lot of good two numbers would do me.
"Hey Rok, what's up?" I tried to sound cheerful but I know he saw right through me. It was worth a try anyway. I watched silently as he sat on one of the beds and crossed his arms. Uh oh.
"Nick, c'mon. What's the matter with you?"
"Nothing," I answered after a short pause. Why didn't he just quit asking already? I grabbed the controller and started flipping through the channels. He rolled his eyes.
"Man, look. I know you. I know when something's up."
"Well, think again. Nothing's up, so obviously you don't," I retorted. I regretted it the second I said it. I told you I don't think sometimes, and this was one of them. A hurt look crossed over Brian's face quickly and my stomach sank. I stopped flipping.
"Fine," he said coolly, starting to get up from the bed. I grabbed his ankle so he couldn't go anywhere. I would've grabbed his arm instead but it was hard from the floor. "Let go, Nick."
"No, I ..." I trailed off. "Frick ..."
"Stop," was all Brian said, shaking me off. "Forget I asked."
"I'm sorry." My voice broke. I didn't need Brian mad at me on top of all of this. I could be dead, but if he didn't hate me it would be okay. I think I caught him offguard, but I couldn't tell. He was still wearing that 'I-don't-care' mask across his face. I felt my eyes fill and looked away.
"Nick ..."
"I'm sorry," I repeated. "I can't tell you, okay?" God knew I wanted to, but I wasn't getting him involved. Or the other guys. I could take care of this myself. I just had to think it through, that's all. It was so frustrating. I threw the controller at the wall and watched the batteries pop out and scatter on the floor. I hope that wasn't broken too.
I looked at Brian and he was just staring at the controller on the floor, probably trying to figure out when he realized his best friend had become a raging lunatic. I mean, I was, wasn't I?
"What can't you tell me?" Smart question, Brian. If I couldn't tell you, I couldn't answer that. I swallowed back the lump forming in my throat and stared at him.
"I can't," I said shakily. "God ..." I wiped my sleeve across my face. "I'm sorry ..."
"Nick ..." He sat on the floor next to me and sighed. "Look, I don't know what's up, but I'm here, okay? Why can't you tell me?"
"Because," I mumbled.
"Can you tell the other guys?"
I shook my head. Damn, I think he thought I was nuts now.
"Okay, fine. That's fine." His voice was reassuring, but at the same time it only made me feel worse. You know, when you know someone's trying their best to make you feel better, but you feel bad for them because you know it's a useless effort? That's what it was like.
There was silence. I don't think he knew what to say to me. I don't think I would know what to say to me either. I looked at him and wiped my eyes with my sleeve.
"Maybe I'll tell you," I said finally. My voice sounded strained. I don't think I would really ever tell him, but I wanted to make him feel better. "But not now. And you couldn't tell anybody else."
He just looked at me funny. I couldn't really tell what that expression on his face meant. But he nodded. "Sure thing, Fracks."
I nodded. He was being nice so nice to me after I had pretty much told him to get lost. I didn't know if it was out of friendship or pity. I didn't want pity, but right about then I didn't care either way.
"You okay?"
After all that, and now was when he asked me if I was okay? Physically or mentally? I just nodded absently. I was nowhere near 'okay' either way. I was a nervous wreck.
"You have to stop throwing stuff," Brian started absently. He was looking at the wall where there was now a smaller dent next to the bigger dent than yesterday. They sure don't make hotel rooms the way they used to. "Okay?"
"Yeah. I'm sorry."
"It's not my butt on the line," he replied easily. "Don't be sorry to me."
"Is it broken?" I was glad to be on another topic aside from digging into my sanity. Or rather, lack thereof.
"I don't know." I watched him lean forward and grab the pieces- the controller, the two miniature batteries, and the little sliding tray that held the batteries in place. He tossed them to me. "Check it out, bro."
Silently, I fit the little batteries in place and slid on the tray. I pointed the controller towards the TV and tried to change the channel. Nothing was happening. Uh oh. I tried again with the same results. Power button, volume, channels. Nothing worked.
"It's broke." I chucked it against the wall again and Brian smacked me.
"Stop it. That's what I'm talking about." He grabbed the pieces again and put them back in himself, putting the whole thing on top of the dresser. "It probably just has to be re-programmed or something."
"Oh. Oops."
"Yeah, oops." He shook his head at me with a smile and got up from the floor. "Let's grab the guys and go out to eat."
"I'm not hungry," I replied, but let him pull me up.
"Then I guess you'll have to force it down, huh? When was the last time you ate?"
Last time I ate? I tried to think. We had skipped lunch today because of the meet-and-greet, I had slept through breakfast, I don't remember dinner yesterday, or lunch, I had left during breakfast ... I stared at him. "Uh ..."
"That's what I thought. Come on."
I'll give you a hundred bucks if you couldn't guess where we ate. I'll give you a few hints. AJ keeps them in business all across the world, and their mascot is a giant clown. His name is Ronald.
I had taken one bite out of my BigMac and decided I was done. Worrying does that to your stomach. I started picking at my fries and trying to ignore the churning. Brian was watching me the whole time. I made a face at him and he started to laugh. I wonder if he had told the other guys that I had lost it. Probably.
My eyes were scanning the joint for anyone that reminded me of 'Shotgun Sean' or any hired blondes that looked out of place. Seeing none, I began to calm down after a little while and tried to eat.
"So, you like my hat?" AJ was getting opinions from everyone about the new accessory he had bought that day in the few hours we'd had free. Kevin smiled amusedly.
"I hope you got that one on discount, Jay."
"What's that supposed to mean?" AJ demanded, touching the brim of his new love. I think it was a kind of cowboy hat . It was hard to tell with all the colorful fur that adorned it.
"Nothing ..." Kevin chuckled.
"You should really donate to the salvation army," came Howie's comment. AJ's mouth opened.
"You guys have no taste," he muttered. His next look was at me and I almost choked on my soda at the expression on his face. He looked desperate for a compliment. "Nicky?"
"Well ..." I paused and tried to put it gently. "It looks like the thing was scraped of the side of the road."
"What?" The other guys laughed as AJ stared at me.
"I think you should bring it to the pound, Aje," Brian filled in a laugh. "Put it out of its misery."
"You guys think you're so funny," AJ muttered. He was laughing though. "It's a work of art."
"It's a work of something, that's for sure," Kevin answered. AJ punched him in the arm.
During that time, I noticed this girl trying to get my attention. She looked like she was in her early twenties and had long brown hair pulled up into a loose ponytail. Everytime I glanced in her direction, she would motion to me frantically. If any of the other guys would look, she'd just go back to doing whatever it was she was doing. Filling up her drink.
After about five minutes of this frantic waving everytime I turned my head, I was sick of it. I figured I'd go check it out. She looked harmless enough, and I figured I wouldn't get attacked in a public place like McDonalds, right? It was the 'have it your way' home.
"I'm gonna fill up my soda," I announced, sliding out of the booth easily. Brian pushed his cup toward me.
"Me too?"
"Sure." I took it and started away.
"Nick, right?"
The girl was at my side the second I reached the refills. I put my cup under the coke dispenser and pressed the button. "Yeah, that's me," I answered. Now what did she want? I gave her a curious look. She wasn't a fan.
"You can call me KC," she answered. "You were at the shooting right with Sean?"
I stared at her silently and moved to refill Brian's cup. I suddenly felt weak. Who the hell was she?
"Look, I'm one of the good guys, okay? Fiona gave you the key, right?"
I didn't answer. I wasn't about to get myself into anything deeper than I already was. I started putting the cap back on my cup shakily as she let out a sigh.
"Look honey, I know you're probably scared right now. I would be too." She touched my arm. "But help me out here. Then I can help you."
No one could help me. I just looked at her.
"You don't know if you can trust me, huh?" I nodded. "Okay. Fair enough, kid."
"I have to go," I spoke up. "I'm sorry."
"That's alright. I'll be in touch." With that, she turned and went out the door.
In touch? I was sick of everyone being 'in touch' with me. I just wanted to be left alone. Was that too much to ask?
I fit the cover on Brian's soda and headed back to the table.
Chapter 5
I was feeling better about two nights later because it was our last day at the hotel. Tomorrow morning I would be on an early flight with the guys, en route to our next location, where ever that may be. I didn't even know. As long as it was a couple hundred or thousand miles away from what had become hell. Away from Sean and the so-called KC who I hadn't heard from since the McDonald's incident.
The fact that she had even mentioned keeping in touch with me kind of had me worried. I didn't even know who she was, let alone whose side she was on. I mean, whose side was I on for God's sake? All I knew was that I had got up one morning, watched a murder without a word, and now had a damn silver key as a souvenir. It was better than Disney.
The key. I stared at it in the palm of my hand. It must be pretty important to have so many people after it. I kept my theory that it was probably for a deposit box at some bank, or something like that. I don't have a deposit box so I didn't really know what that sort of key looked like. I assumed that it would look like this one.
I glanced over at Brian, but he was sound asleep in his own bed. I envied the fact that he could sleep peacefully without flashes of violence haunting him like they did me. Not that I would wish it on anyone else, I just wanted it to leave me alone for once. I hadn't had a full night's sleep since it had happened and it was beginning to get to me.
Each night was the same. Like now. I would sit up in bed and just listen to the silence. Tonight, I pulled myself out from under the safety of my blankets and went to stand by the window. Unfortunately, our view was nothing spectacular. It was basically showing off the heating vents of the hotel. Pretty impressive. If you strained enough, you might catch a glimpse of the alley below. Across from us was some other building that had windows looking out over ours.
That was what freaked me out suddenly. Did you ever get the feeling you were being watched? Just a sensation that passes through you. I shivered and shut the curtains so that they covered the window entirely. I know I was paranoid, but like I've said, I wasn't taking any chances.
Great, so now Brian was up. Super. I wasn't even being loud. If I wanted him up I would have turned on the TV or something like that. I glanced at the clock. Two a.m. If I fell asleep now I would get a total of ... four and a half hours of shut-eye. That would be good for these past few days. A record. I looked back at Brian.
"Hey, Bri."
"You're still up?"
"No, I'm asleep," I answered sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at him and he frowned.
"C'mon, man, we have to get up tomorrow." He sounded annoyed.
"No kidding," I replied. "So go back to sleep." I tell you, this no sleep routine I've been practicing lately has really affected my mood.
"Me? I've been sleeping, thanks. Can't say the same for you ..."
I shrugged. "So?" I retorted.
"So?" he repeated with a grimace. "What is wrong with you?"
"Nothing is wrong with me!" God, I hated that question. And he kept on asking it.
"Then go to sleep. We're getting up in ..." He glanced at the clock here. "Four hours." He stared at me hard. "Come on. Tell me what's going on, Nick."
"There's nothing going on! Geez ... " I glared at him.
"Then drop the act! Dammit, Nick-"
"Shut up, Brian," I interrupted. "Just forget it, okay? Forget I ever said I might tell you what was bothering me." I pushed away from the window and headed for the door. "Just go back to sleep."
"Nick, hold it." Brian sat up. I ignored him and unchained the lock. My hand rested on the handle. "You leave and I swear you'll be sorry-"
"Forget it, Brian." I slammed the door when I left for emphasis. Then I ran. He was really pissed and I didn't want to be around if he suddenly decided he wanted to catch up with me. So I took the elevator down to the lobby and decided to take a walk. Inside the hotel of course. One, I didn't want to go outside and, two, even if I did I wasn't wearing any shoes.
Okay, I admit now that taking a walk wasn't really a smart idea to do. But I guess when you haven't had much sleep you really don't think straight. At least, that was my excuse.
I had only really been downstairs for about ten or fifteen minutes and was taking a walk by the enclosed pool when someone came up from behind and grabbed me around the neck. I almost screamed but a gloved hand covered my mouth.
"So we meet again ..."
I knew it was him. I didn't even have to look, it was the voice. That voice cut like a knife into me. I started cursing myself and then praying that someone else was around.
"Do you have the key?" came the growl. I shook my head no. Even if I wanted to talk I couldn't because his hand still covered my mouth. His iron grip tightened. "Where is it? Upstairs?" I shrugged but he gave me a shake. I nodded and tried to pull away from him. I could barely move in his grip.
"Go upstairs and get it before-"
"Hey!" I was released as we both heard the voice of one of the workers of the hotel. "The pool is closed at this time. Please leave." The worker gave us both dirty looks.
"I'll be back," Sean muttered in his gravelly voice. I was caught off guard as he gave me a rough shove towards the pool before turning and stomping away toward the door. Being that we were so close to the edge and I wasn't expecting that, I fell in not so gracefully.
It was like I had dived into the Antartic, it was so cold. I reached the surface gasping for breath and was immediately being yelled at by the worker. What, he thought I wanted to jump in? What an idiot.
"Sorry," I mumbled, climbing over the edge. My teeth were chattering and I felt my eyes water. I looked around and found that Sean had conveniently left already.
"It's dumb kids like you that make all the trouble," the worker muttered. He hooked his thumbs into his belt loops. "Go before I report you."
I scrambled out of there as quick as I could and made it toward the elevator, sliding on the tiles the whole way. I didn't know if I was shaking out of fear or out of cold. Probably both. When I got to our floor and stepped off, I paused uncertainly. Where to go?
Back to Brian? Definite no.
Kevin? Definite no again. He'd pretty much kill me.
AJ and Howie were the only two left, and I figured they'd be the least amount of harm to my well-being. So I knocked and waited outside their door, leaving a puddle of dripping pool water.
"Nicky, what are you doing?" Howie was wide awake when he saw me. When I just shrugged and tried to stop crying and shivering, he grabbed my arm and pulled me inside.
"Nick?" AJ sat on the edge of his bed. "What the hell happened to you?" He glanced at the clock. It was about a quarter to three.
I stood there silently as Howie disappeared in the bathroom for a second. He came back with a huge white towel and threw it at me. I wrapped it around me and tried to get warm.
"You wanna explain?" Howie asked.
"Can I stay here?"
"Yeah, sure. What happened?"
"Me and Brian had a fight," I mumbled, pulling the towel over my head. "So I left and I fell in the pool."
"You fell in the pool," AJ repeated incredulously. "You dumbass."
Thank you, AJ. I saw Howie glare at him.
"It was an accident ..."
"What did you and Rok fight about?"
I shrugged. "I don't know," I said honestly. I really didn't. "I forgot. It was stupid."
"Oh," was all Howie said. I looked at him. What the heck was that supposed to mean? Oh? Was that good or bad?
"I wanna know how you fell in the pool," AJ said with a laugh. "You're so funny, Nick." I glared at him. Yeah, right. Glad you found me amusing, AJ.
"You should change," Howie spoke up. "You're gonna get sick."
"No, I'm okay ..." Actually, I was freezing. I just shrugged at him.
"C'mon. Here." He threw me a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt, so I headed into the bathroom and shut the door. After I peeled off my wet clothes and changed, I looked into the mirror. I looked like a wreck. I combed back my wet hair with my fingers and took a shaky breath. Tomorrow, we'd be out of here and it would all go away. Things would go back to being normal. Or as close to normal as they ever got.
Yeah right. I could wish anyway. I wrinkled my nose at my reflection and went back out. AJ had pulled the comforter off of his bed and thrown me one of his pillows, so I settled on the floor in between the two beds. Maybe tonight I could sleep. Even if I did, what would that get me? Three hours of sleep?
Ah, life was cruel. I hugged my pillow and shut my eyes.
Chapter 6
I'll tell you now, three hours of restless sleep does not make you the most endearing person to hang out with in the morning. Far from it in fact. Especially when you are rudely awakened by someone stepping on you because they forgot you were on the floor next to their bed.
"Oops, sorry Nicky," AJ apologized quickly after he had crushed me. "I forgot you were there."
"S'okay," I muttered, rolling back onto my stomach. All I wanted to do was to sleep. Even just a few more minutes of lying there would do.
"We have to get up," AJ reminded me, nudging me with his foot. "So, move it. Do you still have to pack?"
"Yeah," I mumbled into my pillow. I heard the shower running and figured Howie was already up.
"Well, go then, man. Go back to your room."
"I don't wanna."
"Too bad, kid," AJ returned. I sent him an upset look but he just shook his head at me with a small smile. "Don't make me hurt you. C'mon."
I sat up and hit him. "I wanna sleep ..."
"Go pack, buddy. We can't be late. You can sleep on the plane, okay?" He gave me a push toward the door. "I'll see you in a few."
Out in the hall, I paused in front of Brian's and my door, hesitating before knocking. It was now or never I guess. I finally knocked, and the door swung open immediately. Brian stared at me.
"Hi, Brian," I started softly. My voice sounded as unsure as I felt.
"Don't you ever do that to me again," was his greeting as he grabbed my arm. "Got it?"
"Yeah," I mumbled, pulling away. I wasn't in the mood for being lectured right now. I wasn't even in the mood for talking. I figured he would see that and maybe calm down a little. He never stayed mad at me for long. "Sorry."
"Where'd you go?" I heard as I went over to my bag. My stuff was everywhere, as usual. Great ... I started stuffing some things back into the duffel.
"Nextdoor ..." It was amazing how you could never fit all the same stuff back in your bag once you had unpacked. I think it has something to do with the way it was originally folded ...
"Figured," Brian answered. There was a pause and I felt him watching me. "You okay?" he asked, moving a little closer.
I finally looked up at him and shrugged. He looked like I had left him hanging. I guess I did. I looked back down at my bag and sighed. "I don't know."
"Well, just take it easy." He messed up my hair and then moved toward the door. "I'm gonna go bother Kev for awhile, okay? So just get ready to go." He looked around at my stuff and laughed. "Might take ya awhile, huh?"
"Yeah ... Seeya."
I watched him leave and then looked back at my belongings. Utter chaos, kind of like my life. I pulled myself off the floor and went to shower. Maybe that would wake me up.
"Nicky, what's the matter with you?" Kevin hit my leg, which I had been jiggling nervously. I tried to stop. You know when you're nervous and you can't sit still? I guess I could be kind of annoying to sit next to.
"Nothin'." Actually, I didn't like flying. It scared the hell out of me. I guess I should be used to it by now, but hey. Sitting and watching the planes all taking off and landing and knowing that you'll be a passenger on one of them come a minute or two was kind of nerve wracking. But that wasn't what was bothering me.
"You sure?"
"Yeah." I went back to chewing my nails and Kevin just wrapped an arm around my shoulders. At least he didn't press, unlike someone else I knew. Kev was just there. I shifted in my seat and scanned the crowd in the airport.
I swear that I saw him. That's why I was a wreck. When we were checking in at the counter I could have sworn I saw him walk by in a black coat, that ugly sneer still on his face. Then he just disappeared. Maybe I had just imagined it. This was supposed to be it. My plan was to get on that plane and leave this all behind.
That must have been all it was. I had imagined it. Everything was okay.
"You and Rok okay?" Kevin asked suddenly.
I looked at his face and frowned. "He told you?"
"No ... Told me what?" Kevin stared at me but I stayed silent. "You gonna tell me?"
"No." I wrinkled my nose and he laughed.
"You two just seemed, I don't know, distant. I was wondering if everything was okay." Great. It was Kevin, friendship counselor of the world. I just shrugged.
"We're okay."
"Well, good." He rolled his eyes with a sigh. "God, Nick, you're like a wall lately, you know that?"
I just shrugged. Yeah, I knew it. If he only knew. I pulled out from under his arm and stood up. "I'm gonna go get a drink, okay?" I wanted to get out of there before it got into the 'what's bothering you' business that always seemed to roll around. I was trying to avoid that.
"Sure, bud. Quick though."
I took off towards the McDonald's we had passed coming to our seats. I was putting a straw in my coke when a hand touched my arm and I heard the voice of KC. I dropped the soda in surprise and it hit the floor with a splat.
"Geez ..." I stared at her. What was it with her always finding me in Mickey D's? Maybe I shouldn't come here anymore.
"Sorry, kid. I'll buy you another," she said easily. "What's up?"
"Nothin' ..." I chewed my lower lip and picked up my now empty soda cup, tossing it in the garbage. One of the cleaners was wiping up the liquid and giving me a dirty look.
"C'mon ..." She grabbed my arm and dragged me toward the counter where she ordered me another soda. I successfully got a straw in that one with no accident. I gave her a look, hoping she'd sense my confusion at her sudden presence.
"Why are you following me?"
"For the key, sweetheart," she said matter-of-factly.
"I don't have it," I replied immediately. I saw her glare and cleared my throat. "On me, I mean."
"That's alright."
"Can't you guys just leave me alone ...?"
"Guys?" she asked. "Who else has been after you?"
"That Sean dude." Was was I even telling her anything anyway? I had no idea.
She cursed and a look crossed over her face. "Don't give it to him. Understand?"
"Why should I give it to you then?" I returned. "How come I should trust you?"
"Because I'm a good guy," she said simply, as if it was that easy. I rolled my eyes and started away but she caught my shirt. "So what flight are you on, honey?"
"I'm not telling you."
"575? Me too."
I stared at her. Damn ... That was the flight we were taking. My stomach twisted.
"What's your friend's name? The blue eyed one." I didn't answer her but she continued anyway. "Brian is it? He's pretty cute, huh?" I saw her smile. "Can you introduce me?"
"Are you a fan now, KC?"
"Looks like it."
That was it. I couldn't take her anymore. I pulled away and headed back to where the guys were sitting, not looking back. I dropped back next to Kevin in the plastic seats.
"Can I have a sip?" AJ took the cup out of my hands without waiting for an answer so I just shrugged.
Now I was more than a wreck. They were following me. It looked like my problem wasn't going to be over once we left this state. It had only just begun. What a sad realization.
KC was a mystery. She was probably on Sean's side and was trying to confuse me. Make me think I could trust her. Obviously if I had thought I saw Sean, then she was here with him. God, was he on our flight too? That would definitely make this hell.
"Nick? C'mon." Howie was tugging at me. "We're boarding."
Off we go.