Under Pressure
Chapter 13
Silence is the worst enemy when you're lonely. Nothing really compares, at least I don't think so. It eats away at you until you feel that there's no one in the world on your side. Actually, no one was on my side, so it wasn't really a feeling. It was more like a realization.
It hit me when I got into the cab, like a tidal wave- I felt like it crashed over me. It was the sort of feeling that washed over you and then settled in the pit of your stomach, making you sick.
"You okay, kid?" The cabby's rough voice made me look up, and I realized I was silently crying. I wiped my eyes on my sleeve hastily and nodded at him in the rear view mirror. "Where to?"
"Which one?" His voice was friendly.
"Uh ..." I didn't know any of the airports around here. I didn't even remember what city I was in. That happens to us a lot when we're on tour. I sniffled. "Which one's closer?" He chuckled then.
"I'll take you to Central. They're both the same distance, but this one's better," he said, pulling out into the street.
"Thanks." This guy was pretty nice.
"No prob ..." He directed the cab around another car and pulled up to a stoplight. "You running away?" he asked, glancing at my backpack with a small smile. I hesitated and he shook his head. "Who'm I gonna tell?"
"I dunno ... Kind of ..." I admitted finally. "I'm taking a break." That's all it was. A break. Brian had told me that I couldn't run away from this, and I wasn't. I was just taking some time off, that's all.
"Ah ..." He nodded, as if he understood completely. "Everyone needs a break every now and then, kid, that's for sure."
"Yeah ..." I looked out the window as the cab pulled back into motion. The streets looked depressing. Everyone was rushing somewhere or another, heads ducked. Everything was grey. I couldn't look at it. I concentrated on my sneakers instead.
"Here we are ..."
I didn't even notice all the time that had passed until I heard him say that and looked up to find that we were parked in front of the airport. I grabbed my bag and pulled it over my shoulder.
"How much?" I started to pull my wallet out of my jacket as he told me the fare. It seemed less than it should be, but his look told me not to question it. "Thanks."
"Seeya, kid," he replied with a smile. I nodded and slid out of the cab.
The airport wasn't as crowded as the day before, but there were still a lot of people milling around. I went over to the counter and waited on the line to buy tickets for a flight. One for Tampa, that was it. They always say that one is the loneliest number, and now I knew it was true. I hadn't felt that way in awhile. I mean, even when I was younger and didn't have many friends at school, I always had my brother and sisters at home. And then I had the guys. Now it was just me.
I could handle it. I didn't need anyone else. I searched for my terminal and finally found it. 49A. The departure was at 3:15. I looked up at the clock on the wall and frowned. I had a long time to wait, that's for sure. So I parked myself in one of the plastic chairs and debated what to do in the meantime.
Nothing. There was absolutely nothing to do. I dropped my head in my hands and rubbed the sides of my forehead. I think I had a migraine, or the closest thing to it. I played with the strap on my bookbag absently and kicked my foot against the chair next to me. Maybe this was the wrong thing to do. I shouldn't have left.
Come on, don't think like that. I tried to convince myself that this was my only choice, but something in the back of my mind kept telling me I was in for it whether I kept going or went back to the hotel. Either way, I guess I was screwed.
I tried to think of what my mom would say when she saw me. Rather, when I called her to pick me up. At first, I figured she'd be happy. Then I realized that she knew my schedule better than I did and would know we didn't have a break coming up. So then I'd be in trouble with her, and she'd probably blame the guys, since they were the ones supposedly 'looking out' for me and all.
I didn't care though. Nothing really mattered anymore. I hadn't been attacked by anyone chasing me for the key, so I figured that was a sign that I was doing the right thing. Then, something hit me. I didn't want to bring Sean closer to my family. But then again, he didn't know where I was anyway, so it was okay. At least, that's what I hoped.
I shifted in my seat so that I could pull my legs up on the seat next to me and leaned back. God, I was tired. I watched the people walking by me for awhile, wondering where they were going. Did you ever just look at people and try to think of where they were heading to or about their past? Soon though, I could barely keep my eyes open. I shifted again and shut my eyes, trying to relax.
I guess I napped for about an hour, because when I opened my eyes, there were more people around and there was only about ten or fifteen minutes to flight boarding time. Most of the seats around me had been filled, so I slid my feet to the floor and sat up, pulling my hat a little lower over my eyes. Most of the time, I don't have to worry about being noticed. I don't think about it really too much. Right now, it's worse in Europe. The fans there scare me sometimes. Not them in particular, but I'm afraid of being killed or lost or something like that. It's confusing.
The flight had started to board already, small children first. I pulled out my ticket and stared at it. This was it. There was no way back once we took off. No going anywhere until we landed in Tampa. I let out a breath. What was the big deal? I was this far, right? No turning back.
They called the section before me to board and I got a little nervous. Should I go or shouldn't I? I chewed my nail nervously. Come on, Nick, decide. This is it. Decide ...
My section was called and I paused. I suddenly felt like I was running away from my problems. I didn't want to do that, but at the same time I didn't want to stay either. I looked at my ticket one more time and tore it in half. Forget it. I wasn't going to go. I listened to them do the last call for departure once more and then they shut the door.
Well, there went my chance. I didn't know if I was relieved or what. My feelings were kind of mixed right then. I was glad to be away though, that was true. I was going crazy with the guys. I wonder if Brian had told them anything yet. I really didn't even know if he would.
I was kind of depressed then, because I knew I had given up my chance to get away and I'd have to think of some place else to go. I couldn't stay here. I got up and got a soda out of one of the machines and then came back to my chair. After a couple minutes of sitting by myself, I placed my can on the floor and laid back down, pulling my feet back up. Sleep is a simple means of getting away.
I woke up slowly, stretching out my legs across the seat. When my foot hit something that wasn't there before, my eyes flew open and I jerked away, scrambling to sit up.
"Brian ..."
"Hey, sleepy," he returned. I stared at him, eyes wide. Uh oh, uh oh. Was he mad? I couldn't tell.
"How long have you been here?"
"Uh, 'bout twenty minutes. I didn't want to wake you up."
"Oh." I looked away and there was a long pause. I pulled off my hat and played with the rim so I wouldn't have to look at him. "I'm sorry," I said softly. He didn't answer for a minute.
"What were you thinking? God, Nick, sometimes I wonder ..." He shook his head. "What are we gonna do with you?"
"I'm sorry ..." I looked at him finally. "I was gonna go home."
"I decided not to," I answered. I tossed the pieces of my ticket in his lap silently. "I just ... I dunno."
"Well, I'm glad you didn't, 'cause then you'd be in so much more trouble than you are now ..." He trailed off and took me by my arm. "C'mon, we gotta get going."
"We have a concert tonight, Frack. Remember?" He shook his head at me. "Good thing you didn't get on that plane, huh?" I just nodded. No kidding. Shit, then I'd be really dead. I let him pull me up and grabbed my backpack from the chair. I was caught off guard as he pulled me into a hug. "Don't make me worry like that." I just nodded.
We started toward the exit and I pulled my hat back on my head, keeping up with his fast pace. It wasn't like we were going to be late or anything. I certainly was in no rush to get back. "Brian, is everyone mad?"
"What do you think?"
I shrugged. "Yeah."
"You got it," he answered. He must have seen the look on my face because he shook his head. "Look, Nicky, what do you expect? There's nothing you can do now except face it." He was right, I guess.
"Are you mad?" I asked after a minute. He paused.
"Do I look mad?"
"I don't know. I can't tell." That's what was bothering me. That unreadable look on his face. He laughed.
"No, I ain't mad. I'm just glad you're okay. The other guys'll be happy to see you too. Bone thought it was his fault that you took off because he punched you."
"It's not his fault." I was relieved to hear he wasn't mad. There went a little less weight pressing down on me.
"Yeah, I know. You can tell him why too, when we get back."
"I'm not saying anything," I interrupted. Please not this again. Weren't we through this already?
"For God's sake, Nick. What's the deal? You told me, you can tell the guys."
"It's different, Brian ..."
"Don't give me that." When I started to argue it, he cut me off. "Look, Nick, you're in for it when we get to the venue, so don't get me against you too."
I was silent. Why didn't I get on that plane? I wouldn't be facing this then. I would be safe, on my way home. Instead, here I was heading straight to trouble.
Chapter 14
We didn't have any time to stop off at the hotel, so we just headed straight to the venue. I preferred it that way if you want to know the truth- it was safer. Less one on one with the guys, if you get my drift. Or so I hoped.
I figured they were all going to be pretty pissed at me. The only reason Brian wasn't was because he knew what was going on. No one else had a clue. They probably just thought it was a mood or something. I didn't know what they thought actually. I didn't care.
"We probably missed rehearsal," Brian informed me, dragging me by the arm past the guards and inside the venue. They all sort of gave me dirty looks. Sometimes I think they hated me for making their job so hard. Oh well.
"Oh." I tried to slow down, but he kept pulling me along. I wasn't in any rush to meet up with the guys, but I wasn't about to put up a fight with Brian. His grip on my arm was tight enough. "Brian, can I ..." I needed something to do so I wouldn't have to face the guys right away. " ... get a drink?"
"You don't have time. We have water backstage," came Brian's reply. Great ... He gave my arm a squeeze as we reached the pre-show area and gave me a push through the door.
"Hey, Nicky ..."
"Nick, get over here."
The last voice belonged to Kev, and boy did he sound pissed. I pulled my hat lower nervously. "Hey guys..." I shied away from them all and headed toward wardrobe to get ready for the show. No one tried to stop me.
"Kevin," I heard Brian start lowly. I couldn't hear him as I moved away, but I didn't stop to listen. Thank God for Brian, that's all I can say. He's saved my butt on numerous occasions. Let's hope he could this time too. I owed him big time.
When I finished getting into our show outfit, I made my way back out. My plan was to be discreet and quiet. Maybe everyone would forget about what happened.
"Nick, c'mere." Or maybe not. I glanced over at Kevin sitting on the couch. I could pretend I didn't hear him ... But I had already turned. He hit the cushion next to him for me to sit there, so I made my way over with a unnerved feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"Hey Kev," I greeted softly, plopping down next to him. I left about a foot between us.
"Hey," he replied. There was a long pause. "You, me, and the rest of the guys need to talk."
"About what?"
"Rules," he said, looking me straight in the eye. I tried to stare back evenly, but I looked away instead. He scared me. "What in hell gives you the right to take off to God knows where without telling anyone? What were you thinking?!"
"I told you I wanted to go home," I defended. I wanted to keep the conversation off of the reason why I wanted to go.
"And what did I tell you?" came his reply. "Huh?" I didn't answer and he just shook his head. "You know what I said. You have to learn to listen, dammit." He hit the side of my head really softly. "Get it through your head, ok? What is this, the second time in like three days? Going for the record?"
"Maybe," I muttered. I got a glare in return.
"I'm trying so hard not to smack you right now, Nick. Just don't. You expect me to understand what's going on with you, but if you're not gonna tell me, forget it. I'm not gonna go on playing guessing games. Don't come crying to me when everything falls apart in the end."
I stared at him, mouth slightly open. That was mean. He looked away for a second.
"Don't give me that look, Nick. It's your choice. Let's just get something straight, ok?" I nodded silently. "You are not to disappear again without telling anybody. If you do, I swear to God, you don't wanna know what I'll do." I just nodded, biting the edge of my thumbnail.
"You told me I was your problem," I mumbled. That was the one thing I couldn't get out of my head. Kevin looked at me in surprise.
"Before I left. You told me I was your problem," I repeated a little more clearly. I shifted in my seat and stared down at my lap, waiting for him to tell me that yes, indeed I was his problem, so what? Instead, I heard him take a deep breath.
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that, I shouldn't have said it. I was just getting frustrated with everything going on, not you. You'll never be my problem, ok?" He looked at me. "Understand?"
"Sure, Kev." I nodded automatically as we heard the opening act's closing song nearing the end. Thank God. No more time to talk. Kevin rose and grabbed my jacket to pull me up too. We joined the rest of the guys in a huddle, completing our before the show ritual prayer. As we all pulled apart to go on, AJ gave me a squeeze.
"Sorry about this morning, man. Hope I didn't hurt you."
"Nope, I'm all good."
"Yeah, well, welcome back, toughguy." I grinned a little as he messed up my hair in jest.
Usually a concert can make me forget about all my problems. I can forget about all the crap going on with my family, the tour, and the guys, and concentrate on the music. Not this time. At least, not after the first half. Looking at me, you probably wouldn't see anything wrong, or be able to think of anything that possibly could be. I don't think anybody actually realizes. I've seen the guys go on after crying their heart out backstage, but once out here it was the 'life is perfect so let's have a great show' face that took over.
I was doing fine until the last song before intermission. I'd almost forgotten anything that was bothering me. Then we hit the last verse of the song, which happened to be mine, and I made my way to the front of the stage to get a little closer to the crowd as I sang. It was all fine until through the waving and screaming girls, a darkly dressed man caught my eye. Sean. He aimed his pointer finger at me like a gun and mouthed 'pow'. I stared at him and lost my line.
I faintly heard Brian cover for me and pick up my part from where I left off, but I couldn't stop staring at Sean. How'd he get in here? It was a sold out show, how'd he get tickets in a matter of days, nevermind floor seats. Front row floor seats. Shit, shit, shit.
"Nick, you okay?"
I heard Howie's voice and realized we were already backstage, but don't ask me how I got there. I started crying. I couldn't help it. I thought I was safe in here, but obviously I wasn't. I turned my face away from him and shook my head.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," I got out through my sobs. "Everything's perfect."
"Nicky, we all mess up ..." Great, Howie thought I was upset because I messed up out there. I wish that's why I was upset. I just shook my head again. "It's no big deal," he continued.
"I know." I started taking off my jacket. I was through. I wasn't going out there again. Howie gave me a look.
"Where're you goin'?"
"Home," I answered, pulling on the zipper harder. My hands were too shaky and it kept getting stuck. Damn stupid thing. I told Howie that and he just shook his head.
"C'mon, Nick. Calm down." He laid a hand on my shoulder but I shook him off. "Nicky ..."
"Shut up, D," I answered, getting my zipper halfway down before it stuck again. "Dammit!"
"Hey," Kevin started. He stepped in and grabbed me by the arm. "Stop. Take it easy," he directed. He tugged my zipper all the way back up and gave my chest a pat. "Stop crying, finish the show, and we'll talk later." For some reason, it didn't sound debatable when he said it. "Calm down."
"I am calm," I answered hotly, pulling away from him. "I'm through with this show." When he grabbed my arm again, I punched him in the stomach and started to push away. Instead, I found myself wrapped in his arms.
"Take it easy," he repeated. I struggled to pull away, but he held me tighter against his chest until I relaxed. I took a couple of deep breaths.
"Stop, Kev ..."
"Since when do you give up, huh?" His voice was low.
"I'm not giving up."
"Then what do you call it?" he asked roughly.
"You don't get it," I answered, ignoring his question. He didn't understand. He never did.
"Like I told you before, buddy, if you're not gonna talk to me, don't expect me to."
"Lemme talk to Brian." I pulled away from him as he released me with a swat.
"Yeah, go cry to Brian," he muttered. Well at least Brian listened to me, unlike some people. I gave him a shove as I moved away but he ignored me.
Brian tossed me a water bottle as I neared him. I caught it with one hand and grabbed onto his arm. "He's here," I whispered, voice shaking.
"Who's here?" He took a sip of water. "And are you alright? What happened out there?"
"He's here," I hissed. "Him, him, him." I tugged harder on his arm with each word. "Sean. With a gun. Trigger happy Sean. He came to get me ..." Okay, I know I was babbling, but I was really scared. I really didn't want to go back out there.
"Hang on, buddy. Calm down, ok?" Brian touched my arm. I just shook my head. I was sick of people telling me to calm down. Enough of that already. I was calm. I couldn't get any calmer. "Here, just sit down a sec. You feelin' alright?" I let him push me down onto the couch. "You don't look so good." He ran a hand through my damp hair.
"I'm super," I replied, twisting the cap off of my water and taking a sip. The coolness felt good. I rested the bottle against my cheek. "What are we gonna do, Brian?"
"I'll have security get rid of him." He crouched down in front of me with his hands on my knees. "They can kick him out."
"What're you gonna tell 'em?"
"I'll say he was making obscene gestures or something," Brian replied easily. "Don't worry about it anymore, ok? I'll take care of him."
"Okay." I nodded and he patted my leg.
"See, you're fine, little man. Just take it easy." He pulled me up from the couch and we joined the other guys to finish the show.
Chapter 15
I didn't have anymore problems that night at the venue. We went back out and continued the show, I didn't mess up anymore, and Sean had disappeared. Whether he left voluntarily or was excorted, I had no clue. As long as he was gone, I didn't care.
My main problem then was with the guys. That and I wasn't really feeling well. I was exhausted, but I didn't want to sleep. My stomach was still bothering me too.
AJ and Howie had gone out who knows where, so it was just me, Brian, and Kev in the hotel. Brian and Kevin were sitting on the couch inside watching some movie, so I decided to join them rather than be alone. I really didn't want to be alone.
There wasn't a lot of room left on the couch, but I managed to squeeze in between them comfortably. I leaned against Kevin and pulled my feet up. "What're you watchin'?"
"Lethal Weapon 2," Brian answered, starting to tie my shoelaces together nonchalantly. I was too tired to object.
"It's rated R though, maybe you should leave," Brian continued with a small smile. I sat up quickly and hit him in the arm.
"Funny. Haha." He hit me back on my leg softly. Before I could respond, Kevin pulled me back gently.
"Guys, just watch the movie, ok? I'm tired," he said, touching the back of my head. I think he gave up on being mad at me or something. It seemed that way. I just leaned back and kept my mouth shut.
"Hey, haven't we seen this already?" I asked after a few minutes of silence. Brian laughed at me and I heard Kevin let out a breath.
"Probably, Nicky, it's always on."
"Isn't it the one where at the end-"
"Shut up, you goof," Brian interrupted with a laugh. "I don't remember it, so shush."
"Okay, sorry." I giggled softly and let a few minutes go by before I spoke up again. "Doesn't that guy right there get-"
"Hey." Kevin covered my mouth with his hand, chuckling. "Quiet."
"Sorry," I repeated, trying to pull his hand away. He let it down after a minute.
We watched almost the rest of the movie in silence, and I was half asleep nearing the end. It was really late, and I almost wished that I had gone to bed instead. But I didn't want to be alone for a second. I was drifting off until a gunshot rang out from the TV and I jerked up with a yelp. It took me a second to realize it was only from the film.
"Shh, it was the movie," Kevin soothed. Another shot rang out and I only jumped a little. Kevin touched my back softly. "You okay?"
"Yeah, it just sounded real ..." I tried to stop shaking. I took a deep breath. "I'm gonna get a drink," I said, pulling up from my seat. My head felt stuffy again. I think I was getting a cold.
"You okay?" Brian asked. I nodded.
In the kitchen, I tried to relax. It was only a movie, Nick. Calm down. Now I'm the one telling myself to calm down. Great. I poured myself a glass of juice and pulled myself up on one of the counter's stools. I rested my head in my hands.
I had been thinking about what I wanted to do, and I had decided that tomorrow Brian and I should go to the cops. If we could even find a police station around here. I'm sure we could. Then it would be their problem, not just mine.
"Nicky, go to bed. It's late," I heard Kev call from the main room. He and Brian were still watching something on TV. I don't know what. I thought that the movie was over by now. I slid off of the stool and left my juice on the counter as I made my way into the main room again.
Brian's and my room looked dark and creepy from here. I wasn't going in there alone. Call me a baby, I don't care. Anything could be in there. Sean could be waiting under the bed.
"Nick. Bed. Go," Kevin said, looking up from the TV. I leaned against the couch.
"I wanna stay with you guys."
"Bed," Kevin replied, sending me a warning look. I stuck out my lower lip.
"You guys are staying up."
"C'mon, bro ..."
"Brian," I whined.
"You look exhausted," Brian answered. "Get some sleep, Fracks."
"I'm not tired," I objected. Kevin shot me a look before he got up and made his way around the couch towards me. I backed away slowly.
"C'mere, Nick." His voice had a playful tone, but I kept my distance.
"I wanna stay with you guys," I repeated, holding on to the back of the couch. Kevin shook his head.
"It's like one-thirty," he said, coming closer. I dodged out of the way, but he caught me and slung me over his shoulder easily, starting across the room.
"Stop," I objected. Now I really didn't feel well. He paused by the door to flip on a light switch, then dropped me on my bed lightly. I scrambled up, but he caught my arm.
"C'mon, Nicky. You say you're tired all day long and now you're not? I don't think so."
"I wanna stay with you guys," I objected for the hundredth time. "Puh-lease?"
"No, Nicky. G'night."
"Sure," I muttered, waiting for him to leave. He paused by the door and looked back at me.
"You so much as move from that bed, and I swear-"
"Okay, okay. 'Night." He just shook his head his head at me and reached for the light switch. "No," I objected. "Leave it on." At the look he gave me I wrinkled my nose. "Tell Brian to come."
"Sure." He disappeared through the door and a few minutes later Brian popped in.
"Hey, Nick," he greeted, pulling his shirt over his head. He tossed it on the dresser and sat on his bed. "What's up?"
"I wanna go to the cops tomorrow," I told him, rolling over on my stomach. Somehow, that hurt less than laying on my back. Brian just nodded, face passive.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. You'll come with me, right?"
"Of course, Frack. But don't you think you should tell the guys too?"
"No ... I don't wanna make them worry or anything ..."
"Nicky, they're already worried." He shook his head. "They just don't know what they're worrying about."
"Well, I'll think about it," I answered stiffly. I stifled a yawn and rested my head on my pillow.
"Not tired, huh?" Brian laughed. I shook my head. "How's the stomach?"
"S'okay," I mumbled.
"We should get you checked out. Make sure you didn't break a rib or something."
"I didn't break a rib," I muttered. "It's just a bruise."
"Yeah, yeah. Still." He rubbed his eyes and leaned back. "God, I'm beat. I wonder why ... Oh, that's right- I was searching foryou all day." I sent him a hurt look.
"Shut up, Frick."
"I'm just playing with ya," Brian said with a smile. "Easy."
I just groaned. "I'm so sick of this," I moaned, burying my head in my pillow and breathing out. "I want it all over."
"Relax, baby, we'll go tomorrow and get this all sorted out. Then you can talk to the guys."
"I wanna go home," I answered. I lifted my head and looked at him. "Can I go home tomorrow?"
"I don't think so. Go to sleep, Nick."
"I can't. Everytime I shut my eyes ... I see ..." I shuddered. I see the lady lying in blood, but I didn't want to tell him that. "I can't," I repeated.
"Think of something else."
"I can't ..."
"Nicky, you have to try-"
"Can I stay up with you?" I interrupted.
"I'm going to bed too, Nicky-boy," he said slowly.
"I'll stay up with Kev then."
"I don't advise that. But I think he'll be in bed too anyway," Brian said.
"Wanna go for a walk?" I asked, totally forgetting what happened on my last little walk that I took. Brian just shook his head and got up to turn off the lights.
"Good night," he said, laying back down on his bed. I stared at the moonlight that came in through the blinds and played shadows on the wall. I couldn't sleep. It was impossible. I counted the seconds that went by. After several minutes had passed, I let out a long breath.
"Brian?" I asked softly. There was a short pause.
"What?" he sighed. "What's the matter?"
"I can't, Rok."
I nodded, then realized he couldn't see me through the dark. "Yeah."
"Nick, I don't know what to say, bud. You wanna go watch TV?" I heard him roll over.
"I don't know." I sat up and hugged my pillow. The dark was suffocating. "Can I turn on a light?"
"No," he answered lowly.
"You wanna watch TV? I don't wanna go alone."
"Sorry, Nick," he mumbled. "I'm so tired right now, I can't get up. Why don't you go wake Kev?"
"Because he'll kill me?"
"No, he won't."
"Okay." I left Brian, who probably fell back to sleep the second I stepped out the door, and nearly ran across the main room to Kev's room. I was desperate for company. The dark freaked me out. I opened Kev's door and hurried to the side of his bed.
"Kev, wake up, wake up. Kev ...!" I shook his arm as hard as I could. Kevin was a pretty deep sleeper most of the time, which was usually a good thing. Finally he woke up.
"Nick? What's wrong?" He rolled onto his side and stared at me sleepily.
"You wanna watch TV with me?"
"What?" He looked like he wanted to smack me for second. "You woke me up for that? To watch TV? You sounded like it was an emergency or something. I thought you were in bed."
"I can't sleep," I said softly, grabbing his arm and giving it a tug. "Please?"
"Why can't you sleep?" He sat up though, and ran a hand through his messy black hair.
"I can't. Brian wants to stay in bed so I came to you. Please?"
"Pal ..."
"Please?" I repeated. "I'll watch whatever you wanna watch, I don't care."
"Ugh, fine," he muttered. "Until you fall asleep."
"Okay," I agreed. Not likely though, Kevin. I had found a solution to be unable to sleep. TV, the reliever of the mind.