Under Pressure
Chapter 25
The phone was ringing. I waited and let it ring a few times before I rolled over to reach for it on the nightstand. Why wasn't anyone else answering it? I fumbled around for the reciever and finally just knocked it off. I grabbed it up, still not opening my eyes.
"Nice phone manners," I heard a woman's voice say. KC. I sat up quickly, glancing at the clock on the table. Eight o'clock.
"Hey, what's up?" I tried to keep my voice down.
"Tomorrow morning, nine o'clock? That's when the bank opens."
"Okay, I'll be there." I didn't know how or anything, but I could figure out something between now and then. Simple.
"Good. Take care of yourself, kid." Before I could answer, she hung up. Definitely not one for conversation. I sighed and hung the phone back up. I guess there really weren't too many details to go over or anything.
I hated sleeping during the day. Well, not so much hated. It was just that I would usually wake up before I usually went to bed, and everything just got messed up. If that made any sense at all.
I finally just gave up on falling back to sleep and got up. It was impossible. So I went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face, trying to wake up. I reached for the Tylenol and took one. Just to be safe.
"Hey. Where'd everyone go?" As I came into the main room I saw only AJ hanging around, sitting on the couch with his feet up. Where was everyone? AJ looked up from the TV and gave me a look.
"Where?" I sat down across from him in the armchair, pulling my legs up beneath me. I don't think he was over the fact that Brian and I had lied to him because his expression never changed.
"I dunno. Out."
"They didn't say where they'd be?"
"Shut up. Can't you see I'm trying to watch a movie?" Okay then. I shut my mouth and looked at the television screen. I didn't recognize what movie it was, but it looked pretty boring. I sat in silence for a minute or two, but I couldn't take it anymore. I rested my chin on my hand, then glanced at AJ. I can't stay quiet for very long.
"AJ? Are you mad at me?"
Silence. I waited a little while but he didn't answer.
Still no answer.
"I'm sorry about before, you know. It's not a big deal though, right? It's just ... God, everything's so messed up. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I lied to you." I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. When I looked back at AJ he had a smirk on his face. I frowned. "What?"
"Just stop, Nick. God." He laughed. "I'm not mad, ok?"
"Okay." Why didn't I believe that? Something was still wrong.
"It's just ..." He rolled his eyes and finally looked at me. Here it comes. "Never mind."
"No, what?" My curiousity was peaked.
"Never mind," he repeated. I let out a breath, annoyed. I hate when people do that. "Who called before?"
"Huh?" I froze.
"The phone call. I wasn't gonna get it, but I heard you pick up. Who was it?"
"Dead line," I answered, looking back at the TV screen. I pretended to be absorbed in the toothpaste commercial. Wow, Crest.
"You can't lie," he muttered, rolling his eyes. "Who was it?"
"Nobody ..."
"Tell me. You can trust me with stuff. I won't tell anybody. Swear." Yeah right. If there was anyone who couldn't keep a secret for their life, it was AJ. Unless it was about him that was. "Nicky ... I can make you tell," he said, starting to get up.
"Okay, okay," I said quickly. God. Did I have a choice? I took a breath and just filled him in on the newest plans. I wanted to tell somebody anyway. He stared at me.
"You're not going. No way." He shook his head.
"Geez, Bone, you sound like Kevin." He just made a face. "Look, AJ, this is the only way to fix things."
"How about I go with you?" he offered. With me? Was that a good idea? I hesitated. "Either I go with you or you don't go at all."
"Try me," I returned hotly.
"When I tell the guys of your plan you won't be so sure of yourself," came his quick reply. "Hm?"
He had a point. I sighed. Well, I wanted someone to go with me. And there was no way Brian would go with me because of what happened earler today. I shivered. That was too close.
"Yeah, come with me," I said finally. I would almost rather him come, the more I thought about it. "But you think of something to tell the guys?"
"Sure. I'll think of something," he said smoothly. I almost laughed. AJ would probably take care of everything. My nerves calmed a little. "Except ..."
"Except what?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Except now you owe me."
"Owe you? Like hell!"
"Hey, you wanna do this or not?"
"AJ, that's not fair! I don't have a choice!"
"There's always a choice, little man ..." He looked at me for a minute and I glared back. He laughed finally. "I'm kidding. You don't owe me anything. I was joking."
"It's not funny."
"Would I do that to you?"
"Yes!" I answered.
"No, I wouldn't." He looked almost hurt.
Chapter 26
"Where're you guys going?"
"Shopping." AJ smiled sweetly at Brian and Kevin's doubtful faces the next day.
"Shopping?" Kevin looked skeptical.
"Yeah, I need a new hat and Nick said he saw a cool one at the mall last time."
"Nick didn't go to the mall last time," Brian said, looking at me questioningly. I kept my mouth shut and let AJ do all the talking.
"Last time he was at the mall. It was awhile ago but we wanna see if this place has it."
"Nick, don't you think you should take it easy for today?' Kevin started. AJ threw an arm around me.
"I'm taking care of the baby, don't worry." I shoved him away and made a face. "Don't worry," AJ continued. "We'll be back by ... twelve at the latest. If not you can kill us, okay?"
Kev laughed. "You said it, not me."
"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Brian was asking me. I nodded.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It's no big deal to go to the mall, Frick."
"Yeah, I know, but ..." He seemed to know something was up.
"I'll be fine," I repeated. "Really."
I was getting kind of nervous by the time we got out of there. I don't know whether I was afraid they would find out we weren't going to the mall, or if I was afraid something was going to happen at the bank.
"You ready to get this over with?" AJ asked as we got into a taxi.
"You have no idea." But I was getting kind of worried that things wouldn't go like we had planned. I didn't tell AJ that though.
When we got to the bank I didn't see KC anywhere, so we went inside to wait. The bank was really big, with a black and white tiled floor. I got a little queasy because they reminded of the tiles in the coffee shop, but I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. It was going to be okay from here on.
"Where's your girlfriend, huh?" AJ tugged me toward a row of chairs and I sat down next to him.
"She's not my girlfriend. And I don't know ..."
"It's five after. No big deal." Instead of getting mad at me, he was trying to make me relax. I felt the key in my pocket and hoped to God that KC would show up and get things going.
"This is the right bank, right?"
"It's the only bank," AJ answered.
"That's good ..."
Ten more minutes passed and I started to get a little more worried. I jiggled my leg and started looking at the people around me nervously. AJ touched my arm.
"Maybe she's in traffic."
"Yeah. Maybe she forgot."
"How long do you wanna wait?"
"I don't know," I moaned. He laughed at me. Somehow I don't think AJ knew how serious this was. I looked up at the big clock on the wall. It was nine thirty.
"Hey, you wanna go to the mall afterall? I really do need a new hat, and-"
"Oh shit."
"What?" AJ shot me a look. "What's up."
"No, no way ... This can't be happening ..."
"Nicky, what's the matter?" AJ demanded. I was frozen to my seat. I couldn't take my eyes from the door because Sean had just walked through. Holy ...
"AJ ... Jay, oh my God." I grabbed his arm.
"What the hell is wrong?"
"Look at the door ... You see that guy?" My voice was shaky. "That's the guy. Sean."
AJ stared at me for a second. "Shit. C'mon, let's get out of here."
"How? He's blocking the exit ..." Oh God. "I'm sorry, AJ."
"Stop. Let's just be calm, okay? Let's think this through." I stared at him wide-eyed. My head started to hurt. Where was KC? Was she not on my side afterall? I didn't let go of AJ's arm. He looked just as scared as I felt though, so I didn't think he was going to be of much help.
"Why'd you listen to me and come, huh?"
"Look, Frack ... You were expecting him to be here, weren't you? That's how you wanted him to be caught. So how is this any different than the plan?"
"Cause KC's not here," I mumbled.
"Alright ..." AJ thought about that for a minute. "That's okay, buddy," he said finally.
I almost believed him too, until I looked over at Sean and found him looking at us. When he caught my eye he gave me that creepy smile. I shivered. Not good, not good. KC, where are you?
"AJ, it was nice knowing you," I whispered. "I always thought you were cool."
"Stop it," he said, smacking me softly. "It's gonna be okay. We'll be back by twelve and everything."
I almost believed that too. Until I glanced back over at Sean, and saw he was heading in our direction.
Chapter 27
I was hoping that any second I would wake up and that the past week and half or so would turn out to be a bad dream. But I was still wide awake and nothing had changed.
"Nick ..."
"On the count of three we'll make break for it to the door, okay? I'll count. One, t-"
"I don't think that's gonna happen," AJ said slowly. I followed his line of sight to the door, which was now being blocked by three overly large guys. By overly large I mean huge. Gorilla sized. These dudes weighed more than me and all the guys combined. I swallowed.
"Okay, new plan ..." I watched warily as Sean's path to us took a right and he met up with another gorilla that I hadn't even known was in the bank. Damn. Where was KC?
"Do you have a cell?" AJ asked in a low voice. I shook my head.
"No. Dammit, I left it in the hotel."
"There's a payphone over there," I said, looking over to the other side of the bank.
"Good luck getting there. And who're we gonna call, the guys? Sorry fellas, we didn't go to the mall we went to the bank and are now being held hostage. Just wanted to let you know!"
"We're not being held hostage," I said flatly.
"No? What would you call it, Nick?"
Good question, man. Trapped maybe? Dead? I just shrugged.
"You know, I was hoping you were making all this shit up," he said suddenly, looking over at me.
"Making it up?" I stared at him. "Why the hell would I do that for?"
"I don't know." He shrugged. "Attention?"
"I don't want this kinda attention, thank you." I crossed my arms over my chest and frowned. What a loser. "We shoulda brought our guards with us," I muttered.
"We're not that swift ...".
"Yeah, well." We were silent for a minute.
"Look man, I'm gonna try and get to the phone. What's his face doesn't know me, so I'll have a better chance than you."
"Yeah, but he's seen us together, dumbass." Okay, I was getting annoyed. Just a little bit. So was AJ. If looks could kill right then ...
"Sit tight," he said, voice sharp. "I'll be right back."
"Whatever." Maybe I should have tried to stop him, but we really didn't have any other choices right then. None that I saw anyway. I watched him disappear across the floor to the hall with phones and restrooms, jiggling my foot uneasily. Alright now, Carter, think. Get yourself out of this mess.
"Hey there, blondie ..." a voice interrupted. I lost about ten years of my life when one of the huge guys sat down in the seat where AJ had just been. I couldn't breathe. I stared at him with wide eyes, not moving.
"What's the matter?" the gruff voice continued. "You're gonna be fine if you just follow the rules of the game ..." What if I don't wanna play anymore though? I just stared at him, shifting in my seat nervously. "Okay?"
"Okay," I repeated, nodding slowly. I was almost shaking by this point.
"You see those guys over there?" He motioned to the beefy guys at the door. "They're our agents. There's more of them outside."
"What do you guys eat?" I asked incredulously. He smiled slightly.
"We also have your good friend. KC she goes by now? KC's waiting outside. Her life depends on whether or not you listen, understand?" I nodded again. Just play along now, I told myself. Think of something later. "My name's Larry. You listen to me, okay?" I nodded again. "What's your name?"
"Nick. I had a brother with that name," he said with a short laugh. Something told me I didn't want to know what happened to that brother. I was noticing that his hands were bigger than my whole head. Just a little intimidating.
"What're you waiting for?" I asked him, looking at Sean now on a cellphone.
"Things have to be secured you know," Larry said. "We're waiting for the right moment. We wanna make sure that KC didn't set us up." He was really into this talking thing. It was making me nervous. Where was AJ and what was taking him so long? Was he still on the phone or did he escape and leave me here? Maybe I shouldn't have been so obnoxious to him. But he was mean too. Oh God.
While I was drowning myself in these worries, I realized that Larry had gotten up and gone back to Sean. They were deep in conversation. I looked over at the bank tellers and wondered why they didn't seem to notice that something suspicious was going on. Retards.
AJ? Where'd you go, man? Don't leave me like this. I was gonna kill him when he came back. About fifteen minutes had passed. Enough time to make a hundred phonecalls, right? Maybe he locked himself in the bathroom or something. Maybe.
I felt the key in my pocket and sighed. How about I just threw the damn thing and whoever got it first got to keep it. Finders keepers. While they fought over it I would take off. Something told me that wasn't going to work. Plus Bone was still missing in action. The jerk.