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I saw a guy walking down the sidewalk and I yell hey can you help me call you call 911 someone kidnap me and they won't let me go and after I said that Michael came and got me
away from the door and he slam the door and then he start kicking me and hitting me and then he grab me and put me on the table and he tie me up again and he said well I guess
you didn't learn your lesson. so Michael took all my clothes off and he start beating me with his belt over and over and over again and after he got done he start raping me
over and over again and then bill came in and said Hey you start without me so after Michael got done bill had his. after Bill got done they put my clothes back on and they
toss me in the basement there was alot of blood everywhere and they was trying to clean up when they heard police at the door and they said I know you are in there so you better
open up and let us in so Michael came to the door and said yes officer may I help you? the police said that they got a call from a guy saying there was a girl here was crying
for help and that she said that she was kidnap so where is she? Michael said there's no girl here that was the TV that the guy heard so the guy show up and he said she was at
the door it look like she was hurt and she couldn't move anymore and she was crying and yell at the top of her lungs so I was in the basement and I saw a little window so I try
to get to the window and I start yelling help me please help me so the guy was about to leave until he heard something and he said officer listen I yell again Please someone help me
so the police kick in the door and bill ask what the ? Why did u just do that? the officer said I know someone else is here take us to her so the police put handcuffs on
Michael and bill and they took them out while the rest of them search for me and they was screaming my name Martha where are you? so I start yelling I'm on here so they police try to
get me out of the basement and I try to walk but I couldn't so they called for EMT. so When the EMT got there They took me to the Hospital. and when I got there I told them that
they rape me I don't know how many times so they ran some test to see if I was pregnant or I got any STD. and they run alot of test on me and then Nick show up and he ran
right to me and he hug me and he gave me a kiss. he said I'm glad that you are ok. so we talk a little until the doctor came in and he ask Nick that he needs to leave so they
can talk to me. so Nick left and the doctor came and sit beside me and said Martha we ran some test and some test is good and the other is bad. Martha you are not pregnant and
you don't have any STD and the bad news is when Michael and bill kept raping you well they mess you up big time what I'm trying to say is that you can't have any babies so when
he said that I start crying. so the doctor left and then Nick came in and ask me if everything ok? I said no. he ask me what's wrong? I said Nick I'm no good for you anymore you
need to go and find someone and Nick ask why? I said I can't give you what you wanted Nick ask me what am I talking about? I said Nick the other night I over heard you talking to
Brian and you told him that you wanted a baby with me one of these days and Nick I can't give you any babies I can't have any kids cause of what Michael and Bill did to me.
Nick said Martha I don't care if you can't have any kids we can find some other ways. I love you Martha and I'm not leaving you. so Nick took something out of his Jacket and said
Martha I don't wanna live without you I love you with all my heart and then he got down on his knees and said Martha Will you married me? I had the biggest smile on my face
and I said Nick yes I will marry you but I'm not divorced yet from Michael I'm planning to go when I get out and Nick said I will take you and also I will pay your lawyer. and then
a Nurse came in and said Martha need her meds so they gave me my med and the nurse said that the meds will put her asleep and Nick said ok but I told her that I'm not going anywhere
so the nurse came and after she left and there was a knock at the door and Nick went and see who was at the door and it was Brian and Nick said come on in Brian. so Brian came in
and he walk up to me and said I hope you get better soon and that he was sorry that I went through what I been through. so we talk a few until I fell asleep so I slept for a long
time and then I woke up and it was dark out and Nick was asleep in a chair. so I turn the TV on and when I did Nick woke up and I said I'm sorry that I woke you up. Nick said it's
ok I wasn't sleeping I was resting my eyes. and Nick ask me if I was hungry and I said yes I'm sure am. Nick said I'm going to go and get you something to eat and he said I'll be back.
so Nick left and I was still watching TV and the news came on and I heard some really bad news someone broke in my mom place and rob her and they shoot her and now she is in the
hospital. so I called Nick and he ask if I was ok and if I need anything? I said Nick I really need you right now I found out some bad news and Nick said I'll be right there. so
after Nick got my dinner and he came back and when he came in the room and he ask what's wrong sweetheart? I said after you left I was watching the news and they said that someone broke
in my mom house and rob her I guess they beat her up cause she's in the hospital. Nick said Oh no I am so sorry. I said I really need to see her. Nick said I'll take you to see your mom
so Nick left and brought a wheelchair and he help me in the chair and he push me to where my mom was. so I knock and I walk in and I said hey mom and my mom said Hey Martha so Nick
brought me close to my mom and my mom said Martha I didn't know you was in the hospital I said I am but I was going to call you but the nurse keep coming in and giving me something
to sleep and my mom ask me what happen? so I told her what happen and she said that she doesn't know that bill would do stuff like that. and I said mom I got some good news and
she ask what's the good news? I said Mom I'm Engaged to get married Nick ask me to marry him and I said Yes. mom said Martha you are still married to Michael I said I know but not
for long When I get out I'm going to go and fill some Divorced papers. so I talk to my mom for a few and I said mom well I'm going to go so you can get some rest and I'll be back
so Nick took me back to the room. and Nick said I'll be back I'm going to the rest room so he went and after I lay down I fell asleep. so I send couple days in the hospital and then
they told me it's ok for me to go home. I said now I can go to get a divorced and Nick said not today maybe tomorrow. I said ok. so when Nick got to his house Jane was waiting for
me and she help me in and she sit me down on her chair and she told me not to get up if I need anything me or Nick would get you stuff that you need. I said ok. so every hour Nick
keep asking me if I need anything I said no not right now so while we was on the love seat the mailman came up and knock at the door and Nick went and answer the door and the
mailman ask does Martha live here? Nick said well she staying here for now and he ask why? the mailman said well this is for her so the mailman gave the papers to Nick and then he left
so Nick shut the door and walk up to me and gave me the papers and I open it and it was a Divorced papers and I said I didn't fill the divorce yet and Nick said Maybe Michael did
and Nick ask me when the court date? I said I don't know I guess I have to sign it and send it back and then maybe they will either call me or send a letter to let me know when
the court date is. so days went by and Next time I know I got a letter and said that the court date is set on the July 15 at 12:00pm. I just can't wait to go.