Alex cussed as he realized he had finished his cigarettes, “who the hell is at the door?” he said as the door bell rang. He let it ring but the ringing got annoying and whoever was there was not playing. “If it’s those Jehovah’s I am so giving them a piece of my mind,” he mumbled as he finally got up to get the door.
He was about to slam the door but Nick’s foot prevented it, “You look like hell,” he said as he let himself in. He followed Alex back to his living room, “Smoke much?” he asked as he saw the plate he was using as his ashtray.
“Nick if your here to continue to bitch about yesterday leave,” Alex said plopping back on the couch.
“Actually I came to apologize; you just caught me in a bad mood. So would you like to know who my new partner is?” Nick asked with a mockery grin on his face.
“You’re going to tell me either way,” Alex said not very appreciative of Nick’s good mood at that moment.
“Karen Rodgers,” Nick wiggled his eyebrows. “She’s back now that you’re gone,” Nick said getting comfortable on the couch.
Alex glared at Nick, “That is amusing to you?” he asked remembering clearly why his friend was teasing him. Karen was his almost slip up at his marriage.
“Dude she’s hot I mean Ramirez is nice looking in a tom boy kind of way but Karen… I can totally understand why you almost… well you know. She has the body and now she is my partner temporarily that is. I believe Brian is leaving homicide and will then join me.” Nick said finally realizing that his friend was really down. “Look at you man what is wrong with you? I mean yesterday when you told me you quit you kept saying you were going to get Trish back but all I see is you in boxers laying around at your house.”
Alex laughed a sour laugh, “I feel hurt and my heart is aching right now. Trish stomped on it and left it for dead.” He said reaching down to the bottle of Jack Daniels that was beside the couch taking a sip. “I think she really wants me feel what she did…”
“What do you mean? You’ve talked to her already?” Nick asked as he reached and took the bottle from his friend’s hand. “I think you’ve had enough of this for a while.”
“I not only talked to her we made love all night,” he snickered. “You should’ve seen her… she was as much a participant as me.” he gave a sly smile and then he pouted. “I wake up and she is leaving, I get up and tell her I love her. She just tells me it’s over…”
Nick listened a little disgusted by all the information his friend was giving. “So it wasn’t make up sex?” Nick looked at his friend and felt sorry as he saw the tears threatening to come out something he rarely saw from him.
“I guess not it was break up sex,” Alex said wiping his eyes and trying to toughen up, he didn’t believe in crying in front of his guy friends.
“Ok that’s it,” Nick said standing up and pulling Alex out of the couch, “You need to eat cause cigarettes and Jack is not very nutritious. Besides a little fresh air will help you come on got get in the shower and then we are going to eat.”
“I’ll be back in an hour or so,” Trish said to Chelsea as she walked out to the elevators. “I’m having lunch with Howie.”
“Ok hun,” Chelsea said giving her a half smile. “We still have to talk as well.”
Trish nodded and agreed, “Later I promise,” she told her right before the elevator doors opened.
The drive to Ceasario’s was used for thinking, was she going to tell her brother how stupid she had been yesterday? She felt that the drive was too short to solve her reasoning. She sighed heavily as she walked into a very packed Italian restaurant. “Hey Kathy,” she greeted her friend and owner of the restaurant.
“A table for two please,” Trish told her as she hugged her. “Where’s Jeremy?”
“In the kitchen, I’ll let him know you’re here in a bit, so your meeting your hubby here for lunch?” she asked her clueless to Trish’s decision to leave him.
“No actually I am meeting Howie,” Trish said trying to not sound hurt by the mentioning of her soon to be ex husband. “Kathy I left Alex for good…” she said biting her lip.
“Oh my god Trish sweetie I am sorry.” Kathy said hugging her friend. “Finally…” she whispered as she hugged her.
“Yeah finally I had enough but its ok… I am ok.” Trish said putting on her best smile.
“Watch him turn out gay,” Kathy said making fun of her ex.
Trish laughed but she knew that was not likely especially remembering the events from the night before. “Right?”
“Well let’s get you seated in the usual spot is that good?” Kathy asked.
“No a booth please.” Trish said as she followed her.
A three minute chat later she was alone looking at the menu and drinking her favorite, coke. She texted Howie to ask him where he was at, and instantly she received the answer he was running late he was stuck in traffic. “Hey Pete,” she told the waiter… “Go ahead and bring me some bread Howie is going to be late,” she smiled to the waiter.
“At least try to look alive dude,” Nick said as he parked in the parking lot of Ceasario’s. “Packed like always,” he said.
“I told you so,” Alex said not really caring about eating.
“You have to be fucking kidding me,” Nick said quickly covering his mouth.
“What?” Alex said finally looking a little alert.
“Maybe your right we should go somewhere else for lunch,” he said turning his BMW back on. He felt Alex’s hand stop him from reversing. “Look who’s here,” he said pointing to a few parking spaces down. The little black Beetle was unmistakable, because the plates read LVMYBTLE.
“No let’s stay,” Alex said opening the passenger door and walking out before Nick could protest.
“Man you got it bad,” Nick said as he caught to Alex who now looked more alive.
“She’s my wife,” Alex stated, “I love her.”
Nick rolled his eyes and then without thinking, “Well then you should’ve treated her better and you wouldn’t be in this situation.” He stopped and again his hand flew to his mouth. “Sorry man but it’s the truth.”
“That’s why I am not beating your ass.” Alex said before opening the door to Ceasario’s. He tried to smile as he saw Kathy, “Hey Kat,” he said walking up to her.
Kathy swallowed hard when she who was coming in, “hey…” she said nervously as she hugged him. “You want your usual spot?” she asked quickly.
“Yeah that’s fine,” Alex said scanning the crowded restaurant. He smiled as he found her and sighed in relief. She was busy looking at the menu and it looked like she was expecting someone.
“This way…” Nick told him pulling him out of his trance as they followed Kathy.
“What are you two having to drink,” Kathy asked as they took a seat.
“My usual Kat and Nick I what are you having?” Alex asked his gaze still across where Trish sat.
“I have a feeling I am going to need something strong, a bud light please,” Nick said as he began to scan the menu.
“Ok someone will be here with your drinks and your breadsticks.” Kathy said sighing and debating on telling Trish who had just arrived.
“Come on Howie,” Trish said as she looked through her purse and found what she was looking for. Her solace was reading and so she began where she had left in North Hanger Abbey. Jane Austen was one of her favorites and more modern was definitely Stephanie Meyer. “I would totally switch places with you Fanny Price at this moment,” she said as she began to read.
She was very concentrated on her book but suddenly lost her concentration as the young men in the booth across kept mumbling and staring toward her. She gazed up and was caught off guard when a set of blue eyes looked at her. She blushed and cleared her throat, “so not happening… I could be his mother,” she told herself as she smiled at the wink he had given her.
She tried to go back to reading when someone clearing his throat beside her. She looked up and was met with the same blue eyes; she gave him a smile closing her book. She was surprised by his forwardness and taking a seat in front of her. “Hi,” she heard him say.
“Hi,” she told him and shook his hand that was extended toward her.
“Sorry for my forwardness I’m Josh. I just happened to catch what you were reading, Jane Austen. I am majoring in literature so I was intrigued and had to come and ask if this was your first time reading Jane Austen.” He told her smiling at her.
“Well actually no, I love Jane Austen too and I happen to be reading her books again for the fifth time this past year.” She told him eying curiously. “So exactly how many years have you been in college?” she asked him he looked pretty young.
“I am in my second year actually. What is your favorite book?” he asked her ignoring her other question he knew why she was asking. She probably thought he was too young, but really what did age have to do with anything?
“Hmm…. I have to say Pride and Prejudice is my all time favorite. I just love Mr. Darcy. But then Captain Wentworth from Persuasions isn’t that bad.” She told him.
“I like personally like Emma,” he said laughing with her. “Listen there is this club of students that have this sort of discussion on Jane Austen every Friday night at Purple Haze… I think you should check it out it’s really good.”
“I uh don’t think so… I would feel really awkward being in the middle of students.” She said looking down to her half empty cup of coke.
“Oh come your pretty young yourself and just so you know my professor goes quite often.” He told her, she was becoming more interesting by the minute.
“I will think about it and thanks for the comment. For someone who is about to hit thirty it means a lot to be called young.” She said as she looked up to meet the brown eyes of her husband walking toward her. “No he didn’t” she whispered just as he approached the booth.
“Hey babe,” Alex said giving Trish a smile and turning to glare at the young punk that sat there.
“Alex… please.” Trish said smelling the alcohol in his breath. He had been drinking and that was not a good sign. “Just go please,” she told the young man with a nervous smile.
“Yeah go and find some one your own age. Don’t come around trying to seduce a married woman with your little pretty boy band look.” Alex said grabbing Josh hard from the arm.
“Man what’s your problem? I was not even hitting on her… besides she wasn’t wearing a wedding band. Let go of me,” Josh said now showing his angry side, and without warning threw the first punch hitting Alex on the jaw.
“He’s not my husband well not for long anyway,” Trish said getting in between them. “Alex stop!”
“No he fucking hit me, I can have you fucking arrested idiot.” Alex said pushing Trish aside and launching at Josh again.
“Alex!” Trish said and sighed with relief as Nick ran and literally pulled Alex off Josh.
“Stop Alex or I will handcuff you man. You know I will…” Nick said holding him back.
By then everyone was in the restaurant had they’re attention. “Are you alright?” Trish asked the young man as she helped him up. “I’m sorry about this. How can I make this up to you?”
“It’s ok I can totally see why he would be jealous and feel threatened,” Josh said wiping his lip. “How about by saying you will at Purple Haze this Friday?” Josh said glaring at a very angry Alex.
“Ok,” Trish said going to her purse and taking out her business card. “Just call me to remind me.”
“Ok,” Josh said going back to the table where his friends all stood frozen. He took out his wallet and asked for his tab.
Alex sighed, “I’m fine Nick let go… I won’t do anything.” He said pushing his friend. As soon as Nick looked like he trusted him he ran toward Josh with full force. “How dare you ask my wife on a date?” he said as he hit Josh on the face.
“God damn it!” Nick said pulling out his gun, “Alex I will shoot you if you don’t get off him!” he said anger now evident in his voice.
“No need,” Howie said finally showing up and pulling Alex away with full force. “What the hell is this?” he asked making Alex stare at him.
“He is fucking hitting on your sister,” he said trying to calm down.
“And?” Howie said making Alex walk and sit in the booth. “She can go out with anyone she wants she is free now or almost will be.” He said turning around and making sure the kid was ok. By then they were already leaving. He then realized everyone was looking at them. “Alright the show is over,” he said flashing his badge at everyone and soon the restaurant was back to normal.
“I’ll take him,” Nick told Howie as he walked to him. “He’s drunk I shouldn’t have brought him.
“Just get him out of here before I beat him.” Howie said glaring at him. “It’s your fault Alex that she left.”
“No I want to talk to Trish,” Alex said looking toward Trish whose anger was apparent.
“What makes you think that after this display you deserve to have her listen to you? Your drunk anyway… just go home Alex.” Howie said as he helped him up.
Nick didn’t allow Alex to walk on his own and began to pull him out, “Wait I have to pay the tab,” he said looking at Howie.
“I’ll take care of it just get him out of here,” Howie said glaring as his brother in law.
“Trish babe I’m sorry… did you like the flowers I sent you?” he asked he tried to get out of Nick’s grip, to no avail.
Trish just shook her head as she finally took a seat again and sighed, “I don’t know how all this happened.” She told her brother.
“It’s so Alex to get infuriated like that. Are you ok?” Howie asked concern in his voice. “He loves you though there is no doubt about that, I don’t know if he’s told you yet but he quit. Kevin told me last night.”
“Yeah I know,” Trish said biting her lip. “He told me last night….”
Howie looked at her curiously… “I thought you said you had left him the night before.”
“I did… but last night I don’t know how I ended up back at the house after work and well he convinced me to talk and instead we ended up sleeping together.” She told him ashamed to look him in the eye. “I don’t know what got in to me.”
“You love him,” Howie said in a serious tone. “Trish you need to really think this over…”