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Alias: xoxtrinaxox [Contact]
Real Name: trina<3
User Level: Member
Member since: 09/24/06
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I I loveee drama/and I

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Reviews by xoxtrinaxox
Learning to Trust by sweet18_2003 Rated: R Liked [ - ]
Summary: Past Featured StoryOn the way home from the grocery Amber is raped, shot and left for dead in a dark and abandoned alleyway. Hours later, by a chance of luck, the Backstreet Boys bus drives through the alley in attempt to hide and make a clear getaway from a mad mob of fans. Seeing a "lump" in the middle of the alley, the bus stops and what they all is a young girl, barely clinging to life. Calling for an ambulance, Amber is taken to the hospital in critical condition. The Boys all wait there to make sure that she is okay. Somehow along the way, they offer friendship to the frightend girl who's parents have disowned her and has nowhere to go. The Boy's take her, but she is standoffish and often afraid of them being near her. With time, will Amber learn to trust again, or will she live out her life afraid of men in general
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group
Genres: Drama
Warnings: Sexual Assault/Rape
Series: None
Chapters: 31 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 75772
Read Count: 67148

[Report This]
11/30/03 » Updated: 03/24/04
Reviewer: xoxtrinaxox Signed Liked
Date: 09/29/06 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

HOLY #$%^^!!!

That was such an intense chapter!!--Poor Amber :(.,..omg...I can't believe that happened to her :(....I hope that someone comes by and helps her soon though--that breaks my heart to hear something like that...

you gotta good story here!!!


Reviewer: xoxtrinaxox Signed Liked
Date: 09/29/06 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter One

oh good!!

Shes in good care right now--omg...thats so sad...I hope she gets better soon!!

Good chapter!!

Reviewer: xoxtrinaxox Signed Liked
Date: 09/29/06 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter Two


Did something happen to her parents??--I feel so bad for Amber...I'm glad to see that shes gonna be okay though--I really like this story!!

good chapter!!


Reviewer: xoxtrinaxox Signed Liked
Date: 09/29/06 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter Four


DAMN!!--I hope the guys all get him in the clear--it must've been when Nick picked up the sweater by an accident--hopefully the "press" doesn't get ahold of this info--

Again--another good chapter!!

I love this story!!


Darkness of Vampires by Purpura Lipstick Rated: PG-13 Liked [ - ]
Summary: Past Featured StorySome people can't wait to die, others wish more than anything to live.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group
Genres: Alternate Universe, Horror, Romance, Supernatural, Suspense
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: Darkness of Vampires
Chapters: 16 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 16487
Read Count: 31851

[Report This]
07/01/04 » Updated: 10/03/06
Reviewer: xoxtrinaxox Signed Liked
Date: 09/24/06 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

ahhh--Good story so far!!!

hmmmm...I wonder which Backstreet boy May's dreamin about....Brian??--Thats my

I heart Vampire fics!!--This one is awesome!!!--The way you write--its almost like I can picture the characters--its almost like im watching a movie--sounds werid I

Now I'm heading to read chappy 2

Reviewer: xoxtrinaxox Signed Liked
Date: 09/24/06 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Its offical--I'm hooked!!

This is getting soooo good!!!--I'm like freaking out here--I was right!!--lol--I knew it was Brian!!--But--what--no--what are the boys up to??--I hope its nothing!!--be good!!

Now im unto chappy 3...I am loving this story!!

Reviewer: xoxtrinaxox Signed Liked
Date: 09/24/06 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Nick!!--What are you up to??--Aw--it doesn't look good for the twins...But hopefully the guys aren't good be mean/evil about anything??--I don't even think that made

hmmm...I wonder what the meeeting is about??--and how come they're after the twins??--is it just because they like them??--I really am loving this story...

Now on to chappy 4...

Reviewer: xoxtrinaxox Signed Liked
Date: 09/24/06 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Oh that was sooo foreshadowing!!--lol--The movie the twins were watching "Interview with a Vampire"--I'm actually in the process of getting that book--one of my friends told me about it and they got me

Aw--Nick's fate had to be decided??--What did that little bugger do this time??--lol--YAY!!--He gets to live!!

hmmm...I wonder how this is all gonna go down...

Good chappy!!--Now moving along to chappy 5...

Reviewer: xoxtrinaxox Signed Liked
Date: 09/24/06 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

I can't decided wither or not if Nick's the good guy in this story--or the bad guy??--aw--A.J'warning got me all good chappy!!---aw--im almost at 7 :(....I don't want this story to end!!

Reviewer: xoxtrinaxox Signed Liked
Date: 09/24/06 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6


hhhmmmm...this story has got me all guessin!!--lol--Alex had to block their mind??--So I'm guessing that Brina/Nick/Howie are all the bad guys in this???--And Kevin and A.J are against them??--I really really really like this story!!--ah--crap--chappy 7 is next :(....I hope you updated frequently--cuz I don't know if I can wait long for another update--this story freakin rocks!!!


Reviewer: xoxtrinaxox Signed Liked
Date: 09/24/06 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

aw--Brian!!!--what are you up to??

LOL--My fav line of this chappy "I?m sorry; I do have a tendency to startle women though I don?t understand why" loveee it!!--Hmm...I wondering if in the end--would Brian actually fall in love with May??--Because that would be sooo WRONG if he was just usuing her--I hope that somehow he does end up liking her??--ahhh--Don't leave me hangin here!!--I need to read another chappy--and like ASAP--I'm on the edge of me seat!!




Author's Response: Oh I had three more chapters that I hadn\'t put up here yet. I\'m sorry. I haven\'t worked on this one in awhile but if you\'d still like to read more I will re-read and continue the story. :-D

Reviewer: xoxtrinaxox Signed Liked
Date: 09/25/06 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Oh snap!!

OMG!!!!--Did I ever tell you that I loveeeee this story??--Cuz I really do--aw--they were couple tonight-almost like a fab 4 sort of thing-but I can't help but feel that danger's looming for the twins...hmmm...I'm still trying to figure out whats gonna

Thank you soooooo much for updating!!!--and YAY!!--I got 2 more chappy's to read!!!

Reviewer: xoxtrinaxox Signed Liked
Date: 09/25/06 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9


So Brian/Nick/Howie are all on the bad said and Kevin and A.J are the ones that are on the good side??--aw--I was hoping that they'd be all on the good side and that Brian really did like May-maybe in the end he does??-hhmmmm...I wonder who else April has her eyes on--I think she does like A.J!!--Or wait...maybe Howie???

Aw--I'm scared now--I don't want any of them to die--lol--I hope theres a happy ending??--

You are a very good writer by the way--I can really picture the characters-and I'm soooo curious as to whats going to happen--Good chapter hun!!


Reviewer: xoxtrinaxox Signed Liked
Date: 09/25/06 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10


AHHHH!!!---LOL--oh now you have to update like ASAP!!

So I was wasn't Howie or A.J that she was interested in--->It was Kevin!!--hmmm...she got good taste in men!!--lol-So A.J and Kevin are gonna try to help them out??--aw--I was hoping that Brian wouldn't be the evil one in all of this--I know I keep sayin this but I liked him with there just might be this huge twist where he is the good guy *hint*

UH-OH--I get the feeling that A.J and Kevin are in for it now--Brian caught them!!--I wonder whats gonna happen next--PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update soon :)--I really LOVEEEEE this story!!!

Thanks again for the updates!!--Each of the chapters were AMAZING!!


Reviewer: xoxtrinaxox Signed Liked
Date: 09/26/06 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11



aw--Brian--what are you doing??--You aren't suppoes to do that to your cousin!!--oh boy--this is starting to remind me of a saying that skaspear once wrote in the play Macbeth "Oh what a tangled web we weave"--I feel so bad for the tiwns--they're stuck in the middel of all of this and they don't know what to believe...

awe--I feel bad for Kevin and A.J :(--Maybe April can find them and help them out??--Oh this story is sooo freakin awesome!!--I loveeee it!!

Each chappy gets better and better!!--GOOD JOB HUN!!!

yay!!--I got another chappy to read :)
