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Alias: Hazel_85 [Contact]
Real Name: Jessica
User Level: Member
Member since: 02/22/09
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Author Biography

Well I have been on this website for awhile I guess I will say some stuff about myself. I have been a Backstreet Boys fan sine 1996 thanks to my childhood friends it grew from there. I have always loved me some Alexander James McLean with all of his tattoos & now family. I write a little but have never been able to finish any of them. I really enjoy this website & all of the people that are on it they keep the BSB faith alive. 20 years down it can only get better & grow!!! :)

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Reviews by Hazel_85
Ray of Hope by kevmylove Rated: NC-17 [ - ]
Summary: Past Featured Story



Raidyn is unhappy with her life, everything in it seems to be a struggle for her, from getting along with her alcoholic father, to her obsession with wanting to be thin. In order to make ends meet she finds herself stuck cleaning houses with her mother; temporarily. But things only get more complicated when she meets Nick Carter while cleaning the Dorough’s home.


Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Nick
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Death, Domestic Violence, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 65 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 151178
Read Count: 38402

[Report This]
08/18/08 » Updated: 03/19/11
Reviewer: Hazel_85 Signed
Date: 05/05/09 Title: Chapter 57: On Their Way

Holy shit! that's all thanks for the chapter can't wait for the next one!

Author's Response: hahaha! Your welcome, yeah I promise to get my butt in gear with the next chap. Thank you!

Summary: Ashley is just your typical 12 year old girl; young, carefree and happy. Being raised by a single-mom hasn’t always been easy for her. Her mom had to work hard for the little they had, but they had each other and the help from their family.

When her mom is called away on a business trip she is left in the care of her older cousin, Alex, who is on break from recording and touring with the Backstreet Boys. She hasn’t seen him much since he’s been on tour and she’s excited to finally spend some quality time with him. Then the unexpected occurs, and her life is changed forever. Will she be able to move on and create a new life for herself or will all the changes prove to be too much for her?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Brian, Group, Other
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Sexual Assault/Rape, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: A New Beginning
Chapters: 86 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 169221
Read Count: 137129

[Report This]
09/24/08 » Updated: 09/19/09
Reviewer: Hazel_85 Signed
Date: 09/22/09 Title: Chapter 86: Thank You!

lol you are awesome and very talented writer and so glad to be able to give you the little encouragement that i could! it's sad to see this very awesome series come to a end but it's for the better and on a very happy note.who knows you might already have another one in the works! lol until then take care and THANK YOU for all your hard work! :)

PS sorry i fell off there in the end my life is a little crazy but it's winding down! thanks again!

Author's Response: aww glad that u liked it :) and dont worry i know whats its like to have a crazy life haha thats y some updates took as long as they did but there will be a followup to this story so look out for it :)

Reviewer: Hazel_85 Signed
Date: 02/22/09 Title: Chapter 57: Chapter 56

Not bad a lot going on but i enjoyed it thanks for sharing!

Author's Response: Glad u liked it thanks 4 reviewing :)

Reviewer: Hazel_85 Signed
Date: 02/22/09 Title: Chapter 58: Chapter 57

Oh and i can't wait it's going to be good! RIGHT! LOL!

Author's Response: Yes it will be lol :) thanks 4 reviewing! I appreciate it!

Reviewer: Hazel_85 Signed
Date: 02/22/09 Title: Chapter 59: Chapter 58

Damn that fucked up i don't know what i would do!

Author's Response: I kno its really hard 2 deal with especially ontop of everything else going on but she's strong she'll figure out how 2 handle it thanks 4 the review!

Reviewer: Hazel_85 Signed
Date: 02/22/09 Title: Chapter 60: Chapter 59

I don't know but please let it be Jared i am scared!

Author's Response: Aww don't b scared...well know soon who she called...thanks as the review

Reviewer: Hazel_85 Signed
Date: 03/23/09 Title: Chapter 65: Chapter 64

Love it keep them coming!

Author's Response: thanks so much for the review...more soon :)

Reviewer: Hazel_85 Signed
Date: 03/29/09 Title: Chapter 66: Chapter 65

Great job i am glad that things are starting to look up for her. I hope that she can start to connect with her family now and see what to good life is about. Great job again thanks for updating and sharing!

Author's Response: Thanks so much for the review I'm so happy u liked it...yea hopefully she can connect and realize they're only there to help :)

Reviewer: Hazel_85 Signed
Date: 04/07/09 Title: Chapter 67: Chapter 66

I hope it all works out and she gets her act together i have my fingers crossed! :)

Author's Response: lets hope! thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Hazel_85 Signed
Date: 04/19/09 Title: Chapter 69: Chapter 68

That's so sweet of him to do that! :) Thanks for sharing can't wait to read the next chapter and good luck with finals!

Author's Response: thanks so much Im hoping it all goes chapter will hopefully b up soon Ill put my procrastination of doing my schoolwork to good use lol thanks so much for the review im glad u liked it :)

Reviewer: Hazel_85 Signed
Date: 05/05/09 Title: Chapter 71: Chapter 70

i liked it, it was a laid back chapter thanks for sharing can't wait to read the next one!

Author's Response: Thanks :) glad you liked it...yea I figured with all the drama and stress always going on it was time for some comic relief and who better then Nick for that ?

Reviewer: Hazel_85 Signed
Date: 06/01/09 Title: Chapter 72: Chapter 71

lol i like thanks for the update! can't wait to read more! :)

Author's Response: I'm so happy u like it :) thanks for stickin around and taking the time 2 review :)

Reviewer: Hazel_85 Signed
Date: 06/18/09 Title: Chapter 74: Chapter 73

awww that's so sweet i am on cloud 9! :)

Author's Response: haha yea it was pretty sweet glad u liked it :) thanks for taking the time to review!

Reviewer: Hazel_85 Signed
Date: 08/01/09 Title: Chapter 79: Chapter 78

lol! cute thanks for sharing!

Author's Response: glad u liked it :) thanks for reviewing!

Will You Be... by Teri Rated: R [ - ]

Being single in the city isn't always what the television shows make it out to be. It's not one swinging party after the next. Sometimes being alone is just that, lonely. What happens with two people; one a humble passionate pastry chef from Manhattan and the other, a single father in LA; find out they're not so alone after all?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick
Genres: Angst, Dramedy, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Death, Graphic Sexual Content, Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 81351
Read Count: 59908

[Report This]
11/09/08 » Updated: 05/08/09
Reviewer: Hazel_85 Signed
Date: 04/18/09 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Revelations

Wow! Great Chapter!!!!