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Alias: balance [Contact]
Real Name: Pam Hollmon
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Member since: 12/07/03
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Reviews by balance
Whatever the Night May Bring by Mare Rated: PG-13 [ - ]

The week before Millennium is released, the Backstreet Boys are on top of the world. They can sense their lives are never going to be the same, but unfortunately, they didn't intend for it to happen quite the way it did. Once they board a small private plane to take them to do some press in Philly, things take a drastic turn.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group
Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 47 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 117621
Read Count: 91580

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02/13/11 » Updated: 04/07/12
Reviewer: balance Signed
Date: 02/20/11 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Cue ominous music!  Now, where is Alexander James?  Sure,  Brian has a fear of heights, yet when survival is the key, adrenaline kicked in and he climbed it.  I'm sorry, but I did giggle a little at the billboard....Britney "speared."  As I'm reading this, I'm thinking about the Reagan presidency....our country seemed so strong.  Yet, in this timeline, Donald Trump brings about the apocalypse.  I guess he ran  before anyone could tell him he was fired.  I know I'm rambling now....but iit's 5:00 in the morning and I'm wide awake.  I'm looking forward to the next installment.  I hope we "hear" from AJ next.

Pammy Whammy

Author's Response:

Ronald came way before this. But yes, in this weird place they are in, stupid people elected Trump. Sometimes I am scared that stupid people will elect someone like Trump to rule our country because he's like famous like... lol I mean I had to stop watching AI because of the stupid way Americans voted just for that! GLad you liked the 'speared' part. I admit that was fun lmao Go back to bed! Although I woke up at 6! I hate when I do that on the weekends! Thanks Pammy!

Reviewer: balance Signed
Date: 02/24/11 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

It's Wednesday, I was looking forward to two things all day: an update for this story and the next episode of "Top Chef."  Kevin has always been my favorite Boy.  At times, in this update, he sounds cynical...but I think he's being realistic.  I love the insight into Kevin's relationship with Nick and AJ.  When reading Kevin's description of AJ's glasses, I thought would Kevin know what a bedazzler was?  And then I thought, of course, any man who wears a skirt would know what a beddazler did.  I love the time setting of this story!  Whenever I think "Backstreet Boys," the image which pops into my head is always the scene from "I Want It That Way" when they are walking through the airport.  There's a swagger, confidence, and dare I say, an arrogance about them. It really is the opposite image we find in the "future" of this story of this worried, scared young men in tattered clothes. 

Again, great update Mare.

Pammy Whammy

Author's Response:

I LOVE Top Chef!! lol I actually came here real quick before it starts! I so want Richard to win this time around, although I admit that i love almost all of the people left, minus annoying Mike and i'm kind of eh? About Dale lol I agree with you about the BSB's it's funny because I always go back to this time for them as well and I agree, I think this was when they were all kind of taking their fame for granted. I really think back then Kevin was very cynical and not always that inclined to hang around the younger members of the group. I miss him which is why I wanted to set this in 99. Thanks for the feedback Pammy! :O)

Reviewer: balance Signed
Date: 02/27/11 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

The's always the quiet ones!  Seriously, I love the twist of the Canadiens starting the attack.  "I would hate to have to explain to whoever met me at the pearly gates why my last word was “FUCK!!!!” - too freaking funny!  Star Troopers...the name seems quite appropriate.  I adore how you reveal bits of information about the causes of this war.  Love the update, Mare!

Pammy Whammy

Author's Response:

lmao I actually laughed when I wrote Star Troopers. I thought, hrmm well that's cheesily appropriate! Thanks for the compliment about revealing the info. I think low and slow is the way to go! Thanks Pam! :O)

Reviewer: balance Signed
Date: 03/02/11 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Good luck with the band festival and the move.  Remember, don't leave a box on top of the car!  Ohhh....a champagne hangover, I feel your pain AJ.  I, personally, can't drink the stuff.  Usually after one glass, I have a headache.  The irony is rich here with what we know about the Canadien offensive.  Good update, Mare.  I'll be waiting, inpatiently, for the next update! LOL!

Pammy Whammy

Author's Response:

Thanks! Everything always seems to happen at once! I am not a big champagne person myself. Thanks for the review Pammy! Hopefully it won't take too long before i'm back. I know my computer will be hooked up by Monday so that's a good thing! :O)

Reviewer: balance Signed
Date: 03/29/11 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Hey Meanie....oops....Mare, you  build up my hopes and then dash them!  At first, I had hoped it was AJ at the door...but no.  And then I thought yeah, reunite with Nick and Howie...but no.  But to aim a tank at the house and end it there....that's just mean!

I loved the Superman analogy.  As a comic fan, I'm more of a Batman girl!  However, I think Superman would make a wonderful character study. While wearing the cape, he's this powerful, confident, practically perfect super hero. But as Clark Kent, he's so very human with doubts and insecurities. Kevin is "Clark Kent" at the moment.  And it's's a totally alien situation for him.  Great job of portraying him in this light.

Once again, Mare, you have me sitting on the edge of my seat.

Pammy Whammy

Author's Response:

Wow, thanks so much for that review. I am a Batman girl as well. I always had a crush on Robin though lol He is totally Clark Kent right now. It was kind of hard writing him like that. :O)

Reviewer: balance Signed
Date: 04/18/11 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Awwww....and that's why he's called Sweet D!  Really, it's the older sibling syndrome! I'm so glad you updated!  I hope everything went okay with the move.

I will anxiously await the next update.

Pammy Whammy

Author's Response:

The move went well, thanks for asking Pammy! Yay for sweet D. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: balance Signed
Date: 04/25/11 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Happy Easter!

I wish I didn't feel like crying.  Nick's POV is heartbreaking. I love Howie's protectiveness....we tend to accept it automatically with Kevin; yet I am often surprise to see Howie's protectiveness of Nick. 

Okay....I can't really fault the older couple in wanting them to leave....but surely, they won't do it right now?  And who was Laura?  Does this mean that Nick was alone at one time?

Happy with the update....but, now I have more questions.

Author's Response:

I like to think that Howie is almost as protective of Nick as Kevin is. I gather that from some interviews I see of the two of them together, especially when he was younger. In my little ideal brain that's how it goes. You'll learn who Laura is once we start with real time, after this next chapter. Thanks for the review! Glad you enjoyed the update.

Reviewer: balance Signed
Date: 05/22/11 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Leighanne seems awful clingy! 

Talk about flying in a sardine.....yikes!I've flown in a small plane when it was raining and it felt like it was going to come apart.  Very realistic, Mare.

Good update!  You really have me on the edge of my seat!

Pammy Whammy

Author's Response:

Reviewer: balance Signed
Date: 06/26/11 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Scary!  Reading about the cars being left on the road...I kept picturing the scene from the movie "The Stand."  I'm glad they didn't find a body in any of the cars.

Thanks for the update, Mare!

Author's Response:

That's kind of what I was seeing in my head as well, minus the goo and all of the corpses. Thanks for the feedback Pam!

Reviewer: balance Signed
Date: 07/10/11 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12

“Really, because they seem to want no part of us.” I wasn’t about to go out on some goose chase only to find ourselves smack in the middle of Deliverance or Misery.  

I had to chuckle there because I'm with AJ.....ain't no way I would be following those people.

Again, Mare, you have done a great job of creating this ominous setting.  Thanks for the update!

Pammy Whammy

Author's Response:

Thanks Pammy! :O)

Reviewer: balance Signed
Date: 10/09/11 Title: Chapter 30: Chapter 30

Oh Alan!  What a noble scarifice.  Nothing is ever easy for our little group.  But, I am glad they left that group of hopelessness. 

Now, I'm anxious to see if this plan will work!

Thanks for the update, Mare.

Pammy Whammy

Author's Response: Thanks for taking the time to read, Pammy! :O)

Reviewer: balance Signed
Date: 07/17/11 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Once again the imagery created (a dead squirrel with a nut in its mouth, stopped watches) has made this a really creepy tale....and I love it! 

I am anxiously awaiting the next update!

Pammy Whammy

Author's Response:

The creepier the better! Thanks for reading Pammy!

Reviewer: balance Signed
Date: 07/20/11 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14

Woah....update....yeah!  Nick reminds me of someone shellshocked...his not talking is not really bothering's his lack of animation.  I always visualize Nick in motion and his lethargy is unnerving.  And I thought nuclear attack, too, Nick.  But there are still homes and people around. So, I'm thinkng of some type of biological agent.

When I first "heard" the beeping, I thought it was going to be an SOS. :-)  Very clever way of sending messages.

You have me hooked on this story!


Author's Response:

I almost went with SOS at first but I didn't want to be that sterotypical. LOL I'm hoping to have another update before the weekend! Thanks Pammy!!

Reviewer: balance Signed
Date: 07/30/11 Title: Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Okay....I've gotta know.....where are all the kids and teenagers?  And if this is an "alternate universe," where are the BSB of this universe?

And finally we get to meet Charlie.

Great job, Mare.  The more I learn, the more I want to know!

Pammy Whammy

Author's Response:

That shall be explained fairly soon :O) Thanks for reading Pammy! Hope you continue to enjoy this one!

Reviewer: balance Signed
Date: 08/02/11 Title: Chapter 19: Chapter 19

Wow, what a position to be put in: fight for your children and die; or, give up your kids and fight for survival. 

Thanks for answering my question in this update, Mare.  I can't wait for more!

Pammy Whammy

Author's Response:

You're welcome! Your other question will be answered in the next chapter! Thanks Pammy! :O)