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Reviews by jess20
Mizpah by Mare Rated: PG Liked [ - ]
Summary: Nick is feeling distanced from the other Boys after doing his solo record.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick, Group
Genres: Action, Suspense
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 25 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 36741
Read Count: 76797

[Report This]
06/27/03 » Updated: 06/27/03
Reviewer: jess20 Signed
Date: 02/21/14 Title: Chapter 25: Author's Note

Not entirely sure why you're embarrassed by this story :/ I really liked it! And that chapter with Kevin, Howie and Nick! *fangirl squeal* But what I really liked about it was the intrigue! I kinda had a good idea about who the kidnapper was and I was half right! Loved it!

Author's Response: Thanks, Jess. It's not so much I'm embarassed by the story as much as the grammar and writing mistakes strewn all in there. i don't even remember that chapter you're talking about. lol It's been a very long time!

Revelation by Mare Rated: PG-13 Liked [ - ]
Summary: Sequel to Mizpah,
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick, Group
Genres: Action, Suspense
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 27 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 43613
Read Count: 95699

[Report This]
06/28/03 » Updated: 06/28/03
Reviewer: jess20 Signed
Date: 02/21/14 Title: Chapter 27: Epilogue: New Jerusalem

Yeah, this was creepy! The whole "I'm God" thing...And the research you put in is pretty impressive! I don't know what to say about this fic other than I loved it! The suspense was exciting...Nick running through the house and getting to that room, Nick running through the forest...all so exciting! I'm so glad you did a sequel! Seriously, you can do no wrong!

Author's Response: Yup, I did a lot of research for this one and for the third story Resurrection. I think this was the most Bible reciting one though. Nick ran a lot huh? LOL Not sure if you realize there's another story after this one. This was when I didn't have enough will power to just stop and leave things be! Thanks for the review! It almost seemed surreal to get these since it's been sooo long! I saw you updated! I wpon't be able to get around to read it until the weekend most likely. Just wanted to give you a heads up about that. The only bad thing about no snow is school and all it's work is also back in full swing! Lot's of extra rehearsals and catch up time!

Summary: Kevin invites Nick on a fishing trip to Kentucky to bond. Yup that's about it lol
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Kevin, Nick
Genres: Drama, Humor
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 48623
Read Count: 50557

[Report This]
01/09/05 » Updated: 08/11/05
Reviewer: jess20 Signed
Date: 04/08/14 Title: Chapter 21: 21

Such a beautiful story! Loved the ending! I think somewhere you said that this was your first story with just two BSBs in it - you should do more! lol I thought it was an amazing thing to have Kevin bring Nick out fishing on his dad's birthday too.

Btw, I was going to read the Mel's Tree trilogy but I can't find the first one, so I figured I wouldn't read the sequels unless you think that the first is not really needed? And I missed a couple of stories when I was listing them down last time lol. I've started reading (two chapters) of the story where Kevin invites Nick, Brian and AJ out camping but it's just him and Nick for the first two days (I am so sorry, I am so bad with titles)

Author's Response: Hey Jess! Yup, this was the first time I ever wrote about just two of the guys. Since then I don't think I've ever really written a novel length story with only two or three besides the one I'm working on now. :O) As far as Mel's Tree. When it was published as a real novel, I had to take it offline unfortunately. I do think you can read Season's of Change and not get too confused. I never did much with the third story though. Season's is probably my favorite thing I've ever really written but I don't talk about it much because it's the sequel to Mel's and since Mel's is offline, I don't bring up that particular trilogy. If you do read Season's let me know and I'll give you a cliff notes version of what happened in Mel's. No worries about the names. I am terrible with that myself. LMAO

Summary: Detective Kevin Richardson is working a very hard case. One involving a serial killer who preys upon young children. At least he knows at the end of the day he has his family to fall back on. His three brothers and his best friend will help him through the mystery and be the glue that keeps him together as he gets closer to finding the madman behind it all. AU/suspense/drama (obviously lol) rated R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Kevin, Group
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Violence, Graphic Violence, Death
Series: None
Chapters: 41 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 120913
Read Count: 76049

[Report This]
03/05/05 » Updated: 01/06/06
Reviewer: jess20 Signed
Date: 03/22/13 Title: Chapter 41: real ending :O)

I was reading this story at work, at uni, at home while I was supposed to be working on my thesis, and reading til 1am because you ended each chapter with a cliffhanger!!! In conclusion, I got little sleep and little work done LOL 

Man, I was hooked! You don't really need me to say this was a fantastic story but I'm gonna say it anyway: This was a fantastic story! Thanks for the read! Now off to read the sequel!

Author's Response:

Thanks, Jess! I'm so glad you liked it. I'm even more glad you read it. This was one of my favorite ones to write. Hope the sequel doesn't disappoint you. I really struggled through that one. :O)

Scars Run Deep and Wide by Mare Rated: R Liked [ - ]

It's been a long time since that night that forever changed the Richardson family. They tried to move on, but certain events and a new case reunite old friends and a past that haunts will bring them back to harms way.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 44 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 149862
Read Count: 95753

[Report This]
01/13/06 » Updated: 08/22/10
Reviewer: jess20 Signed
Date: 03/30/13 Title: Chapter 44: Chapter 44

This was fantastic and a perfect ending to the whole ordeal! I found myself screaming at my computer screen during all the twists and turns! I have to say that I felt horrible for Charlie though - didn't feel the same for Ariana however LOL And Howie!!! Argh! The ending definitely made me tear up a bit! Thanks so much for the thrilling read. I'm already halfway through 'What Lurks Around the Corner' and have an odd feeling about this Max dude.

Author's Response:

Thanks, Jess! I'm so glad you enjoyed this story and yay to you reading Lurks! I have a lot of cliffies in that one too! just a fair warning lol

Comedy of Errors by Mare Rated: G Liked [ - ]
Summary: Another old story (from February of 2003)of which is told ending to beginning about a day when a Rolling Stone reporter followed the boys around all day long. (ironically enough this story was the original idea of Mizpah lol go figure.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group
Genres: Humor
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 14340
Read Count: 19596

[Report This]
01/10/07 » Updated: 01/10/07
Reviewer: jess20 Signed
Date: 02/27/14 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11 aka chapter 1

Oh gosh this was so funny!! The first chapter had me going and I had to read the whole thing in a night! Loved the way you structured it - the whole back to front thing. I nearly peed myself at the whole AJ is special thing and Robin screaming at him so he could understand. Great fic! Oh btw, I had to go on a search for your last in the Mizpah series, it was on the second page of your profile when the others were on 5. I will get on to that right away! LOL On another note (although really continuing from the one I just departed from) you must write another comedy. You honestly had me in stitches!

Author's Response: Wow! I had forgotten I'd even written this lmao I'm glad you enjoyed it! I usually don't do straight up comedies unless they are short stories. I tend to lean towards the dramedy but I guess the other comedies I have are Four Santas Too Many and probably Total Kaos 24/7. I wish that when we list our stories we could sort them by genre. It would make finding things so much easier. I know it's a pain especially when you have as many stories catalogued as I do. Thanks for reading!! :O)

Resurrection by Mare Rated: PG-13 Liked [ - ]
Summary: The last part of the Biblical trilogy consisting of Mizpah and Revelation.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group
Genres: Suspense
Warnings: Death
Series: None
Chapters: 27 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 49740
Read Count: 53042

[Report This]
02/12/07 » Updated: 01/17/08
Reviewer: jess20 Signed
Date: 04/04/14 Title: Chapter 27: Epilogue: The Exodus

So first off, I'm so sorry it took me so long to reviewing this story! I hadn't forgotten about it, I've just been super busy!

What a creepy trilogy lol and I mean that in a good way! Loved the Howie and Nick chapter (I'm gonna admit it, I shed a tear) but what I loved even more was the twist with Kevin and then Brian! This was definitely my fav one out of the three (more interaction between the guys) but the whole thing was thrilling. I'm glad you didn't end it after Mizpah! I've noticed that I've come down to the last few stories of your's (novel length anyways). I think I've got Total Kaos, Why I'd do it all over again (sorry if I get the titles wrong, I'm going off memory) and Living at the Top. I'm halfway through The Importance of Flyfishing so hopefully you can expect a review for that shortly. You know when you come to and end of a TV show and you get sad because you no there's nothing new left? That's the feeling I'm getting now lol Thanks for the ride on this one though!

Author's Response: I don't remember writing a Howie and Nick chapter but I have to admit I'm proud of myself for doing it. I used to be afraid of Howie back then. I never quite got him and his winky personality. lol Wow, you managed to get through all my novels? That's a lot of reading! I think I have over 77 stories logged on the site. Of course many of them are groupings of short stories. I'm glad you're reading Fly Fishing. Hope you're enjoying that one too! Thanks for the review!! :O)

A Million Little Things by Mare Rated: PG [ - ]

During their unexpected hiatus, Kevin decides to reconnect with the boys on a camping trip. Healing old wounds, sharing old stories and just spending time as brothers.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Brian, Kevin, Nick
Genres: Dramedy
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 39541
Read Count: 48296

[Report This]
07/07/08 » Updated: 07/09/09
Reviewer: jess20 Signed
Date: 04/08/14 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

I thought I'd drop a review since I'm reading on my computer for once lol Loved this chapter! Obviously the Howie/Nick thing had something to do with it lol Bummed that he's not on the trip but looking forward to another round of flyfishing lol had to google what that is by the way :)

Author's Response: I had no idea what fly fishing was either. I had to look it up and do research. I just loved the name then came up with the story. LMAO I'm so backwards! Yes, poor Howie is neglected in this story but he does make an appearance by phone in one of the chapters. :O) This story and Why I'd Do It All Again seemed to be everyone's favorites. Hope you enjoy!

What Lurks Around the Corner by Mare Rated: PG-13 [ - ]
Summary: Past Featured Story

It's the winter of 1995 and as Nick and the boys are on tour, he finds himself growing anxious for unexplained reasons. As he slowly discovers the truth behind his fears, he is thrown into a world he had forced himself to forget.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group, Nick
Genres: Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 40 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 110880
Read Count: 124785

[Report This]
06/29/10 » Updated: 02/13/11
Reviewer: jess20 Signed
Date: 04/01/13 Title: Chapter 36: Chapter 36

When a story has long been finished before I even start reading, I usually reserve my comments until the end, but I'm totally making an exception for one reason:

"Kevin would say things like he’d rather teach a retarded gopher how to play tennis. What the hell does that even mean? Is that some kind of stupid saying in Kentucky?"

I laughed for a good two minutes after reading this! 

Author's Response:

LOL glad to know I amused you! :O)

Reviewer: jess20 Signed
Date: 04/02/13 Title: Chapter 40: Chapter 40

Wow, you're the master of cliffhangers! I mean, you even left the whole story a cliffhanger. Perfect ending though. You did a whole 360 on us! I'm glad that Nickolas survived! Although it would be horrible for him to be so close to Nick without Nick knowing they're brothers. 

You left so many things unresolved as you said, so I have come up with my own theories. First, the question I asked myself was why did Max pretend to be a bad guy when he really is a good guy? The answer to that question is maybe he had to infiltrate Nicole's gang and had to play the part? Arrgh seriously? No sequel? Reconsider?

Author's Response:

I enjoy writing the open ending every once in awhile. I like leaving things up to the reader's interpretation. Of course I hate it when OTHER people do it, but as long as it's me it's all good! With that being said i'm fairly sure there will not be a sequel to this one but I guess never say never, crazier things have happened. Thanks for reading! Can't wait to see what you choose next lol It's been fun getting reviews, it's been awhile since i've written anything so when I see a random review email I get al tingly!

Whatever the Night May Bring by Mare Rated: PG-13 [ - ]

The week before Millennium is released, the Backstreet Boys are on top of the world. They can sense their lives are never going to be the same, but unfortunately, they didn't intend for it to happen quite the way it did. Once they board a small private plane to take them to do some press in Philly, things take a drastic turn.

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group
Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 47 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 117621
Read Count: 94116

[Report This]
02/13/11 » Updated: 04/07/12
Reviewer: jess20 Signed
Date: 02/20/13 Title: Chapter 47: Epilogue (C)

Dear LORD this story was fantastic!!!! Everything... and I mean everything...was perfection! I'm going to admit that I preferred Alternative B for the  obvious reasons but even Alternative A was magnificient! You really have a gift for words and I really think you captured the essence of the boys' relationships! This is the first BSB story I've read and I was a bit hesitant because of all the sci-fi...remind me never to doubt you again - hell I think I'd even read romance if you wrote it!

Anyways, enough with my ramblings, I'm going to find another fic of yours to read! Thankyou for the fabulous read!! All the best!

Author's Response:

I have to say, when I got an email notification telling me I had a review, I automatically thought it was a spambot trying to sell me Viagara or something. I was pleasantly surprised to see it was actually you! thank you for taking the time to read thia especially since it was your very first BSB fanfic to read. I'm glad I didn't disappoint you. Also kudos to you for trying out a sci fi. I would have never done that. lol :O)

Hope is the Last Thing Ever Lost by Mare Rated: PG-13 [ - ]
Summary: Past Featured Story

One is lost
One is broken
One is a prisoner
Two are trapped


Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group
Genres: Action, Adventure, Angst, Drama, Suspense
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 40 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 97254
Read Count: 103657

[Report This]
08/07/13 » Updated: 10/21/13
Reviewer: jess20 Signed
Date: 01/15/14 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Ok so my thoughts so far: I think I'm in love with you lol No sucking up here but I got a crush on your stories!

First: I feel like I'm reading a Criminal Minds fanfic (which is NEVER a a bad thing). You've got the suspense, the thrill and the horror down pat. I love reading Tim's chapters. It's great to see everything from his point of view and his mind set. Going into the villain's mind is so fascinating.

Second: loving the Howie/Nick bromance! That relationship in the group is my favourite! I used to prefer Brian, but I dunno, he doesn't do it for me anymore. The good thing about this story (and many of your others such as Protect and Serve) is that Howie is not a background character, which I find he is in a lot of other stories.

Third: the writing is superb!

Fourth: I know I'm really into a story when I start screaming at the characters. For instance, I think I yelled at Howie 'you idiot!' when he was in the woods, I started with the whole 'no no no' when Nick grabbed the rifle, and I said 'yessss' (with the extra Ss) when Jennie took pics of the car, Nick and Tim.

All in all I am enjoying the hell out of this. I'm also looking through some of your older fanfics that I would like to start reading afterwards. And hopefully, my list of 'to read' will expand in the future :) hint hint!

Author's Response: One: I have never watched Criminal Minds but all my friends do. I might have to check that out. It's fun writing as a villian. I LOVED Tim's chapters. His were my favorite to write. Two: I love Howie and Nick too and thank you for saying that! I hate that poor Howie is always just a background character. I am hoping now that everyone kind of sees how his relationship is with Nick, maybe they'll include him more. Poor guy! Three: Wow... that's really awesome of you to say! Thanks!! Four: LMAO Howie in the woods...yeah. It's get even better with him. After awhile I just found myself laughing. I'm so glad you're enjoying this story. It really was one of my favorites to write as well as Protect and Serve. I'm glad I left you with a lot of stories to read as well. I will really try to write something new, hopefully this summer when I am on break and feel inspired. Thanks so much for the review, Jess!

Reviewer: jess20 Signed
Date: 01/25/14 Title: Chapter 21: Chapter 21

You're chapters are reminding me of George RR Martin's chapters or even Dan Brown's chapters where you love to leave the reader hanging. Luckily for me, I didn't have to wait a day to find out what's happening next!!!

Author's Response: I have never read anything by George RR Martin, but yes I do love my cliff hangers and it's something that people tend to hate about me. lol luckily though I kept my updates so regular they never were left hanging for too long. :O)

Reviewer: jess20 Signed
Date: 01/25/14 Title: Chapter 23: Chapter 23

Dear Lord this was heartbreakingly amazing! Love the interactions with Nick and the other guys and his relationship with Howie is simply beautiful and you've really captured it in this chapter!

Author's Response: Aww thanks! I think this was one of my favorite chapters to write. The one with Howie's story about ignoring Nick when he was a kid. I love their friendship.

Reviewer: jess20 Signed
Date: 01/25/14 Title: Chapter 40: Chapter 40

Ok I'm going to do this backwards. I was so anxious to finish the story I skipped reviewing chapters and kept going. So I'm gonna write an overall story review here and over the next few days give my thoughts on separate chapters.

I honestly don't know what word to describe this story. Fantastic, brilliant, great, awesome, amazing - none do it justice! This last chapter had me balling my eyes out like a sook lol As the kids say these days: my feels!!! My absolute favourite thing about this story was the relationship between Howie and Nick and in the later chapters Kevin. That relationship between the two older group members and the youngest is so endearing and I feel like a junkie needing more of it and you've become my dealer.

The suspense and thrill factor in thos story was off the charts. Simply brilliant. You kept me wanting more, even now I want more (you're doing a great job as my dealer). At times I could feel my heart jump especially with everything Howie and Kevin did.

Tim was so interesting to read. I remember thinking that maybe he had multiple personality disorder, like his mum and dad were with in him. I liked that I was kinda close but not on the's fun guessing and being fooled.

I can't express how much I enjoyed this story. Like I said over the next few days days I'll go back over the chapters and give each their own review, even if it's bonly a line or two.

Can't wait to read more from you!

Author's Response: Thanks so much for the kind words, Jess. I'm glad you enjoyed it. If I do write something this summer, it would be a Nick, Kevin and Howie story so I'll hopefully be feeding your addiction with that. lol I absolutely love the relationship the three of them seem to have. I know most of it exists in my head, but that's okay too. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy whatever you choose next! :O)