User Profile

Alias: Sapphire [Contact]
Real Name: Krystle
User Level: Member
Member since: 05/07/06
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Author Biography

Short Stories:
Better Than Revenge
Happy Birthday Alex
I Hate Valentine’s Day
Merry Christmas Baby
Safest Place to Hide
The "C" Word - Alternate Ending
Valentine Favor

A Fairytale Life – Sequel to The Right Woman
A Second Chance – Sequel to Safest Place to Hide
Accidentally in Love
Alternate Beauty
Get Mine Get Yours
Mistakes Made … Lessons Learned
October Road
Plus Size Part 1
Plus Size Part 2
Speak Now
The “C” Word
The Right Woman
Weekend Fun

The Heart Series
Joyful Heart, Our First Christmas, Me Without You
The Family Series
Family Matters, Shattered Glass, From This Moment On

Contact Author



Favorite TV Shows

Reviews by Sapphire
Summary: Caroline, Leighanne's neice, comes on the Unbreakable tour to watch Baylee while she goes out of town. As the week progresses six year sober AJ Mclean gets a bit out of hand and it's a little more than she bargained for.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Brian, Nick
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 58577
Read Count: 72450

[Report This]
09/11/08 » Updated: 03/13/10
Reviewer: Sapphire Signed
Date: 09/23/08 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 20: I Hate Just How Much I Adore You

I hope things continue to get better for them.

Author's Response: i hope he sobers up...

Summary: Mary and AJ have been together a long time, finally one day it all ends...But the years later tell a different story.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Group, Howie, Other
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 10886
Read Count: 25011

[Report This]
09/15/08 » Updated: 11/30/08
Reviewer: Sapphire Signed
Date: 09/21/08 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter Three

wow. i hope he can keep his promises. great update!

Summary: Ashley is just your typical 12 year old girl; young, carefree and happy. Being raised by a single-mom hasn’t always been easy for her. Her mom had to work hard for the little they had, but they had each other and the help from their family.

When her mom is called away on a business trip she is left in the care of her older cousin, Alex, who is on break from recording and touring with the Backstreet Boys. She hasn’t seen him much since he’s been on tour and she’s excited to finally spend some quality time with him. Then the unexpected occurs, and her life is changed forever. Will she be able to move on and create a new life for herself or will all the changes prove to be too much for her?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Brian, Group, Other
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Sexual Assault/Rape, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: A New Beginning
Chapters: 86 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 169221
Read Count: 179474

[Report This]
09/24/08 » Updated: 09/19/09
Reviewer: Sapphire Signed
Date: 06/12/09 Title: Chapter 73: Chapter 72

Cute chapter!

Author's Response: glad u liked it :) thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Sapphire Signed
Date: 03/26/09 Title: Chapter 66: Chapter 65

Hm,.. glad the dean took care of it but teenage girls are vicious people an dI have a feeling it might not stay all happy happy with them. Great Chapter!! Sorry I haven't reviewd the last one. I'm a bad reader.

Author's Response: Yea teenage girls suck lol let's just hope it settles down for a little while...thanks so much 4 the review and you are not a bad reader lol I know its hard 2 review every single time ;) as long as ur still reading and enjoying I'm ok

Reviewer: Sapphire Signed
Date: 09/20/09 Title: Chapter 85: Chapter 85

That was so great! Awesome birthday and a sweet speech from her brother. Very nice.

Author's Response: so glad u liked it :) thanks 4 takin the time 2 review really appreciate it!

Reviewer: Sapphire Signed
Date: 09/20/09 Title: Chapter 86: Thank You!

Ooh yeah a sequel!! Cna't wait. I know it'll be amazing!

Author's Response: aww thanks! hopefully it will b up soon! i cant wait 2 start writing it!

Reviewer: Sapphire Signed
Date: 08/21/09 Title: Chapter 81: Chapter 80

Great chapter. They had such a great christmas. And the end was soo cute.

Author's Response: glad u liked it :) thanks 4 the review

Reviewer: Sapphire Signed
Date: 11/11/08 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

I've really enjoyed reading this so far... hopefull things will get better between them.

I can't believe she snuck out... actually yeah I can. LOL. cain't wait to see what happens next.

Author's Response: aww thanks 4 reading im so glad you like it theres alot more drama to come :-) -Ashley Nicole

Reviewer: Sapphire Signed
Date: 11/14/08 Title: Chapter 38: Chapter 37

Woah! glad they are getting closer to fixi ng their problems. She should tell him the truth though. Update soon!!!

Author's Response: sometimes telling the truth is hard especially when you know how disapointed the other person would be but things will hopefully get better between them :-) thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Sapphire Signed
Date: 11/18/08 Title: Chapter 40: Chapter 39

bad AJ for forgetting! glad ashley met two friends who seem nice. hopefully they will stay that way. update soon!

Author's Response: thanks;-) glad you're liking it!

Reviewer: Sapphire Signed
Date: 11/22/08 Title: Chapter 41: Chapter 40

he shouldn't have waited so long. hope he can fix things.

Reviewer: Sapphire Signed
Date: 11/24/08 Title: Chapter 42: Chapter 41

oh boy! Home alone. Could be a good thing or a bad thing. Update soon and let us know.

Reviewer: Sapphire Signed
Date: 11/29/08 Title: Chapter 44: Chapter 43

Wow! He handled it wth a lot of maturity. It sucks he lied to his mother though. Update soon

Author's Response: sumtimes u gotta do things u dont wanna to keep the trust going but it does suck that he had to lie thanks 4 the review

Reviewer: Sapphire Signed
Date: 12/07/08 Title: Chapter 45: Chapter 44

update soon!

Reviewer: Sapphire Signed
Date: 12/09/08 Title: Chapter 46: Chapter 45

YEah!!! I'm glad she ws happy, well thrilled, to have hm there and not mad!!! stupid steven ruingin everything, AJ should whoop his ass anyway. :) loved it. update soon!!

Author's Response: haha if only he could updates coming soon PROMISE! im finally done with this semester so i have a break and PLENTY of time to write YAY!