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Alias: Mare [Contact]
Real Name: Mare
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Member since: 06/17/03
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Howdy :O) Not much to say really. I have been writing fanfics for awhile now. All BSB related which led me to get my very first book published. You can find the info here: Thanks for reading my stories!

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Reviews by Mare
Inner Hell by Jenna Rated: R Liked [ - ]
Summary: Past Featured StoryNick makes some wrong choices and now he's paying for it with his life.
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 47 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 65789
Read Count: 202315

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06/17/03 » Updated: 05/08/10
Reviewer: Mare Signed
Date: 08/15/06 Title: Inner Hell

It was nice to see this one updated. I'm looking forward to the next chapter and this hotel sleepover lol

Author's Response: Thanks Mare, I really appreciate the means a lot to me! :)

Reviewer: Mare Signed Liked
Date: 08/17/06 Title: Chapter 25: 25 - A Night In

YAY, that was quick lol I loved this chapter as well. Especially the fact that he didn't want to sing or didn't remember his favorite color etc... Awesome job. I hope you keep updating this one. It's always been one of my favorites by you. :O)

Reviewer: Mare Signed Liked
Date: 01/09/07 Title: Chapter 26: Chapter 26

YAY!!! *hands you a gold star* that was excellent Jenna. I think why I love this story so much is because of the realistic way you portray Nick in a child like state and how real Aj's emotions seem to be. all the guilt he seems to be carrying around with him. Excellent chapter, don't leave us hanging for too long before you put out another one, okay?

Reviewer: Mare Signed Liked
Date: 06/03/07 Title: Chapter 27: Chapter 27

Aww I always get so excited when I see you have updated this one. It was very short but a great scene. I hope you'll write more on it soon.

Reviewer: Mare Signed Liked
Date: 06/15/07 Title: Chapter 28: 28 - Welcome to Walmart

Aww that was a great chapter Carrie. Very hopeful and intense and of course at the end, my heart sank along with AJ and Brian's.

Author's Response: Aww, thanks Mare! I\'m glad you like it! It means a lot to me!! :)

Reviewer: Mare Signed
Date: 11/03/07 Title: Chapter 29: Chapter 29

YAY!!! YOu updated this one!! I was so happy to wake up and see the update email in my inbox. I have so missed this one :O( Now that Swollen is done, don't leave us hanging too long on this one. Great job and as always the dialogue in this one and Aj's emotions are just excellently written. Thanks for updating Carrie.

Reviewer: Mare Signed
Date: 02/18/08 Title: Chapter 30: Chapter 30

Aww I just saw that you updated this. Great job Carrie. I love how he keeps having moments for normalcy. and always a bonus when Kevin shows up.

Reviewer: Mare Signed
Date: 05/04/08 Title: Chapter 32: Chapter 32

Yay! you updated this one. I'm always excited when I see this one in the recent updates on AC. Great job. I love Aj's yearning to get the old Nick back to his usual pranks and sadly, I can see him really doing something that dumb lol sticking pop tarts in slots. I'm of course also excited to see Kevin back. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens at dinner.

Author's Response: LOL yeah, pop tarts!! Thanks for the review.

Reviewer: Mare Signed
Date: 11/22/08 Title: Chapter 35: 35 - Another Long Night

Aww man! I can't believe that did that whole menu think to Nick again! lol I can see that actually happening though. Nicely done Carrie! :O) You are getting me used to finding updates everyday! you are officially spoiling me now! lol

Reviewer: Mare Signed
Date: 11/20/08 Title: Chapter 33: 33 - Here's to Good Friends

YAY!! you updated! When I came on here, I at first thought I was seeing your featured story doubled. lol

Great job! It's nice seeing lucid Nick with Kevin. I love it when he kids Kevin about his age. Great job! Keep it up!! And kudos to you for updating!

Author's Response: Thanks's been awhile doing this, but it felt sorta good posting a chapter! Glad you reviewed....I was all set to stop writing if no one left me a review! ;)

Reviewer: Mare Signed
Date: 11/21/08 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

Wow! Two updates in one week! You are awesome! Especially knowing you haven't been feeling well. This was aheartbreaking chapter. I love how you write Kevin and Nick together. You know how much I love their relationship. This all must have been so hard for him. Great job at showing us just how hard. I hope this is the beginning of a nice little writing streak because I know i'm enjoying it! :O)

Author's Response: LOL WOW! Thanks for being so appreciative about the fact that I updated.....I felt like I was struggling a bit writing this chapter, but I'm glad I conveyed the emotions I was going for.

Reviewer: Mare Signed
Date: 11/28/08 Title: Chapter 36: 36 - Why

Great chapter Carrie! I love how well you portrayed Kevin's emotions and feelings of guilt at causing the mental crisis. I was actually sad that he ended back at Sun Valley. Looking forward to see what happens next! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Author's Response: Thanks Mare! I like writing Kevin & Nick together. They are pretty easy to write about. I had a great Thanksgiving, thank you for asking! Hope yours was good as well.

Reviewer: Mare Signed
Date: 11/30/08 Title: Chapter 37: 37 - One Step Closer

Aw it makes me all wamr and fuzzy knowing that Nick is leaving with Kevin and Brian. I can use some paxil right about now myself lol *is a little anxious about upcoming concerts*

Author's Response: Thanks Mare. I'm glad I could make you feel warm & fuzzy lol. I'm sure your concerts will be fine!!  ;)

Reviewer: Mare Signed
Date: 02/15/09 Title: Chapter 38: 38 - Finally?

Hey Jenna! Great job with the chapter and a very impatient Kevin. The chapter was a little thrown off with parts of it repeating again like Dew said. You might want to go back and check that out. Yay to an update!!

Author's Response: Hey Mare!! Thanks for liking the chapter and the very impatient Kevin (as always in most of my stories). Sorry for the repeat, I have fixed it and actually added a wee bit more when I edited the chapter. As it has been said so many times before *proofread before you post* and I made the cardinal sin of just slapping the chapter up without looking at it! Thanks for the review! You are the bestest....

Reviewer: Mare Signed
Date: 02/27/09 Title: Chapter 38: 38 - Finally?

I'm confused Carrie. This isn't a new chapter, right? I mean i did already review it. lol Is there something new i'm missing because you got me all excited to see this was on the recent updates page! :OP You tease!!

Author's Response: Sorry for the confusion Mare....somedays I wonder what the heck I'm doing. I do have an update in progress. Yeah, I love to tease!!  ;)