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Author Topic: Help! Looking for the nazi-est of Grammar Nazis!!!  (Read 4981 times)


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Help! Looking for the nazi-est of Grammar Nazis!!!
« on: June 14, 2008, 03:35:48 AM »

Hey guys! I know there are quite a few grammar nazi's here, and I'm wondering if any of you are bored since it's now summer, and might be willing to help me out. I was going to have my brother in law edit "If We Were A Movie" for me since he's a technical writer by trade, but since he's doing it for free, works full time, and his wife just gave birth to their second child, he's really busy at the moment and it's going to take months for him to get to it.

My problem is, my friend wants to pimp me out to a few of her connections in the publishing world, and she's ready for the manuscript so I need to get it as ready as I can like sometime before a year from now when Alan will get it done.

Is there anyone here willing to read through it for at least typos, grammatical errors, and maybe confusing sentence structure? Like I would even be willing to print it out and mail it to you if red penning it is easier. I just need to make sure at the very least, before I send it to these people that there aren't a bunch of stupid mistakes in it. Which I'm sure there probably are right now.

I know that's a lot to ask, so if no one is interested that's cool, but if you were bored and like proofreading, I could really use the help.   ;D
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Help! Looking for the nazi-est of Grammar Nazis!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2008, 03:44:56 AM »

I would totally help ya if I had an actual address you could send it to, but I'm sorta semi homeless at the moment, so, I don't think that helps. :-\


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Re: Help! Looking for the nazi-est of Grammar Nazis!!!
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2008, 08:38:01 AM »

you know, i'm mostly available. i love being a grammar nazi (as you already might know) ;D


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Re: Help! Looking for the nazi-est of Grammar Nazis!!!
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2008, 09:15:56 AM »

I like being a grammar nazi too, and I get really bored over the summer. lol

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

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Re: Help! Looking for the nazi-est of Grammar Nazis!!!
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2008, 09:39:14 AM »

I loved If We Were a Movie and I'm definitely good at correcting grammar lol. I'll volunteer if you need me to Kelly.


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Re: Help! Looking for the nazi-est of Grammar Nazis!!!
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2008, 05:00:00 PM »

If you need even more volunteers, I'm available this summer LOL.  Maybe you could split it four ways and send a chunk to each of us.  I'm okay with correcting on Word; you don't need to send a hard copy to me.

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Re: Help! Looking for the nazi-est of Grammar Nazis!!!
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2008, 01:18:08 AM »

Aww you guys are super sweet! If you really are serious about editing for me, what I would love to do is send the manuscript to all of you. (Ideally online as a word doc) And if you would all track your changes, (which is super simple to do just a click of a button really) then I can merge all the changes together into one document and see all the changes that have been made. That way I can see what I'm constantly doing wrong, and of course, the more eyes I have looking at it the better.

So I would love, any and all of you forever if you really do want to read over it for me. (I'll still love you all if you don't too,) But if you're really up for it, PM me an e-mail to send the file to. And if you don't know how to set up tracking your changes, just ask.

I'll owe you one! (Though, I doubt you want me proofing anything for you, but I'd do what I can...)

Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance and if by some miracle it ever actually gets published I'll have to buy you all dinner!
« Last Edit: June 15, 2008, 01:19:59 AM by honey »
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Help! Looking for the nazi-est of Grammar Nazis!!!
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2008, 11:39:31 PM »

No problem, Kelly!  I'm such a nerd that I get this odd sense of satisfaction in inserting commas and all that stuff, so I don't mind. :P  Plus, it will give me a chance to read the story before it gets published, since I didn't read it as a fanfic.

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Re: Help! Looking for the nazi-est of Grammar Nazis!!!
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2008, 12:35:52 AM »

No problem, Kelly!  I'm such a nerd that I get this odd sense of satisfaction in inserting commas and all that stuff, so I don't mind. :P  Plus, it will give me a chance to read the story before it gets published, since I didn't read it as a fanfic.

haha at least one of us is being optimistic. I appreciate the confidence.  (and the edit, of course.) Thanks again, Julie. Did you get my e-mail? I sent it to the only one of yours I have but I know you have several...
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Help! Looking for the nazi-est of Grammar Nazis!!!
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2008, 01:09:15 AM »

Yep, I got it; I'm up to Chapter 4!  I left you a review on AC and saw that you had responded, but when I clicked the link to see your response, it didn't work, and now the review doesn't appear to be there?  WTF AC?

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Re: Help! Looking for the nazi-est of Grammar Nazis!!!
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2008, 01:19:43 AM »

LMAO i think that was me, somehow in posting my response the page froze up and then somehow it ended up deleting the review. So I posted a response as a review instead... it's probably in chapter one... but it was nothing that special.
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Help! Looking for the nazi-est of Grammar Nazis!!!
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2008, 01:28:25 AM »

LOL gotcha. I just saw it.  I'm reading the original fiction version, not the Bsb/AU, but I figured I could go add to your review collection instead of just emailing you feedback. ;)  It wasn't hard to figure out who is who, Bsb-wise, so I'm still picturing them in my head, even if they have different names.  So if I constantly refer to "Ethan" as Brian, even if he is Ethan in the story I'm reading, that's why LOL.

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Re: Help! Looking for the nazi-est of Grammar Nazis!!!
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2008, 01:53:17 AM »

Well it sounds like you have enough grammar nazis! Wow, I forgot how to spell nazi for a minute and the subject line of the thread is right there... *facepalm*

You will get it published, Kell!

Dean & Sam Winchester.
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Re: Help! Looking for the nazi-est of Grammar Nazis!!!
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2008, 02:04:53 AM »

LOL gotcha. I just saw it.  I'm reading the original fiction version, not the Bsb/AU, but I figured I could go add to your review collection instead of just emailing you feedback. ;)  It wasn't hard to figure out who is who, Bsb-wise, so I'm still picturing them in my head, even if they have different names.  So if I constantly refer to "Ethan" as Brian, even if he is Ethan in the story I'm reading, that's why LOL.

LOL Ethan/Brian.... same difference. I do it constantly. It was kind of a Bitch when I went back and changed the names, cause I'd be looking for those random ones that didn't get switched for whatever reason and I'd read Brian and wouldn't think anything of it because Brian is Ethan... and so on...

Well it sounds like you have enough grammar nazis! Wow, I forgot how to spell nazi for a minute and the subject line of the thread is right there... *facepalm*

You will get it published, Kell!

aww, that's sweet of you to say. merci! lets hope so one day!

If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Help! Looking for the nazi-est of Grammar Nazis!!!
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2008, 02:20:31 AM »

How awesome would it be to get published?! As much as I love being an author, I also have a dream to be a well-known journalist. Maybe even become editor of one of our big newspapers here in Minnesota. Or a magazine! I just think that would be an amazing job, too.

Dean & Sam Winchester.
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