Rose... eye chalinge yew 2 A getto chalinge that yew probably wont dew, muahahahahahah
OkAy... hErE iS yOuR cHaLLeNgE (I remember when I used to type like this back in elementary/middle school, haha!!)
Rose... I challenge you to ANOTHER cliched fic, lol.
- The genre will be romance/suspense
- YOU have to be the main character, the leading gal who escaped from physical abuse
- Both Kevin AND Alexander James have to fall in love with you somehow
- You have to establish an affair with Kevin and a secret hookup with AJ, where you will then become pregnant and you don't know who the baby's daddy is.
- You have to establish a fight between Kevin and AJ over you, and a fight between you and Kristin for having an affair with her husband
- A little steamy, slashy thing has to go on between AJ and Kevin
- Nick has to contract 5 cancers somehow
- You finally find true love with Howard somehow, ya'll get married and live happily ever after with your TrainBone twins.
- It must contain some grammatical and spelling errors, maybe on Nick's behalf
- It has to be mainly dialogue. If you give discriptions, it has to be brief.
- And your word count will be... 1,501.