Fic Talk > General Discussion

Just for fun!

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aww I miss those days! :(  I still love horses though! :D

I wonder if anyone is wondering where we all disappeared to? lol and I think anyone who posted a story should go delete them.

I kinda miss them also... But my days as Nick's teeny are long gone, so....

I'm kinda curious to that as well! Do you think they even really care? ???

I have no idea. From the little time I spent on there they seem like a very...well let's say 'carefree' type group lol


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 25, 2007, 11:23:54 PM ---
:D You noticed Julie? I didn't think any of my readers noticed that I responded back to them every time. I mean, I may not have more to say than "thank you" but I always try to say something. And I suppose, the longer the review the more I can respond. :) Though I am slacking off a bit on Kelly's reviews of PBox, but she's my beta and I plan on sending her an email soon, so... But eventually I'll tag them all. :) The only ones I don't respond to are repeat reviews, because I don't really feel the need to write the same thing twice to compensate a poting error. ;)

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I noticed it with your short story that I read last night. :)   I don't usually have a lot to say to my AC reviews either, cause I get a lot of the "great chapter, more soon!" stuff, and all you can really say to that is "Thanks!" or "Glad you liked it!"   But I always do, even if it's just the same two people reviewing every chapter, cause I really do appreciate it.


--- Quote from: mare on January 26, 2007, 04:32:39 PM ---I have no idea. From the little time I spent on there they seem like a very...well let's say 'carefree' type group lol

--- End quote ---

LMAO yeah, somehow I doubt they've even noticed... "carefree" is an interesting way of putting it. ;)   They seem sort of like cats, dogs, or small children... very short attention spans, easily distracted, and easily pleased.  I'm sure they've forgotten all about us. :P


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