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Author Topic: Five questions at a time....  (Read 27360 times)


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #45 on: February 06, 2007, 05:02:01 PM »

32)  Kind of relating to #29, if you were asked to select one of your fanfics to be put in a time capsule and preserved, which one would you choose and why?

"Broken" because I feel it's my best-written work to date (not counting its sequel, which is probably a little better in terms of writing), and it is a good example of my strengths and interests as a writer, and on a personal level, it was written during a really important time of change in my life - my senior of high school and freshman year of college.  And in an odd coincidence, certain changes Nick underwent in that story parelleled the changes in my life at the time.  I will always have a lot of nostalgia for Broken.

33)  Name a story you read the summary of or heard a synopsis of and scoffed, thinking it sounded like a terrible idea, and then read, only to be pleasantly surprised by how good it was.

It took me years to give "Between the Lines" a chance.  It's an AU, which I tend to not go for, and the Boys are baseball players, and I just did NOT think I would be interested in that that scenario, but I finally made myself really read it for Mare's fanfic of the month group last year, and it is SUCH a good story!!  I loved it, and I wish I had read it earlier.  Now I know why it's a favorite of so many.

34)  If one of the Backstreet Boys emailed you and said that he had stumbled onto your site/fanfics, what would your reaction be?  (Let's say you know for sure that it's the real him, not a poser.)

I would be mortified LOL.  But I guess it would be kinda cool to have a Backstreet Boy email me!

35)  As a follow-up to #34, if you had the chance (or were forced) to give one of your stories to the Boys to read, which one would it be and why?

Code Blue because it's an AU, so I would feel better about taking liberties, and there's not really any Backstreet torture in it (yet?), or Not Another Teenybopper Fanfic, cause it's a comedy, so anything goes, and there's nothing to be embarassed of.

36)  Name a story that you think would make an excellent book (as in a published novel) or movie, and tell us why you think so.

"Happenstance" by Bianca already reads like a Nicholas Sparks book; it could easily be made into a romance novel.  And an awesome movie too.  "Faceless" by Jaydee would make a cool movie or book too.  I love the plot and subplots of that one.

37) Is there any story that you think could make a great screenplay for a movie (if it were made into non-BSB or if it’s an AU)? If so, which one?

See above.

38) What is one thing (plotline, scenario, whatever) that shows up in stories that bothers you (for example, Nick falls in love *author's name* or teeny plots, etc)?

I don't like when stories start off describing the female lead and how awesome she is, and I get the impression that every other character is going to love this chick and the whole story will focus on her, not the Boys.  Basically, Mary Sues.

39) When you read a synopsis for a story, what would make you not want to read the story (i.e. what about the story idea would turn you away from it)? Why?

Spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation errors.  If the author can't even string a coherent, correctly-written summary together, that tells me she can't write and that her story is not worth reading because all of the mistakes would bug me too much to enjoy it.

40) If you could make a trailer for one of your fics, which one would that be? Describe a little how this trailer would look like.

For lack of a better story, I'll go with Broken.  If it had a trailer, it would start with some slow-mo footage of Nick singing on stage with the movie voiceover guy in the background doing my tagline... "Nick Carter was on top of the world...  But three simple words sent him plummeting to rock bottom..." and it would cut to a clip of Dr. K saying, "Nick, I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but..." and then it would cut off, fade in and out from shots of angsty-faced Nick, with nothing but breathing for noise, and then the rest would basically be a montage of Nick doing angsty facial expressions, with "My Immortal" playing in the background.  Hahaha.  It would be the kind of movie I would jump to see, while all my friends would be like, "Uh, that looks way too depressing.  Let's go see that new romantic comedy with Hugh Grant."  Ugh.

41) Relating to #37 here…which actors/actresses would you like to act out the main characters in this movie?

It's kinda hard to picture anyone but Nick in Nick's role.  But if I couldn't cast Nick, I'd get Leonardo DiCaprio because he's my favorite actor and is great at dark, dramatic movies, or Ryan Phillippe or Hayden Christensen because I think they'd both be good at the brooding, angsty facial expressions.  Oh, and they're hot.

For Claire, I think my first choice would be Scarlett Johansson... if not her, then Bryce Dallas Howard, based on looks, or I'd take a risk and give Anna Faris a serious movie role.

43) What was the most messed up plot you've ever seen in a fan fiction?

Gotta go with Mare here and say the M-preg (male pregnancy) stuff.  All I have to say to that is W. T. F.  I read one where Nick was pregnant with Howie's baby, and that's probably the most f-ed up thing I've ever read.  I don't get that fascination.  It's right up there with foot fetishes for me.

44) Do you base your ideas off of real events that happen to the guys, or do you make things up?

I usually make things up.  Some real events come into play in my stories; unless they're AUs, I try to set them in reality as much as I can.  But plotwise, I don't usually base whole storylines on real events that have happened to them.

45) How do you feel about integrating lyrics into fics. Good idea or bad idea?

I never used to put a lot of lyrics in my stories, unless the song was actually playing in the story, but I started doing it with Broken because there were just some lyrics that fit SO WELL with what I was writing.  So now I do use them.  For me as a writer, it makes the scene more powerful to have a song accompanying it.  As a reader, though, I have to admit I usually just ignore the lyrics, breeze on past them so I can keep reading the story LOL, so maybe I'm a hypocrite.  I think they mean more to the writer than the reader.

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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #46 on: February 06, 2007, 08:56:52 PM »

40) If you could make a trailer for one of your fics, which one would that be? Describe a little how this trailer would look like.

For lack of a better story, I'll go with Broken.  If it had a trailer, it would start with some slow-mo footage of Nick singing on stage with the movie voiceover guy in the background doing my tagline... "Nick Carter was on top of the world...  But three simple words sent him plummeting to rock bottom..." and it would cut to a clip of Dr. K saying, "Nick, I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but..." and then it would cut off, fade in and out from shots of angsty-faced Nick, with nothing but breathing for noise, and then the rest would basically be a montage of Nick doing angsty facial expressions, with "My Immortal" playing in the background.  Hahaha.  It would be the kind of movie I would jump to see, while all my friends would be like, "Uh, that looks way too depressing.  Let's go see that new romantic comedy with Hugh Grant."  Ugh.

41) Relating to #37 here…which actors/actresses would you like to act out the main characters in this movie?

It's kinda hard to picture anyone but Nick in Nick's role.  But if I couldn't cast Nick, I'd get Leonardo DiCaprio because he's my favorite actor and is great at dark, dramatic movies, or Ryan Phillippe or Hayden Christensen because I think they'd both be good at the brooding, angsty facial expressions.  Oh, and they're hot.

For Claire, I think my first choice would be Scarlett Johansson... if not her, then Bryce Dallas Howard, based on looks, or I'd take a risk and give Anna Faris a serious movie role.

43) What was the most messed up plot you've ever seen in a fan fiction?

Gotta go with Mare here and say the M-preg (male pregnancy) stuff.  All I have to say to that is W. T. F.  I read one where Nick was pregnant with Howie's baby, and that's probably the most f-ed up thing I've ever read.  I don't get that fascination.  It's right up there with foot fetishes for me.

omg Julie, you're cracking me up! Well, it's not supposed to be funny and i didnt really crack up, i was grinning actually, because that trailer right there? I can see it in my head! Seriously, that'd make such an awesome trailer! I've seen other fandoms where authors actually make (or readers actually made them one) a trailer for their fic, which is understandable i guess when they have clips of the shows to use for it, and sometimes i wish we can do that with BSB, but that aside...I'd really love to see this trailer made, if ever there's a way to make it happen!

I give you (not that you need one) Nick's stamp of approval on the choices of male actors to play his role :D I'm not picky with the girls...it'd be a trip to see Anna Faris pulling this off though.

and just LOL at m-preg. I totally didn't remember that one exist. And i agree, it's seriously f-ed up!
What succor, what consolation is there in truth, compared to a story? What good is truth, at midnight, in the dark, when the wind is roaring like a bear in the chimney? What you need are the plump comforts of a story. Th soothing, rocking safety of a lie - Vida Winter


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #47 on: February 06, 2007, 09:03:16 PM »

It's what I do best. :D Though I don't know if that's a good thing... ::)

And yay! *squishy hug*

okay as promised here ya go! He has Kevin brows lol

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #48 on: February 06, 2007, 11:49:14 PM »

21) If someone started professionally publishing Backstreet novels (multi-genre; anything from suspense to action to romance), would you be likely buy them?

Hell yes!!!!! Heck, I'd hope to be the one publishing them! Lol.

22) On which TV show would you most want to see the BSB guest star--either as themselves or as characters on the show? (Can have them all on the same show, or if prefer they’re each guest staring on different shows--which one stars on which show?)

Law & Order: SVU or CSI: Miami - & I'd want for either Brian or Kevin to be on them. Or all five. Lol.

23) If you tired of writing BSB, do you think you would continue to write fanfiction for another fandom, or would it likely be the end of your fanfic “career”?

I'd just continue on with my Law & Order: SVU story & all my Ninja Turtle stories, & the other fandoms I've written in as well-lol.

24) What Alternate Universe would you most want to see a story about? (examples: BSB as doctors, as firefighters, as police officers, as squirrels (hmm actually I challenge anyone to write that one!)

BSB as firefighters! Firefighters are usually pretty damned hot! Lol. And I'll never understand how they can run into a burning building while everyone else is running out. Takes a special kind of person to be able to do that.

25) Going back to question# 11. What would it take for you to reconsider writing a fic of that dreaded genre? (i.e. Would you if challenged? Would you for money? For a best friend’s birthday? Under absolutely no circumstances?)

I don't really like writing visuals, but I will if I have too. I wrote one once, but nobody ever saw it & it's long gone now as my very old laptop fried & I never dared to save it. And vampires - I don't mind role playing them as vamps, but I could never write a fic based on that, I don't think.

32)  Kind of relating to #29, if you were asked to select one of your fanfics to be put in a time capsule and preserved, which one would you choose and why?

Hmm....Probabl y Gone Without Goodbye, Concrete Angel [both versions], Who Needs The World, Why Can't I Be There Where You Are, or Elliot's Girl. And notice all but the last have songs in them-haha.

33)  Name a story you read the summary of or heard a synopsis of and scoffed, thinking it sounded like a terrible idea, and then read, only to be pleasantly surprised by how good it was.

Not Your Average Cinderella Story by Honey. I scoffed 'cause it didn't itnerest me, and then the other night it just did for some reason & now I'm screaming for her to hurry up & write more - lol. Which, she did! Thanks gal!

34)  If one of the Backstreet Boys emailed you and said that he had stumbled onto your site/fanfics, what would your reaction be?  (Let's say you know for sure that it's the real him, not a poser.)

"SHIT! Which have you read!?!?!" or "OMG!!! OMG!!!!" or "Whatcha think? Have a fave? Which one?" LOl.

35)  As a follow-up to #34, if you had the chance (or were forced) to give one of your stories to the Boys to read, which one would it be and why?

Gone Without Goodbye & to be honest, Brian already has it, I just dunno if he's actually read it nor what he thinks of it if he has-lol. Someone stuck it in their fanbook for me & gave it to him - hehe. Never met the guy, but he knows about me -  ;D

36)  Name a story that you think would make an excellent book (as in a published novel) or movie, and tell us why you think so.

Importance of Fly Fishing [I'm obsessed, okay? It's my fave fic, & I'm gonna endorse it-lol). Probably be better as a book, rather than a movie. But if it was a movie & Kevin played in it Hell yeah! I'd be in the front row & first in line! Lol.

43) What was the most messed up plot you've ever seen in a fan fiction?

I've read the male pregnancy ones - they're odd, but I think people must have seen that movie *Junior* with Danny DeVito & Arnold Schwartzenager . Which, was actually a pretty good/funny movie. Lol. And 'For The Fans' [fic I was lookin' for] is pretty crazy. Some psycho dude doin' psycho things to fans 'cause his daughter's a fan. Pretty scary. Keeps yah hooked, but it was kinda scary & made yah hope to God it never happened/happens.

44) Do you base your ideas off of real events that happen to the guys, or do you make things up?

Little bit of both really. Mostly made up though, when I think about it. But sometimes, bits of me kinda slip into A.J.'s character-lol.

45) How do you feel about integrating lyrics into fics. Good idea or bad idea?

I've written shit loads of song fics - what do you think? Lol. I love 'em & enjoy 'em - long as they're written in a nice enough way.

Concert Tickets: $270
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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #49 on: February 07, 2007, 05:21:02 AM »

16) What story pulled you out of your writing comfort zone and why?
Just Another Day, its in 1st person POVs (switches from Nick to Cally, but you can tell the difference easily), when i write in 3rd, its almost not AU, and its romance. Its me challenging myself lol.

17) Name a relatively unknown writer who you feel needs to be recognized, one of her/his fics and why.
Lucky, she writes Orlando Bloom fanfic but her stories are just amazing I think. http://wicked-muse.livejournal.com/

18.) Has a music video inspired one of your stories? How?
 Yes, Larger than Life inspired Rebirth (along with the movie Titan A.E but anyway lol) oddly even though you can't tell at ALL in the fic lol. Except for the fact Kevin's the pilot.

19.) What skill do you feel you need to work on as a writer?
More diciplined, definitely.

20.) What do you feel is your best skill as a writer?
I'd like to think I'm really good with characters, I hate one dimmensional characters so I give them backgrounds as soon as I can, to make them real and give them quirks. I also like to think I think pretty outside of the box for a writer lol.

21) If someone started professionally publishing Backstreet novels (multi-genre; anything from suspense to action to romance), would you be likely buy them?

LOL it would depend on the plot, cause I'm kind of picky. Obviously the writing skill would be validated by the fact it was published, but if the plot intrigued me, hell yeah lol

22) On which TV show would you most want to see the BSB guest star--either as themselves or as characters on the show? (Can have them all on the same show, or if prefer they’re each guest staring on different shows--which one stars on which show?)

hahaha I would love them to be on Heroes, or Angel, or Buffy, take your pick lol.

23) If you tired of writing BSB, do you think you would continue to write fanfiction for another fandom, or would it likely be the end of your fanfic “career”?

I don't think I would, I'd prolly hop to Original Fiction. I've dabbled in Buffy, and added Orlando Bloom to a few fics, but all I've done is BSB so I doubt I'd keep doing fanfic.

24) What Alternate Universe would you most want to see a story about? (examples: BSB as doctors, as firefighters, as police officers, as squirrels (hmm actually I challenge anyone to write that one!)

Secret Agents, oh wait, doing that LOL. Something with them in roles like in the show Heroes, now that'd be pretty awesome.

25) Going back to question# 11. What would it take for you to reconsider writing a fic of that dreaded genre? (i.e. Would you if challenged? Would you for money? For a best friend’s birthday? Under absolutely no circumstances?)

I cannot write slash, at all lmao. So yeah, nothing could get me to try.

26) What influences you to continue writing? Is it reader support, number of reviews, your own determination, or something else? Why does it influence you?
a mixture of all of it.

27) Was there ever a time you felt that you could no longer write fan fiction and took a "hiatus"? What did you do during that time?
No, there have been times I've put fics on hold cause I couldn't write them, but I always try to now and then cause I hate letting idead die.

28) If for some reason, due to circumstances beyond your control, you were forced to give up your fan fiction career, who would you want to finish your incompleted works?
my friend Lucky, she gets my stories best cause she writes a little out there herself hehe.

29) If you could no longer write fan fiction, what is the one thing you would like to be remembered for?
I'd love to be remembered as a good writer, lol but although I've been at this since 14, I'm pretty invisible LOL so who knows what I'd be remembered for.

30) What is your main goal in your writing? Do other people influence this goal, or is it more of a singular thing?
to write for me and make a story that others enjoy as well as myself.

31) Do you share your fan fiction with the people you know outside of the internet? Or is it a secret part of you that only us special people get to see?
hahaha HELL NO lol

32)  Kind of relating to #29, if you were asked to select one of your fanfics to be put in a time capsule and preserved, which one would you choose and why?

Either my collab Rebirth, or one of my own, As Reality Crumbles, its not that far along, and its dark, but I'm pretty proud of it.

33)  Name a story you read the summary of or heard a synopsis of and scoffed, thinking it sounded like a terrible idea, and then read, only to be pleasantly surprised by how good it was.

Broken, I thought it was going to be far too cliched but it got recommended to me by my friend Summer, who knew I was fic hunting. So not what I thought it'd be LOL.

34)  If one of the Backstreet Boys emailed you and said that he had stumbled onto your site/fanfics, what would your reaction be?  (Let's say you know for sure that it's the real him, not a poser.)

"Oh...shit...yo u guys didn't read one called As Reality Crumbles did you?!" Then I'd prolly pass out lol.

35)  As a follow-up to #34, if you had the chance (or were forced) to give one of your stories to the Boys to read, which one would it be and why?

Rebirth, or Code Blue, both safe, both AUs, neither romance, and neither torture anyone lmao. They'd be safe.

36)  Name a story that you think would make an excellent book (as in a published novel) or movie, and tell us why you think so.
East Water Convergence, its so entailed and has symbolism out the ying yang, and well developed characters and there were a TON in there. I could totally see it as a book or movie, had it not been stopped.

37) Is there any story that you think could make a great screenplay for a movie (if it were made into non-BSB or if it’s an AU)? If so, which one?
East Water Convergence, seriously, it was awesome lol.

38) What is one thing that shows up in stories that bothers you (for example, Nick falls in love *author's name* or teeny plots, etc)?
When the girl is Mary Sue looking in romances, the perfect model type that is supposed to be hollywood looking but "normal". Which is why I started Just Another Day. Also, when the cliches are insanely obvious. 

39) When you read a synopsis for a story, what would make you not want to read the story (i.e. what about the story idea would turn you away from it)? Why?
The words "romance" in the genre lol, unless its from an author who I already am a fan of. I'm extremely picky with that cause most of it is overdone. I tend to read more suspense, action, supernatural, horror

40) If you could make a trailer for one of your fics, which one would that be? Describe a little how this trailer would look like.
Oh god LOL. Lets see Rebirth since I just updated this one... probably show attacks, centering down on the main band of people, with the voice over..."Sometimes you can't choose your own fate..." then it centers on the space station being destroyed and the few who survive... "but it can always choose you." And then it focuses on Nick, Orlando, Brian, Rhade and Jersey...fade to black.

41) Relating to #37 here…which actors/actresses would you like to act out the main characters in this movie?
See the banner for it LOL. Orlando, the girl who was Alice in Resident Evil, Monica Bellucci, and if I couldn't have Nick, Ryan Philippe, and if I couldn't have Brian, Shane West.

43) What was the most messed up plot you've ever seen in a fan fiction?

Nick and Angel visual. Yes, ew. Incest. EW! lol

44) Do you base your ideas off of real events that happen to the guys, or do you make things up?

Nope, I kind of did in Just Another Day with a character named "London Miffton" which is really Paris Hilton, but at the time I had considered making this Original Fiction, so thats why its not Paris. But in it, Nick had the horror break up he did with Paris, so sort of did there. But its not common, I totally make everything up LOL

45) How do you feel about integrating lyrics into fics. Good idea or bad idea?

I like to post lyrics I feel fit before chapters, but I don't do that with all my stories. So I'm for it, if it fits.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2007, 05:34:38 AM by Rose »
Double Rainbow Fiction - So Bright and So Vivid...

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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #50 on: February 07, 2007, 02:50:47 PM »

okay as promised here ya go! He has Kevin brows lol

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *awesome super dee duper squishy heppy hug* I will treasure him always! And I love the Kevin brows! :-*

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #51 on: February 07, 2007, 05:27:44 PM »

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *awesome super dee duper squishy heppy hug* I will treasure him always! And I love the Kevin brows! :-*

YAY lol i'm glad you like him. :D
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #52 on: February 07, 2007, 06:52:59 PM »

omg Julie, you're cracking me up! Well, it's not supposed to be funny and i didnt really crack up, i was grinning actually, because that trailer right there? I can see it in my head! Seriously, that'd make such an awesome trailer! I've seen other fandoms where authors actually make (or readers actually made them one) a trailer for their fic, which is understandable i guess when they have clips of the shows to use for it, and sometimes i wish we can do that with BSB, but that aside...I'd really love to see this trailer made, if ever there's a way to make it happen!

LOL!!  Thanks! :P   I was cracking myself up when I was writing that, just imagining it.  I could probably make one just by using footage from Incomplete and I Still, hahaha.  Oh Nick and his angsty facial expressions...

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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #53 on: February 07, 2007, 07:01:52 PM »

YAY lol i'm glad you like him. :D

Well, he's pretty much the shizznit!

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #54 on: February 08, 2007, 03:14:36 PM »

someone mentioned abt writing a fic in the POV of Baylee and seeing the world of the BSB through his eyes...sorry i forgot who wrote that but i just want to say i find that idea very unique and can be very funny and interesting.  ;)

Ah thanks, Mers... I think that was me that mentioned that, unless I wan't the only one. I'm glad you like the idea... maybe i'll have to actually start writing that one... Anyway I've since read one story that was from Baylee's perspective as well. I think it was called "Musings of A Backstreet Baby" (forgive me if that's not 100% correct) I don't remember who its by but I remember loving it! So cute and hilarious. Close to what I was thinking and yet not quite the same. Mine would be more like a "Hardy Boys" type thing but with Baylee as the detective and the setting being backstage with the boys... I would love to write it but so far haven't made it passed the planning stages. but check out that other Baylee story! Its on AC and its adorable!
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #55 on: February 08, 2007, 09:53:48 PM »

43) What was the most messed up plot you've ever seen in a fan fiction?

Nick and Angel visual. Yes, ew. Incest. EW! lol

OMFG! Someone ACTUALLY wrote that?! OMG... Yea... Words cannot even describe how disturbed I am right now lol


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Re: Five questions at a time....
« Reply #56 on: February 18, 2007, 12:19:56 AM »

I once read an Aaron & Angel one....there wasn't very much detail when they got it on though. Just sort of mentioned..... I agree incest is GROSS - but in a fictional world, well, I read V.C. Andrews books & pretty much most of them have incest of some sort. But she does write about stuff you wouldn't usually read elsewhere.

Concert Tickets: $270
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BSB Sweater: $85
Poster & Book: $30
Having Brian grab me & pull me close during sound check: PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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