Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the month for April 2007 - Under My Skin by Mellz Bellz

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I'll try to really have a read this week! ;D

Two more questions  for you Mel.

Was there anytime while you were writing this that you had a total plot shift or went into another direction you never planned?

Are any of the characters based on real life people? (Besides any of the BSB lol)


--- Quote from: mare on April 09, 2007, 07:37:57 PM ---Two more questions  for you Mel.

Was there anytime while you were writing this that you had a total plot shift or went into another direction you never planned?

Are any of the characters based on real life people? (Besides any of the BSB lol)

--- End quote ---

Good questions Mare! Thankfully my plot has stayed pretty much the same throughout the story although its just mushroomed out to a much larger scale than I'd imagined. But its funny about you asking if it every went into any other direction than I had planned cuz as my readers know, my characters often take over a chapter and things wind up going differently than planned, but somehow it works. Prolly the best example of this is orginally in the chapter where Nick agrees to give things another try with Alyssa, he was supposed to kind of just brush off Alyssa's concerns about where they were heading and kind of be a jerk about it. Yet, once I started writing it next thing I know he's agreeing to at least try which actually kind of works out better for the story. I guess its a good sign that I have such strong characters LOL.

As far as if any of the characters are based on real people- absolutely! In fact I think just about all the non BSB characters come from some form of a person I know. I suppose you can say Alyssa is based off me on a very basic level. Italian descent... Substitute teacher just graduated college... From Long island lol But as far as being in her position w/ an ex I've never been there, so thats all creative.

Meg, Alyssa's older sister is based off a friend of mine that I meant through BSB years ago and we've gotten REALLY close. She's actually younger than me, but we're practically sisters. Like Megan in the story, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at age 16, so that part of the story is true. Today, she's doing great at 21!

Izzy is also based off a friend of mine that used to be in my BSB RP group where the ver basic ideas of the story stemmed from. Somehow back then it turned out to be a BSB/O-town RP and she used to play Ashley's g/f. If you REALLY read carefully you can argue that Tristan is a caricature of Ashley in some ways.

I do have a younger sister named Stephanie only she is 14 and although she's definitely not as into much crap as Stephanie in the story she is a bit of a spoiled brat, so I guess some inspiration comes from that.


--- Quote from: mare on April 06, 2007, 10:24:49 PM ---OKay readers of Under My Skin time to plug this one!

Give us one reason that anyone who has not read this story should.

--- End quote ---

OK, I have to say that you should not be turned off by the fact that romance is one of the genres listed in the summary. THis is (so far) an absolutely wonderful story. Like I was trying to say to Mel earlier, I love it because she is telling a love story and yet she's not. This story is really the story about what happens after the love story. The sappy romantic cheesy crap that I love to write so much where you get to the end and they FINALLY get together... that's where her story sort of begins. It explores relationships and all the different sides to them. There is a lot of pain and angst in the relationship that has gone sooo wrong and she does a remarkable job at making you see both sides to the arguement. As I read it (and not fast enough) I have really been pulled in different directions and honestly cannot take a side. THey are both right and both wrong. I love the internal conflict and Mel has done it in a way that makes you love both the main characters and want the best for both of them even if you don't know what that is. I love that because I don't hate either of the characters which happens a lot in stoies about break ups. I think it's hard to make them not totally one-sided.  Well done Mel!!!

hope that made at least a little sense. I guess my point is, read the story cause it's really really good! 

Good answers Mel. Glads to hear your friend won her battle with cancer too. That's a great thing!

Here's another question :)

if you could change one thing about your story, what if anything would it be?


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