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AC District Court

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--- Quote from: mare on January 13, 2011, 07:44:43 PM ---Personally I think it's a great idea and remember, you wouldn't be so upset about it, if you followed the rules in the first place. That in itself is showing me it's a good idea.

--- End quote ---

Word *throws peace sign*

Ha, its kinda like being fan fiction black-listed. I don't mind it. lol Its just a week. Though its sort of ironic I got banned for spamming yet, I was listed in this thread as well as PMd. Kinda interesting. Though just to clarify, I didn't steal anything. Just posted my story a lot. lol

lol Sorry for spamming you. Originally I was going to just let this thread speak for itself but as a courtesy for this still being kind of a test idea, sent the PM.

It just adds to your street cred, is all.


I completely agree. If you think you're being singled out or attacked that is ridiculous. Spamming most recent is very unfair to other people on AC who want their updates to be seen. If you have a problem with the rules just don't post. Don't blame other people for your mistakes and drag everyone into it.

I so would speak my mind right now but it'd probably get me banned for life! Oh and mare hunny, I'd still feel Garrett toward this stupid fucking thread weather I was listed it in or not! Oh yes and Julilly sweetie, I'm not stretching in stating a fact! The rest of you can keep your thoughts to yourself!


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