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--- Quote from: julilly on January 13, 2011, 08:57:34 PM ---lol Sorry for spamming you. Originally I was going to just let this thread speak for itself but as a courtesy for this still being kind of a test idea, sent the PM.

It just adds to your street cred, is all.

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Not a problem.

It seems you're the only one who is offended. You brought it on yourself, you have no right to bash people for having an OPINION.


--- Quote from: yorkielover88 on January 13, 2011, 10:11:41 PM ---I so would speak my mind right now but it'd probably get me banned for life! Oh and mare hunny, I'd still feel Garrett toward this stupid fucking thread weather I was listed it in or not! Oh yes and Julilly sweetie, I'm not stretching in stating a fact! The rest of you can keep your thoughts to yourself!

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There's no such thing as being banned for life for speaking your mind.

First, I am not your sweetie, nor do I appreciate pet names. Second, we had nothing to do with you losing interest in your own story. Blame us all you want but having your account locked for a week (which wasn't even a whole week by the way) was your own fault. I didn't post four stories for you, Mare didn't post them for you either, you posted them. You broke the rule. Take some responsibility for it.

Everyone else is just as entitled to their own opinions as you are to yours. So unless you plan on not voicing your opinions then you'd best accept that everyone else on this forum is allowed to say theirs. It's not for you to tell them to keep their thoughts to themselves.

You came into this thread SO concerned that you were being embarassed or singled out but all you're doing right now is drawing attention to yourself.


--- Quote from: yorkielover88 on January 13, 2011, 10:11:41 PM ---I so would speak my mind right now but it'd probably get me banned for life! Oh and mare hunny, I'd still feel Garrett toward this stupid fucking thread weather I was listed it in or not! Oh yes and Julilly sweetie, I'm not stretching in stating a fact! The rest of you can keep your thoughts to yourself!

--- End quote ---

Wow, is all this really necessary? Mariah has no problem with it, and she's listed right there with you. Honestly to prevent it from happening again, all you need to do is not break the rules. I really don't see the issue.

Exactly. And using pet names is immature.


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