Welcome > Rules and News

AC District Court

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I'm with you Rose. I don't understand what the big deal is.

I don't either.

I read the rules when I first started posting stories, even asked how many is considered spamming. If by some chance I do something that gets me on "vacation," then so be it.

Do the crime. Do the time.

I agree, if you can't do the time then don't do the crime!!

I'd have no problem with my name being up here for all to see if I broke the rules.  We should all know the rules, so it's only fair to accept the punishment for breaking them.

I don't think you should take it too seriously J-Lynn, it's only a few days :)  No one is laughing at you or singling you out.

If I'd be listed, I'd be pissed at myself, not at the mods! If these rules weren't there or if they were there but the mods couldn't care less to check if they were being followed, it would be a mess! There are rules everywhere and if you break them, you get punished, although I don't even see this list as a punishment. It's just a reminder to follow that rule. I don't see the big deal, really.

I think if I was listed there I'd just laugh and be all "oops, lol" Not a big deal, really. I got banned from another forum a lot and their ban log was a lot worse than this one!


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