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Author Topic: FS for April: Curtain Call  (Read 16067 times)


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Re: FS for April: Curtain Call
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2011, 12:45:36 PM »

Congrats on being featured this month, Julie! I love Curtain Call, and I love Cary in that story so it's interesting to see how you came up with her character. Was there a particular reason you decided to set this story in the TIU era? Was it just because it was the most recent, or were there other factors?

Thanks, Steph!

Good question!  I think my original thought was to make it TIU because it was current; I started this last summer, when the US tour was still happening.  I didn't want to set the story in the future because I knew so much of it would involve them touring, and I didn't want to have to make up all the details of that - a fictional new album, new songs, different tour schedule.  Part of the fun in it was researching and using as many true details as I could work in.

I did toy with the idea of setting it during the Unbreakable tour instead.  I even made an outline that way to see how the timeline I was envisioning would match up with the Unbreakable tour schedule, but I think in the end the TIU one worked better, and I liked the idea of keeping it more current so that it seemed more plausible, like he could have been keeping this secret from fans the whole time, sick as that is LOL.  I like sticking to reality as much as I can; I don't like to go back and completely change the past.  Obviously by now, the story's taken that fork in the road and is no longer following reality, but I stuck to it for as long as I could.

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Re: FS for April: Curtain Call
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2011, 12:47:05 PM »

Yay Julie, I love Curtain Call.  Will have to think of some questions for you :)

Thanks Steph! :)

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Re: FS for April: Curtain Call
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2011, 01:15:20 PM »

Hey Julie,

Here are a few questions for you. First of all congrats on the best author win! What went through your mind when you found out you won that?

Thanks, Mare!

I was really excited to win Best Author!  It felt good, especially because I had been nominated in that category before and gotten runner-up I think the past two years.  That was great, too, but it was nice to get the win this time, and now that will open up a spot for someone else to be nominated LOL.

Onto the story:

Where did you come up with the idea for Curtain Call and how soon after your initial idea did you start to write it?

I got this idea 100% from watching the movie Funny People.  For those who haven't seen it, it's about a veteran comedian, played by Adam Sandler, who finds out he has cancer and doesn't tell anyone, but he hires an aspiring comedian, Seth Rogen, to be his personal assistant and confides in him.  They develop an interesting friendship where Adam's character mentors Seth's and gives him all these opportunities, but Seth's character obviously helps him deal with things, too.  It's a good movie, and I liked the premise and that relationship between the characters.  Being that it was about a celebrity, of course I started thinking about how it would be easy to get a fanfic idea out of that, and BAM, there it was.

I loved the idea of Nick taking an aspiring singer under his wing, but of course for ulterior motives.  I knew it had to be a girl because if I'm gonna write bromance in a BSB fanfic, it's gotta be with another BSB - no point in making up a fictional male character.  I went a step further and made her a nurse practitioner so she could be more than just a personal assistant for him.  I put her on American Idol solely as a way for him to "discover" her, and I made her a Backstreet fan so that she would actually go along with his plan.

The idea would not get out of my head, so I played with it for a few days, researching and plotting the story and developing the characters, before I actually started writing.  I waited until I had the first six chapters written before I started posting, but that only took like a week - I churned out a chapter of this thing a day; that's how inspired I was for it LOL.  It just would not leave me alone.

I know you have mentioned before you aren't comfortable writing in first person, so why did you choose first person for this story?

I don't really know why, but this story always felt like a first person story to me.  It's weird because I think I only have one other novel written in first person, and that was ten years ago.  Except for a few short stories, I really don't write in first person.  I think I figured it would make it seem more realistic and less melodramatic.  I wanted to separate it from Broken, and writing it in first person seemed like big good way to make it different.  It's changed the whole tone of the story.

Did you base Cary off of anyone in particular?

No, my main goal for her originally was to just make her the anti-Claire LOL.  I based her look on Zooey Deschanel, who I love because she has that cute, sort of quirky, vintage style and singing voice.  But the rest of her character just came together piece by piece, the way I talked about earlier.

What made you go with cancer again and was it a tough decision considering the popularity of Broken?

LOL I agonized over that decision for exactly that reason.  I basically racked my brain and scoured the internet, looking for anything OTHER than cancer that would work for this idea.  I told Rose about it, and she helped me look too.  There was just nothing else that fit all the criteria I needed.  So I reluctantly went with cancer again, though a different type and different direction.  There are obvious similarities between this one and Broken, but from plot to style to just overall feel, the two stories are really different.

Thanks for the questions, Mare!

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Re: FS for April: Curtain Call
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2011, 06:18:27 PM »

LOL yeah, not like he doesn't have an excuse...  :D

Hm... something few know... like that I was going to call it either "On With the Show" or "The Show Must Go On," until you suggested "Curtain Call"? LOL  I was like, "Oh!  Yeah!  That's so much better!"  I had just been listening to that Queen song on repeat for probably hours as I researched and planned.

It's okay. Choppage is fun! :D (And maiming, dismemberment, scarring...)

LOL! I remember that, and how for some reason neither of us were happy with those titles (even though for me it wasn't even my story lmao.) I forget how I came up with Curtain Call. But I still love the title, it just fits. :)
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Re: FS for April: Curtain Call
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2011, 06:20:56 PM »

LOL I agonized over that decision for exactly that reason.  I basically racked my brain and scoured the internet, looking for anything OTHER than cancer that would work for this idea.  I told Rose about it, and she helped me look too.  There was just nothing else that fit all the criteria I needed.  So I reluctantly went with cancer again, though a different type and different direction.  There are obvious similarities between this one and Broken, but from plot to style to just overall feel, the two stories are really different.

I remember this, and warning you myself about possible Broken comparisons.

As for other diseases...OMG no kidding! We spent hours trying to find another disease. Sadly there's just not that many "easy" to hide terminal diseases. :( lmao. The funny thing of course is that the only other one besides Cancer that kept coming up in our searches was Alzheimer's. Go figure!
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Re: FS for April: Curtain Call
« Reply #20 on: April 02, 2011, 06:40:42 PM »

I was just afraid people either wouldn't want to read this one because of Broken or would think, "Wow, she's really looking to recreate the magic, writing another one of these stories."  LOL

But actually, the response has been great, because people who did read Broken say that this one is different, and a lot of my readers of this one haven't even read Broken because it's so old.  It doesn't seem like that long ago, but I started Broken 8 years ago.  And then I made a point to go outside my comfort zone to write different kinds of stories after I finished BMS, with 00Carter and Undead and Guilty Roads, so I figure it was time for me to write another hurt/comfort type medical drama anyway. :)   Apparently that's what people like from me best, cause wow, this one has gotten way more reviews than any of my other stories!

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Re: FS for April: Curtain Call
« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2011, 06:42:19 PM »

It's okay. Choppage is fun! :D (And maiming, dismemberment, scarring...)

LOL! I remember that, and how for some reason neither of us were happy with those titles (even though for me it wasn't even my story lmao.) I forget how I came up with Curtain Call. But I still love the title, it just fits. :)

Um, yeah!!

The other titles were cheesy LOL.  I thought so, but I couldn't think of anything else that I liked that fit.  Curtain Call was perfect!

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Re: FS for April: Curtain Call
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2011, 04:09:37 PM »

Yay, I'm really glad that CC got featured. I've already gushed to you endlessly about how much I love it. I think my favorite aspect of this story is that it follows the TIU tour so closely. I loved how you tied actual events into the storyline. The one that gets me the most is the Boys singing Shattered as Michael McDonald. That video just cracks me up, but now when I watch it, I have to remind myself that it isn't CC Nick and the Boys on stage singing.

I'm not sure if you can answer this, but is Cary ever going to get on stage again? I know Cary's concerns about being Nick's caretaker came up recently but, of course, she wants to be there for Nick and help him. Would you say that the stress of her "double-life" while touring with BSB affected her desire to perform?
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Re: FS for April: Curtain Call
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2011, 04:26:48 PM »

Thanks, Christine!  You always leave the most detailed, thoughtful reviews; I really appreciate that!

Part of the challenge, but also part of the fun of this story was sticking to the TIU schedule and trying to weave in actual events with the fictional ones.  The way I outlined this story was basically with a timeline, where I filled in all the real tour dates and looked at where they overlapped with Nick's treatment schedule, and that was usually how I got ideas for what could happen and when.  Like that soundcheck Nick missed toward the end of that first leg... I knew something had to go down in the story then, that that would be his breaking point.  For the other shows, I would go look at threads on the fan club and TDS to read people's reviews and see what memorable stuff happened that I could try to work in, and of course I used YouTube, especially for the soundchecks.  I knew I definitely had to do the soundcheck where they sang Shattered that way; that video still cracks me up!

Good question about Cary getting back on stage.  I'm not sure I can answer it either, because I don't know for sure yet myself.  I think for now she's content to take a break from it to be there for Nick, and whether or how soon she gets back on stage will depend on how things go for him.  She loves performing and was grateful for the opportunity, and I think if she was able to, she'd go further with the whole music career, but at the end of the day, she loves her day job too, so I don't think she'd be devastated if it didn't work out.  She really had given up on the music thing until American Idol came along, so for her, this is just like an added bonus to that whole experience.

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Re: FS for April: Curtain Call
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2011, 05:35:10 PM »

How did you come up with the scene where Nick reveals to Cary his illness, because I loved how it transpired!


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Re: FS for April: Curtain Call
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2011, 05:51:57 PM »

Thanks!  I don't remember exactly, except that I wanted to get it out there quickly, so that the story could move forward, so I figured he would probably have to be drunk to just put it out there so soon after meeting her.  I don't know how I came up with the idea of him taking off his shirt to show her, instead of just saying it, but I thought, in a way, it might be easier for him that way.  Then I thought of how she would think that he was going to force himself on her at first, and I thought that was funny, so I went with it.  It was more interesting than just having him say it out of the blue.  Glad you liked it!

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Re: FS for April: Curtain Call
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2011, 08:18:59 PM »

Hey all!

It's time to read the second set of chapters! Great questions everyone! It makes my job easier! lol

Okay we are reading chapters 14 - 26 this week!

Same as always, any questions or comments feel free to post and i'm sure Julie will answer when she gets the chance!

Happy Reading! :)

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Re: FS for April: Curtain Call
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2011, 08:29:32 PM »

How much research did you do for the story? What kind of research did you do?

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: FS for April: Curtain Call
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2011, 11:06:20 PM »

Yeah, I love all the comments and questions coming in this month - thanks, guys! :)

I am pretty hardcore about research.  I spent days researching before I really even got into the writing of this one, in order to outline it, and then I look up stuff as needed as I write.  I do most of my research online; I have 140 pages bookmarked in my Curtain Call file right now LOL.  A lot of them are medical sites or articles; my favorite is EMedicine because it's very detailed and specific.  I usually start with Wikipedia for overviews of stuff and then cross-reference with other, more reliable sites.  A lot of what I look up isn't even medical stuff, but info on the music business, cities and places, concert venues, specific shows, etc.

With this story in particular, I've been really anal because it's set in the recent past (summer 2010), and so I've been trying to use as many real details as possible just because I know I can.  One site I've used a lot with this story is Weather Underground (http://www.wunderground.com/history/), which gives you historical weather data... so since this story has been aligned with the dates of the TIU tour last summer, I can plug in a specific date and city and find out what the weather was like then.  Another one I discovered is TV Tango (http://www.tvtango.com/listings/), where you can look up historical TV listings, to find out what was on primetime TV on certain nights.  I kind of enjoy the challenge of trying to find really specific information and being as true-to-life as I can, while writing a fictional premise.  You can find pretty much anything on the internet these days, so it's usually not that hard!
« Last Edit: April 08, 2011, 11:07:55 PM by RokofAges75 »

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Re: FS for April: Curtain Call
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2011, 06:30:03 AM »

What made you go with American Idol as the show of choice and what made you decide to make Cary a surper fan before she met
Nick and not after she got to know him?
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green
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