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Author Topic: Engarde!!!!! The reading challenge part two!  (Read 44665 times)


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Re: Engarde!!!!! The reading challenge part two!
« Reply #135 on: August 15, 2011, 05:12:58 PM »

Who was the person reading your story? Erika (kevmylove)

1. Did you get regular feedback on your chapters from your reader? Yes

2. Did you respond to that feedback? Always!

3. Did your reader take the time and post about what they read in the forum thread? Yes she did :)

4.  Do you feel like you got the amount of feedback you were expecting? Yup

5. Was there anything that the reader of your story said that surprised you? Nope lol

6. Do you feel like the feedback you got was constructive and something you would use as a tool to help you out later? Just like kristal, Erika's feedback was more reactionary so it was the same type of thing as far as looking forward to seeing what she thought of some of the chapters.

7. Overall did you think this was a positive experience? Why or why not? Yup same answer as above lol

8. Is there any question you have for your reader that you would like them to elaborate on? Nope, but I am curious to know if she did go anf read the short story about the attacker? lol

9. Would you consider taking part in something like this again? Yuppers, my mind did not change from ten seconds ago lol

10. Do you have any comments for your reader or anyone in general who may want to read your story in the future? Just wanted to thank you to Erika for reading, commenting and reviewing this story. I appreciate it!

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Engarde!!!!! The reading challenge part two!
« Reply #136 on: August 15, 2011, 06:44:52 PM »

Hey guys!

I'm really sorry I haven't been around much. I have been really busy working with a tight deadline at work and some bad stuff happened in my personal life. I feel really bad about not having had much time, but please know that I would never flake out for no reason and the fact that I still had to do this was always in the back of my mind.

I did have free time today so I read up to chapter 26 of 00Carter. Up to the end of the Bunnies in Black part. I thought I would come here and post my thoughts before I continued any further. I left lots of reviews though!

Anyway, I thought the beginning of it was really funny. I like how Nick is this slick secret agent, but he's still so Nickish lol. It reminds me a lot of Get Smart actually. I like how all BSB have made an appearance so far, and how most of the Nsync guys are there too.

I found the part with Justin's backstory to be the best one so far. I thought it was the most intriguing and had the most character stuff that I liked. I enjoyed when it dug into his and Nick's past and what his motivations to being a villain were. I'm hoping that there will be more Nick/Justin scenes in future chapters! Also, the fact that he's called 'drums' amuses me to no end.

The only criticism I have so far is that it seems a little disjointed at times, which I suppose could be because there were so many people working on it. But for the most part I am enjoying it!

Again, really sorry for being MIA but our work project is finished now so things have calmed down for me.

It's okay, sometimes life just happens.

You know, I never knew anything about Get Smart till after we started this, but I agree. They're similar in that aspect LOL. I loved that movie though and it did inspire a few ideas I eventually want to use. We knew from the get go we wanted all 5 BSB, and of course gave Howie a very special role LOL.

I'm glad you like Drums! He's my fave villain to actually write. I really love his backstory cause he's more a shade of grey in this whole black and white world we have for the story. And as for the name lmao, that was all Julie. She has this whole thing about that "Like I Love You" song, and now anytime I hear it I bust up laughing when he says "drums..." lmao.

I'd agree with you about it being disjointed in the beginning, I hope that smooths out for you as you get further. Our biggest problem was trying to mesh everyone's writing styles together.
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Re: Engarde!!!!! The reading challenge part two!
« Reply #137 on: August 15, 2011, 06:45:21 PM »

Hey guys!

I'm really sorry I haven't been around much. I have been really busy working with a tight deadline at work and some bad stuff happened in my personal life. I feel really bad about not having had much time, but please know that I would never flake out for no reason and the fact that I still had to do this was always in the back of my mind.

I did have free time today so I read up to chapter 26 of 00Carter. Up to the end of the Bunnies in Black part. I thought I would come here and post my thoughts before I continued any further. I left lots of reviews though!

Anyway, I thought the beginning of it was really funny. I like how Nick is this slick secret agent, but he's still so Nickish lol. It reminds me a lot of Get Smart actually. I like how all BSB have made an appearance so far, and how most of the Nsync guys are there too.

I found the part with Justin's backstory to be the best one so far. I thought it was the most intriguing and had the most character stuff that I liked. I enjoyed when it dug into his and Nick's past and what his motivations to being a villain were. I'm hoping that there will be more Nick/Justin scenes in future chapters! Also, the fact that he's called 'drums' amuses me to no end.

The only criticism I have so far is that it seems a little disjointed at times, which I suppose could be because there were so many people working on it. But for the most part I am enjoying it!

Again, really sorry for being MIA but our work project is finished now so things have calmed down for me.

Glad to see you back here, Steph, and I hope life has started to settle down for you.  Thanks for taking the time to read and leave feedback.

I'm glad Nick still seems like Nick, even as a secret agent.  We started writing this before the Get Smart movie came out (and had never seen the show), but when that movie came out, we were like, "This is so 00Carter!"  That's exactly what we were going for.

Even though there are fictional characters (mainly, the Carter girls) and other celebrity cameos (NSync and the other random boyband guys in FANS), we wanted to keep it a BSB fanfic, so it was important to us to give each of the guys a role.  Obviously, Nick's the main character, and Howie's the supervillain, but we try to make sure Kevin, AJ, and Brian get to be involved in the episodes too.

I'm glad you liked the Justin stuff.  We dislike Justin, but Drums is one of our favorite characters to write.  And yes, Drums... LOL It goes back to that part in "Like I Love You" where he goes "Drums" out of nowhere... and then the drums start up again.  But yeah, he's in the story a lot in future episodes, and you get more Dr. Rough back story eventually, too.

I can see how it seems disjointed, especially in the earlier episodes when we had more people writing and hadn't latched onto a style we could all agree on yet.  I think it gets smoother as the episodes go on, but I'll be curious to see what you think.

Thanks again for the honest feedback!!

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Re: Engarde!!!!! The reading challenge part two!
« Reply #138 on: August 15, 2011, 09:43:54 PM »

Ha! I was hoping that Drums came from that random part in Like I Love You! I find that part of the song hilarious too. I also really did like Dr. Rough! Evil Howie just fits for some reason lol.
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Purpura Lipstick

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Re: Engarde!!!!! The reading challenge part two!
« Reply #139 on: August 15, 2011, 09:51:18 PM »

^ and he's fun to write evil!
- Purpura -


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Re: Engarde!!!!! The reading challenge part two!
« Reply #140 on: August 15, 2011, 10:21:15 PM »

Ha! I was hoping that Drums came from that random part in Like I Love You! I find that part of the song hilarious too. I also really did like Dr. Rough! Evil Howie just fits for some reason lol.

Yay!  Thanks!

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Re: Engarde!!!!! The reading challenge part two!
« Reply #141 on: August 17, 2011, 10:27:06 AM »

I said I would read but first my internet wouldn't work (we have a new provider and my laptop refuses to accept the new connection) so AC wouldn't load. I could have read on my phone but it's a bitch trying to scroll through the page lol. Yesterday my laptop fell and the screen broke (I tweeted a pic lol) so now I have to get on my mom's or sister's laptop when they're not already taken. Plus, there's been some drama at home and that gets me sleepless nights. This is so not my week. :-[

I hope the reparation of my laptop won't cost too much otherwise I'll have to buy a new one. Sigh.

So, I'll read whenever I can.


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Re: Engarde!!!!! The reading challenge part two!
« Reply #142 on: August 17, 2011, 10:30:15 AM »

Sorry to hear all of that, Imke. Thanks for letting us know.
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Re: Engarde!!!!! The reading challenge part two!
« Reply #143 on: August 17, 2011, 11:51:13 AM »

Who was the person reading your story?  Purpura Lipstick

1. Did you get regular feedback on your chapters from your reader? here and there

2. Did you respond to that feedback? yeah

3. Did your reader take the time and post about what they read in the forum thread? Yes 

4.  Do you feel like you got the amount of feedback you were expecting? more then that (Not meaning to copy the song lol)

5. Was there anything that the reader of your story said that surprised you? some of it

6. Do you feel like the feedback you got was constructive and something you would use as a tool to help you out later? Yes! Thanks so much!

7. Overall did you think this was a positive experience? Why or why not? Yup I've learned not to go so fast.

8. Is there any question you have for your reader that you would like them to elaborate on? Nope

9. Would you consider taking part in something like this again? Very much yes!

10. Do you have any comments for your reader or anyone in general who may want to read your story in the future?no



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Re: Engarde!!!!! The reading challenge part two!
« Reply #144 on: August 19, 2011, 07:18:29 AM »

I know I already did my two stories, but I also read Love This Pain when Imke was MIA.

1) Name of the story you read and the author and what you feel the genre is. Your answer might be different then the authors.
Love This Pain by MyConfession.  I think the genre of drama is correct, but it's also romance in my opinion.

2) Would you have ever read this story if it wasn't a challenge?
Probably would've given it a go.

3) What was your favorite scene?
I liked when they first got together, before he knew she was a call girl.

4) Who was your favorite character and why?
Nick, because he came across as a nice guy.

5) Overall tell us one reason why you think someone else should/or shouldn't read this story.
If you like steamy sex scenes and a well written story, you'll like it.  If you like a happy ending to your stories, then you aren't going to get one here and won't like it!

6) Did it convert you to the genre it is? Would you be willing to read another story just like it?
I already liked drama and so I'd be willing to read more.

7) Give one piece of concrit that might help the author for future reference. This can be positive too, concrit doesn't always mean negative.
I can't think of anything negative to say about the story or the writing.  It was well written, well presented and the characters were well developed.

8) This should be the question the author asked in their survey. Everyone's will be different.
Karah asked if the sex scenes were too much and no, they weren't!

9) Would you recommend this story and author to another person? Why or why not
Yes, I would recommend this story to others as I enjoyed it and I'm sure other people would too.

10) Out of 10 stars what would you give this story?
I'd give it 9, only because of the ending.  I didn't like the ending (sorry Karah!)

11) Do you think after you are done reading what's there so far (and you only have to read however many chapters are there when the start of this challenge was given) Do you think you will continue to read the story through to the end to see what happens to the characters?

N/A as it's complete

And for those of you reading completed stories, if there was a sequel, would you be curious enough to continue reading on?

There couldn't be a sequel to this one, lol!  So no.



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Re: Engarde!!!!! The reading challenge part two!
« Reply #145 on: August 19, 2011, 07:23:19 AM »

Steph, by far if we were giving away an award for all time best reader for this challenge, it would be you! Thanks!
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Re: Engarde!!!!! The reading challenge part two!
« Reply #146 on: August 19, 2011, 08:15:07 AM »

would there be a reading challenge part three? I would love to participate in here since I do love reading...  :)
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Re: Engarde!!!!! The reading challenge part two!
« Reply #147 on: August 19, 2011, 10:36:29 AM »

There will be, but not for a little while. It'll actually only be our second one. This is the 2nd thread but the first challenge lol

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Engarde!!!!! The reading challenge part two!
« Reply #148 on: August 19, 2011, 10:55:31 AM »

There will be, but not for a little while. It'll actually only be our second one. This is the 2nd thread but the first challenge lol

Silly me, I thought this is really the part two... too bad, I missed this one. But I can wait....  ;)
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Re: Engarde!!!!! The reading challenge part two!
« Reply #149 on: August 19, 2011, 11:10:47 AM »

We'll definitely do it again next summer! We might do a smaller one in the winter. :)
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green
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