Going back to Erika's question, my immediate family - mom, dad, sister - are the only ones in my real life who know I write fanfic. When I started, I still shared a room with my sister, so I could only hide it from her for so long. Eventually my mom "found" my website (I think my sister told her, but she would never admit to it) and asked me about it. I made her vow never to read any of my stories, and she promised she wouldn't. I actually think she's kept that promise because in all these years, she's never mentioned any specific storylines I've written about, and I've written enough weird stuff that I kind of think she would, if she'd really read any of it. I don't think she cares enough to. She's the only one who ever asks me about my writing, though, and usually it's with the same attitude as Lore's mom. "When are you going to write a REAL novel? You know, not about the Backstreet Boys?" My dad is clueless about computers, so he's never seen my site and never asked about my writing. This is fine with me; I don't want them coming to my site or reading my stories or my Twitter!