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Author Topic: Reading your own stories...challenge  (Read 14088 times)


  • Fledgling
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Re: Reading your own stories...challenge
« Reply #30 on: December 10, 2012, 06:49:35 PM »

SERIOUSLY?!?!?!??!?!?! This is hilarious. Hello again, random former hosted writer whom I totally forgot about! Glad we have quasi-reconnected! Bwahahaha...


  • Supreme Time Waster
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Re: Reading your own stories...challenge
« Reply #31 on: December 10, 2012, 06:56:43 PM »

LOL That's so funny that you guys had stories on the same site and didn't know it!  I totally get a kick out of looking at these old Tripod and Angelfire fanfic sites.  Ahh, the good old days!

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


  • Fledgling
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Re: Reading your own stories...challenge
« Reply #32 on: December 10, 2012, 07:14:54 PM »

SERIOUSLY?!?!?!??!?!?! This is hilarious. Hello again, random former hosted writer whom I totally forgot about! Glad we have quasi-reconnected! Bwahahaha...
RIGHT?!?! I didn't even realize I had my story hosted anywhere! Haha :) The Internet never forgets, clearly! :)


  • Fledgling
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Re: Reading your own stories...challenge
« Reply #33 on: December 10, 2012, 07:17:10 PM »

LOL That's so funny that you guys had stories on the same site and didn't know it!  I totally get a kick out of looking at these old Tripod and Angelfire fanfic sites.  Ahh, the good old days!

OMG a part of me wishes I kept my bookmarks from 1999 because there were so many awesome stories that I'm startng to remember now but can't find! Loved those Tripod and Angelfire sites!


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Re: Reading your own stories...challenge
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2012, 07:18:42 PM »

So many of them are no longer online, it's great to see some that still are!  Geocities going down a few years ago really took out a lot of the old fanfic sites.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


  • Fledgling
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Re: Reading your own stories...challenge
« Reply #35 on: December 10, 2012, 07:35:59 PM »

There are at least a couple sites that have Geocities archives -- Reocities and OoCities are the ones that popped up on Google first, anyway.

And my Tripod site is TOTALLY still up, hence how I was able to find my story for this exercise (and how dreamalittlebi gger was able to stumble on this ridiculous coincidence). I should link to it in my site sig for S&Gs. It hasn't had a serious update in 13 years -- literally almost half a lifetime ago, NBD.

I'd be willing to bet the same thing has happened to a lot of writers on this site -- stumbling on each other unknowingly, years after they were hosted together. This seems like kind of a small world. :)


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Re: Reading your own stories...challenge
« Reply #36 on: December 10, 2012, 08:23:23 PM »

Yep, I have seen those Geocities archives.  They don't have everything, sadly, but I went through my links and saved everything I really wanted to preserve before Geocities went down.

It is kind of a small world.  I love our little tightknit community. :)

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Reading your own stories...challenge
« Reply #37 on: January 11, 2013, 09:01:34 PM »

Name of story:  For The Rest of My Life
Year you wrote it:  2007/2008
Summary:  Sequel to Unsaid Goodbyes --  The summary from the site; One couples Story through heartache and pain, love and courage, and most of all, commitment. Will their love withstand the ultimate test of faith? Will there be any miracles? Can Gracie hold on long enough to say "I do"
Main Character:  Nick

1) Did you feel your characters were strong?
I actually really liked the characters in this story... Nick of course is Nick!  And Gracie I tried to make fun and spontaneous, even despite the cancer treatments.  The story was about Nick and Grace and I feel like I did a pretty good job developing their characters considering this was my first ever story.  The others popped up here and there, but they weren't nearly as important.

2) Was your plot consistent?
I feel it was... the plot of this story was Grace's cancer treatment and whether or not she would make it to the wedding day, I focused on that throughout the story

3) Did you have many filler chapters or sub plots?
Maybe one or two, but nothing that really strayed from the story... everything went back to the plot in some manner.

4) What is something you are proud of concerning this story?
I'm proud of the fact that this was my first story *it was the sequel, but I wrote it first*.  I felt that Unsaid Goodbyes could have been developed more and offered more of a back story on their relationship, but I don't feel like that was needed here.  I am partial to the ending as well!

5) Did you find any major problems or inconsistencie s?

6) Something interesting that you took away from this one?
Hmmm... I think that **Spoiler** stories can have happy endings and they don't ruin the story.  I really battled back and forth a few times and actually wrote two different endings to the story, but in the end I simply couldn't have Grace die.  It didn't seem right... so I think it made the ending perfect.

7) On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate this one?
Probably a 7 -- it could always be better!

8) Did your opnion change from you wrote it originally?
Not really

9) Would you recommend this one to anyone?
I would -- if you enjoy sappy love stories or angsty stories, go for it  ;)

Final thoughts and comments about it: (If you think everyoe else should give it a chance or not etc...)
I think the fact that it was my first fic it will always have a special little spot in my heart!  I really became attached to the characters and even started writing a third fic "I'm Movin' On", but haven't been able to continue it because I didn't like the idea of ruining Nick and Grace!  So maybe someday!!
-- Rachel --

*And in that line now was a whiskered old man, with a linen cap and a crooked nose, who waited in a place called the Stardust Band Shell to share his part of the secret of Heaven; that each affects the other, and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one.*
-- Mitch Album


  • Supreme Time Waster
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Re: Reading your own stories...challenge
« Reply #38 on: June 30, 2013, 08:17:51 PM »

Last summer I read Curtain Call as Mare was reading it for the reading challenge, and I enjoyed the experience, so I thought I'd do it again this summer with Secrets of the Heart while Cinzia's reading it for the challenge.  Again, it was interesting to read one of my own stories in its entirety almost a year after finishing it.

Name of story:  Secrets of the Heart

Year you wrote it:  I started it in October 2008 and finished it in August 2012, but the majority of it was written last summer.

Brian Littrell and AJ McLean were not the type of men you’d expect to associate with one another. One was a music teacher and a family man; the other made his living in bars and tattoo parlors. Their paths sometimes paralleled, but never crossed… until fate altered the course of their lives. Through tragedy, the two men would meet… to bring justice to a life cut short.

Main Character:  Brian and AJ

1) Did you feel your characters were strong?
I do think they were strong.  I love the characters in this story.  There are really four main characters, Brian, AJ, and their respective significant others, and each of them has their own personality and perspective.

2) Was your plot consistent?
I think so...  The plot of this story is pieced together like a puzzle, and I had to do a lot of careful planning to be able to put all the parts together.  This is the only story, aside from collaborations, that I've outlined chapter by chapter, so even though it took me forever to write it, I was able to remember where it was going and keep the story consistent.

3) Did you have many filler chapters or sub plots?
Really, no.  There are two interweaving storylines, but no subplots beyond those.  The story only has 25 chapters, which is short by my standards, and I pruned it down to get to that number (I think I had originally planned it to be closer to 30), so I can honestly say that every chapter is important and serves a purpose to the storyline and character development.

4) What is something you are proud of concerning this story?
Besides the characters, I'm most proud of the way I was able to weave the two storylines together in a way that would reveal the major pieces of the puzzle one at a time in the order I wanted to.  I am not a mystery writer, and I'm not someone who departs from writing in chronological order very often, so this was a big accomplishment for me!

5) Did you find any major problems or inconsistencie s?
There weren't any major problems, and I only noticed three typos, which is pretty good for me!  The only inconsistency I was worried about was with my writing style.  I was worried it would be disjointed because of how long it took me to write this story.  Luckily, I didn't notice that too much; I thought it flowed pretty well.  I do think the ending is rushed, and that's partly because I remember feeling rushed as I wrote the ending - I was trying to crank out the last few chapters before school started last August and also wrap it up in 25 chapters.  Without the deadlines I set for myself, I might have taken more time with it and stretched it out a little longer, but I'm not sure.

6) Something interesting that you took away from this one?
This is the first AU I've written in a LONG time that wasn't a collaboration and wasn't centered around some "gimmick" - ER doctors, secret agents, zombie apocalypse.  It's the only one I've written in which the guys are just regular people, doing mostly regular things.  If they weren't named for the Backstreet Boys, I think it could easily pass as original fiction, and that is encouraging to me because I don't usually think in terms of original fiction.

7) On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate this one?
I'd give it a 9.  It's not perfect, but it's well-written, with vibrant characters and a unique plot, and there was nothing in it that made me outwardly cringe - a first, for me!  Even Curtain Call had a cringe moment or two.  I also like that I was able to keep it concise; it's been a long time since I wrote a whole novel in 25 chapters or less.

8) Did your opinion change from you wrote it originally?
I always liked this story for its plot, characters, and the first three chapters, but it was a pain in the ass to write!  Even last summer, when I finally was able to churn out chapters consistently, it took a lot of effort to make myself keep writing.  I'm not really sure why, but I like it more as a reader than I did as a writer - it's really nice to be able to look back on it now that it's finished and be like, "Hey, I wrote that!"  But you will never catch me going, "Aww, I miss the days of writing Secrets..."  Nope. LOL

9) Would you recommend this one to anyone?
I would recommend this to anyone who likes Brian, AJ, mystery, medical drama, and is open to AU.  I know a lot of people probably passed on it because of the lack of consistent updates, the AU genre, and the fact that Nick is not mentioned anywhere in the summary, but if you can get past those things, I think it's a good read.

Final thoughts and comments about it:  I'm proud of myself for finishing this story and mostly happy with how it turned out.  It was fun to read it in its entirety this summer and see how the whole thing turned out.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling
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