Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!

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As I said to Julie, I'm very patient.  :)

Story: Switch

Person reading it: Mare

1) When you found out this person was reading your story what were your initial thoughts?
I was happy, although she wasn't the one who was reading it first. I was in stock when she had the time to read mine.

2) Did your reader leave you an adequate amount of feedback and was it helpful to you?
Yes, she did. She was honest, as I said her, I appreciate every little advice she gave me.

3) Did you find yourself going back to read your story as a result of the feedback? no but I might have too.

4) Do you have any questions for the person reading your story?
Nope. She was very clear in her feedback.

5) Overall did you find the experience a good one or a bad one?
Definetely good.


Do you have any questions for the person reading your story?
Just a little curious about why you are so anti-female centered fic.  I get that you love the boys and don't want anything to take away from that.  Is that pretty much it?  I really have trouble not including a female lead to complement at least one of the boys.  Though, I've not written that much.  The action/suspense storyline I'm working on, is (sorry!) not necessarily female centered, but will feature a female.  Baby steps, I guess..... So, I kind of doubt you'll even read it. haha.  Maybe for next year's challenge....

This will be one of my typical babbly and long explanations lol

Like I think I've said before on the forum, if this were even a few years ago, I would have shunned a female lead character at all, but I've kind of gotten over that. I think for me in this particular fandom, I just kind of get what I like to read and what I don't. If it were an OF then I'd have absolutely no problem reading about the girl and her boyfriend who happens to be in a boyband. But since this is a BSB thing, I don't really care about the girl, just like in real life, I don't really care about any of their girls lol I lump them all into a misc... category. You know ...and the rest. I 'like' some of them but I don't really care about them.

When I read about BSB in a fanfic, it needs to be about them and their relationship to one another. Now if one of therm happens to be dating Cindy Winklestein, top model at the I R Purty Institute, that's fine and dandy, as long as Cindy's primary function is reacting to what's going on in the the boys lives and not visa versa. Once the story seems like it's about Cindy and the boy or boys only caring about her, it has lost any hope for me.

So to sum up, if your story is about the boys, and one of them gets in trouble and as a result someone is going to kill, kidnap one of them, or run one of them over with a moped, I'll be intrigued and will probably want to read it. If instead Cindy or her son/daughter/best friend/ cousin by a third marriage is in trouble so someone is going to kill, kidnap or run  one of those misc people over with a moped. I root for the driver of the moped. LOL

It's nothing against people who write those kinds of stories. I get what you all see in those, they just don't really interest me and most likely never will. BSB fanfic anyway.

I'm glad you enjoyed your experience and I am very happy that you are branching out and writing some suspense. I bet you'll do a great job! If you put a psychotic moped driver in there, I want her named after me! LOL

Thanks, Chris. I'm glad you had an enjoyable experience! :)


--- Quote from: mare on July 21, 2013, 04:21:26 PM ---Do you have any questions for the person reading your story?
Just a little curious about why you are so anti-female centered fic.  I get that you love the boys and don't want anything to take away from that.  Is that pretty much it?  I really have trouble not including a female lead to complement at least one of the boys.  Though, I've not written that much.  The action/suspense storyline I'm working on, is (sorry!) not necessarily female centered, but will feature a female.  Baby steps, I guess..... So, I kind of doubt you'll even read it. haha.  Maybe for next year's challenge....

This will be one of my typical babbly and long explanations lol

Like I think I've said before on the forum, if this were even a few years ago, I would have shunned a female lead character at all, but I've kind of gotten over that. I think for me in this particular fandom, I just kind of get what I like to read and what I don't. If it were an OF then I'd have absolutely no problem reading about the girl and her boyfriend who happens to be in a boyband. But since this is a BSB thing, I don't really care about the girl, just like in real life, I don't really care about any of their girls lol I lump them all into a misc... category. You know ...and the rest. I 'like' some of them but I don't really care about them.

When I read about BSB in a fanfic, it needs to be about them and their relationship to one another. Now if one of therm happens to be dating Cindy Winklestein, top model at the I R Purty Institute, that's fine and dandy, as long as Cindy's primary function is reacting to what's going on in the the boys lives and not visa versa. Once the story seems like it's about Cindy and the boy or boys only caring about her, it has lost any hope for me.

So to sum up, if your story is about the boys, and one of them gets in trouble and as a result someone is going to kill, kidnap one of them, or run one of them over with a moped, I'll be intrigued and will probably want to read it. If instead Cindy or her son/daughter/best friend/ cousin by a third marriage is in trouble so someone is going to kill, kidnap or run  one of those misc people over with a moped. I root for the driver of the moped. LOL

It's nothing against people who write those kinds of stories. I get what you all see in those, they just don't really interest me and most likely never will. BSB fanfic anyway.

I'm glad you enjoyed your experience and I am very happy that you are branching out and writing some suspense. I bet you'll do a great job! If you put a psychotic moped driver in there, I want her named after me! LOL
--- End quote ---

Changing one of my characters to Marianne now.....


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