Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!

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Thanks, Emily. It's funny I was checking to see how many chapters it was and saw how short my chapters were. That's another thing that's changed over the years lol

1) What are your three favorite fanfics of all time and why? With the band by evergreenwrite r83
                                                             Fighting Fate by Purpura Lipstick
                                                             Guilty Roads by RokofAges75

They all have a a knack for description and getting the guys just right it makes the stories come alive for you.I also love the storylines.


2) What genres do you most enjoy reading? Angst, Drama, Suspense,Action,Advention, Humor,AU, Science Fiction, Supernatural

3) What genres do you typically shy away from and why? Romance, most of the time its just not my thing but I have read a few

4) Which boy do you enjoy reading as the lead? any one

5) What do you think is the biggest cliche in fanfics? I don't know,all of them lol

6) What would make you stop reading a story? if I can't understand the thing

7) What is your biggest fanfic pet peeve?

8) Would you consider yourself a picky reader? heck no

9) What draws you to a story? If the summary looks good I'll click to read.

10) Do you typically give feedback when you read? yup

Which do you prefer:

Stories told in present day, or back in the day? both

Stories featuring real wives/family or fictional wives/family? real or not at all

Romance or Bromance? bromance

All five guys, one or some? any of them

Long stories, Series, or shorter stories? any of them

Female centered or BSB centered? bsb centered

1st person or 3rd person? both

More description or More dialogue? more dialogue or a nice of the two

Character list or not (Meaning a visual diagram of what all the characters look like before you start to read) not

Blood and guts or fluffy kittens and bunnies? both

Slash or Het? slash

AU or Sci Fi?

Suspense or Drama?

Nick as a victim or Nick as a hero?

Happy and healthy or sick and dying?

Emo or over the top happy?

Kevin the jerk or Kevin the big brother? Kevin the big brother

Pre rehab AJ or post rehab AJ? both

Brian or "Husband" Brian

Stereotypical Howie or Evil Howie? both

Cliffhangers or not? cliffhangers

Open endings or resolutions? both

Banner or no banner? both

One shots or song fics? One shots

Reader or writer? both

Sorry it took so long Mare, I got busy.

Ok finally got a chance to do this...

1) What are your three favorite fanfics of all time and why?

Searching for Mercy by Honey
On Nightingale Hill by Filiklepto
Chronos Project by PurpuraLipstic k

2) What genres do you most enjoy reading?

AU, Romance, Drama

3) What genres do you typically shy away from and why?

Slash, Sci Fi, Historical

4) Which boy do you enjoy reading as the lead?

Nick or AJ

5) What do you think is the biggest cliche in fanfics?

Backstreet boy meets girl and they immediatly fall in love.

6) What would make you stop reading a story?

Poor updating, really bad grammar, too much unecessary description

7) What is your biggest fanfic pet peeve?

8) Would you consider yourself a picky reader?

I can be

9) What draws you to a story?

The summary, the banner and the first chapters

10) Do you typically give feedback when you read?

Yes I do.

Which do you prefer:

Stories told in present day, or back in the day?

Either one, but I rather present.

Stories featuring real wives/family or fictional wives/family?

Either one works for me as long as they stay in the background

Romance or Bromance?


All five guys, one or some?


Long stories, Series, or shorter stories?

I prefer short ones. I like series if they are necessary.

Female centered or BSB centered?

I like both

1st person or 3rd person?

Either one is ok.

More description or More dialogue?

Equal amount of both. Not a fan of too much description.

Character list or not (Meaning a visual diagram of what all the characters look like before you start to read)

Maybe subtle hints.

Blood and guts or fluffy kittens and bunnies?


Slash or Het?

Definitley Het.

I just finished reading "Crash and Burn" by mamogirl.  It's a one-shot, so it was a quick read.  I enjoyed it!  It was a very angsty story that captured a small, but beautiful moment between Brian and Nick.  When you combine Brian and Nick with angst and powerful, descriptive writing, you've got a winner in my book!  Nice work, Cinzia!

I'll be starting Tracy's "Finding Carter" next.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 05, 2013, 04:48:33 PM ---I just finished reading "Crash and Burn" by mamogirl.  It's a one-shot, so it was a quick read.  I enjoyed it!  It was a very angsty story that captured a small, but beautiful moment between Brian and Nick.  When you combine Brian and Nick with angst and powerful, descriptive writing, you've got a winner in my book!  Nice work, Cinzia!

I'll be starting Tracy's "Finding Carter" next.

--- End quote ---

Thank you so much!
Brian and angst is my favourite combo ever!  :D There is so much potential!

I've started reading "The other side of Nick" and I really really love the plot!


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