Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!

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Oh my God! You guys are all SO awesome! At this rate we'll be done with this challenge by the end of July and not August! lol

In response to Julie's question about Finding Carter:

My favorite character was probably Nick because as the story progressed he grew as a character and it was great to see that as I wrote him. Things really did come full circle at the end and it really great to see that he ended up somewhat different than how he was in the story began, but he was still himself at the end.

I am sorry about Brian, I wasn't trying to go for that hick stereotype because I know in real life people from there are not like that, but for story purposes I wanted Brian to be completely different from Nick and for them to somehow find common ground before they knew they were brothers. It kind of became a running gag about Bella (his goat) and I wanted him to kind of realize that he didn't want to be on the farm just because it was expected of him, hence why he changes his majors and becomes a teacher. I wanted Brian and Nick to both grow but I kind of just focused on Nick more since he is the main character.

As for the Disney stuff, I am a Disney buff like Nick but I don't collect merchandise. I have seen most of the movies and a lot of things referenced I actually did remember, although for the Disney World scenes I had to do a lot of research. I actually bought a copy of a 1999 Disney World travel guide so I could be as accurate as possible with the attractions and park layout....I really went into detail and wanted to be accurate. I did a lot of research on fraternities as well, Pikas are a real frat at the University of South Florida....and I did research on what movies came out in 1999 or what songs were popular then. It was the first time I actually did research before writing a story, so I'm glad it was accurate.


--- Quote from: mare on June 14, 2013, 06:39:49 AM ---Here is a reader's survey for you too!

Readers survey (To be completed once the person reading your story is finished)

Story: Finding Carter

Person reading it: RokOfAges75 aka Julie

1) When you found out this person was reading your story what were your initial thoughts?

I was very excited because Julie is one of my favorite authors, and I always feel honored when she reads my work.

2) Did your reader leave you an adequate amount of feedback and was it helpful to you?

Yes, she reviewed every chapter and her reviews were always detailed, and had some tips that really helped me out.

3) Did you find yourself going back to read your story as a result of the feedback?

Yes I did because I had to remember some of the bits she was talking about, but for the most part I remember the story pretty well.

4) Do you have any questions for the person reading your story?

Not really, she already mentioned why she didn't like Brian as a character, which I completely understand her reasoning. He's probably my least favorite as well.

5) Overall did you find the experience a good one or a bad one?

A good one. I always have a good experience during these reading challenges and would gladly participate in any more that we have in the future :)

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: DelphinaCarter on June 26, 2013, 07:16:48 PM ---In response to Julie's question about Finding Carter:

My favorite character was probably Nick because as the story progressed he grew as a character and it was great to see that as I wrote him. Things really did come full circle at the end and it really great to see that he ended up somewhat different than how he was in the story began, but he was still himself at the end.

I am sorry about Brian, I wasn't trying to go for that hick stereotype because I know in real life people from there are not like that, but for story purposes I wanted Brian to be completely different from Nick and for them to somehow find common ground before they knew they were brothers. It kind of became a running gag about Bella (his goat) and I wanted him to kind of realize that he didn't want to be on the farm just because it was expected of him, hence why he changes his majors and becomes a teacher. I wanted Brian and Nick to both grow but I kind of just focused on Nick more since he is the main character.

As for the Disney stuff, I am a Disney buff like Nick but I don't collect merchandise. I have seen most of the movies and a lot of things referenced I actually did remember, although for the Disney World scenes I had to do a lot of research. I actually bought a copy of a 1999 Disney World travel guide so I could be as accurate as possible with the attractions and park layout....I really went into detail and wanted to be accurate. I did a lot of research on fraternities as well, Pikas are a real frat at the University of South Florida....and I did research on what movies came out in 1999 or what songs were popular then. It was the first time I actually did research before writing a story, so I'm glad it was accurate.

--- End quote ---

That makes sense about why you made Brian the way he was, so he could be Nick's opposite.  Thanks for answering my questions!  I could tell you had done research on college, Disney, and the late 90s.  Like I said in one of my reviews, I loved all the references to 90s stuff!

And by the way, you totally need to watch The Great Mouse Detective on Netflix!


--- Quote from: emilo on June 26, 2013, 12:10:09 PM ---Halfway there survey (Only to be completed once you have gotten at least halfway through your story)

Name of story: Story of My Life by Carter-Orange (I don't know your actual name!)

1) Are you finding it easy to follow plot wise? Yes

2) So far who is your favorite character and why?This may seem a little weird, but Kevin.  He's the authority figure, but after seeing him get on the line for Nick in the last chapter I read, you can see that he really cares for his employees.

3) Are you getting a sense of how it will end and if so, any guesses? (Sometimes authors get a kick out of seeing what a reader thinks will happen and how predictable they may or may not be)I have no idea whether this is supposed to have a story woven in other than the day to day worklife or not?  I really have no idea how it will end.  Maybe with Friday?

4) Do you feel like the summary the author gave accurately describes the story you are reading? Would there be anything you would include or omit?I think the summary's fine.

5) Has there been any big surprises/plot twists or just overall observations? This really doesn't have anything to do with the story, but I was surprised by the amount of foul language in the story.  I know Nick is a bit of a potty mouth in real life, but there seems to be a lot.  Though, this may be real-life in her office! :)

These are the harder questions, but don't be afraid to answer them. Remember we all signed on to this knowing and expecting to get and give constructive criticism.

6) If this wasn't a challenge story and you didn't have to continue reading, would you have stopped already? If so please explain why. It's pretty short.  I'd probably read to the end whether I liked it or not, honestly.

7) Has there been any glaring errors that have stuck out? (I'm not talking about the occasional missed period, typo or spelling/grammar errors but huge mistakes that need to be pointed out that the author might not be aware of)Nope.  The writing is pretty solid. Just a couple little things that I noticed since I'm a member of the grammar police :), but nothing worth mentioning here.

8) Do you have any questions for the author in regard to the storyline, characters or plot? If this hadn't been a challenge story, could you see yourself expanding the plot to have a storyline other than the day-to-day work life?

--- End quote ---

My name's Steph, the Carter-Orange is a mixture of my Take That and BSB faves LOL

I think the story was a challenge to write about the boys doing our job, so I did a week in the life of an IT service desk person.  It's not really that fun in my work, at least not anymore!  So yes, the story does end with Friday :)

The swearing in the story, hmm, I didn't realise I'd written much!  I don't really swear much at all (the odd 'shit' here and there, in fact people in my real life would be shocked to hear me say more than that), but I figured that a bunch of guys together would swear.  I know that the guys in my work swear, not excessively, but it's there.

I suppose if it wasn't a challenge story I could've expanded it, but I'm happy enough with it as it is.


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