The reading challenge is always a great way to get to know each other and maybe find some stories and authors you would have never even thought to read. That's one of the reasons that everyone should be participating! But since that isn't happening, I thought this would be yet another way to maybe introduce your writing to some people who may otherwise by unfamiliar with it, so here it goes!
I am going to list some things and then I want you to link us up to what you feel best answers the question. Please include the name of the story and not just a link though. Some of these you might not have a chapter that goes with it. Just skip them! Also if a short story fits better than a chapter from a full length novel, you can use that instead
Kay? kay!
1) Best beginning:
2) Funniest chapter:
3) Saddest chapter:
4) Meanest cliff hanger:
5) Scariest chapter:
6) Goriest chapter:
7) Romantic chapter:
8) Death chapter:
9) Loaded with action chapter:
10) The chapter no one saw coming:
11) Brotherly bonding chapter:
12) Sinister chapter:
13) Bromantic moments chapter:
14) The big reveal chapter:
15) Best ending:
16) Self Indulgent chapter:
17) Goofiest chapter:
18) Worst thing you ever wrote (lol):
19) Favorite chapter:
20) Your best short story:
21) Most unique chapter:
22) Love blossoms:
That should keep us busy! LOL