Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

new anonymous challenge maybe... lol

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 14, 2014, 10:10:07 PM ---I'm not good at coming up with the prompts.  I don't know that I'm any good at responding to the prompts either LOL, but since it's summer, I'm willing to try.

--- End quote ---

I always have a harder time in the summer since the kids are home lol. They keep me busy until they are in bed and even then I dont get on the computer until 10pm or later some nights. When they start school back up the 13th of August I will be able to do more things lol.

but i may have something though...since I am sure most of us love music..why not to a story based completely off a song...not necessarily a BSB song but anything from anyone? seems cheesey but its an idea LOL

LOL I'm a teacher, so it's completely opposite for me.  Those darn kids! :)

We could maybe use a BSB song as a prompt.  If we could agree on a song that could be taken in a lot of different ways, that would work.  It would be interesting to see how everyone interpreted it according to what they like to write.

I haven't done a BSB song challenge in ages. They've got such a huge catalog of songs now too, so that gives us some wiggle room in what to choose from. The tricky part will be narrowing it down.

just in my backstreet play list alone i have 245 songs lmao...some are of course solo albums and stuff but its still a lot of songs LOL...let me look through my list of songs...and throw some out there ;)

Yeah, we could do a poll like we did with the fairy tales if people want to throw out suggestions.


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