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Even newer questions to ponder

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YAY, the forum works again!!

I wish I was more of a one-shot writer.  I find those are nice when you're between novels or suffering from writer's block; they're a good way to get the creative juices flowing without the commitment of a novel.  I just don't get many ideas that would work best as a short story.

What's your favorite one-shot/short story you've written and read?

My favourite one-shot I've written was a Titanic AU. I wrote it in 1D fandom for this movie AU ficathon. I originally wasn't going to participate in it, but I was looking through the prompts and someone threw Titanic in there with a Niall/Harry pairing... it was basically the fic I was born to write LOL. I was also lucky enough to have two really good betas for that one, they made the story a million times better than it would have been if I'd just written it and read it over for errors myself.

My favourite one-shot I've read has to be Mare's birthday box story about Nick. That one where he goes through all of his past birthdays and puts a piece of himself for each year of his life into the box. It was a nice way of going through Nick's journey so far in pieces and looking at how far he's come. I loved it.

LOL So Niall and Harry were Jack and Rose?  That is epic.

I loved when Mare would write a one-shot every year for Nick's birthday.  I remember the birthday box story; that was a good one.

Aww thanks ladies!

I enjoy writing one-shots and like I've said before, I think if I were to write anymore fanfic it would only be one-shots.

My favorite one-shot is Documentaries by Izzy. It's an oldie but still one of my all time favorites.

A favorite that I wrote was my very first one-shot I wrote for Nick's birthday which was To the Magnificent Nickolas Carter. I just really liked the idea of Nick writing a letter to himself when he grew up.

Favorite one shot? Wow there's so many but I know one of my favorites was for the 1,000 WAYS To Kill Nick Carter spinoff... When Julie had Nick kill the fan and baked her into muffins. No lie- I have not been able to touch a blueberry muffin since reading that. I can't even explain it to anyone cause they won't get it lol

As far as my favorite one I have written, it would have to be Changes  because I feel I captured Kevin in first person POV. I hadn't written him much before.


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