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Even newer questions to ponder

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Glad to hear you have an idea for a new story!  What rumor are you talking about?  I've been out of town for the last two days without wifi, so I've been out of the loop!

Howie has always been my throwaway character.  I hope writing a novel about him has helped with that, but before Sick as My Secrets, he was the only one who never really seemed to have an established role in my stories.  Usually Nick or Brian is the star, and whichever one it's not about serves the best friend role (they'll always be Frick and Frack to me).  Kevin is usually in that older brother position; he's good for giving advice or keeping the boys in line.  AJ is usually the comic relief.  Other than maybe being the "peacemaker," Howie never really did much.  I see him fitting into that best friend role more in future Nick stories because he and Nick have been so tight the last few years.  I think I've seen more of Howie's true personality and sense of humor in recent years, thanks to cruises and soundchecks and that kind of stuff, and writing a Howie-centered story helped me learn more about him and "get to know him" better in a character sense.  So hopefully you'll see more of Howie in my future stories!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 14, 2017, 10:17:33 PM ---Glad to hear you have an idea for a new story!  What rumor are you talking about?  I've been out of town for the last two days without wifi, so I've been out of the loop!

--- End quote ---

A poser claiming to work for the boys keeps saying Brian wants to quit the group. The guy has been posting things like this for a while, he goes by Wes or Logan Carter.

Thanks, Tracy.  I'm sure that's bullshit.  If Brian wanted to quit, he would have done it a long time ago.  I don't know about you, but when I met him in Vegas, he seemed the happiest and most personable he's ever been when I've seen him in person.  Also, his voice seems to be getting better.  He may never sound 100% like his old self again, but he's definitely figured out some techniques to sing his parts without sounding so shaky.  Why would he quit now?

I don't understand myself and I be sure that guy is fake. Brian was very happy and the guys sign new contract for new album and world tour so I'm sure this rumor is false


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