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Even newer questions to ponder

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 23, 2017, 08:45:58 PM --- I try to make sure every scene I write has a purpose, whether it's moving the story forward or developing the characters and/or relationships.

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Oh man, definitely this. There was a story I was writing a few years ago that I was really enjoying and when I was editing it to post I realised I had a couple chapters at the end that were just me drawing out writing it because I didn't want it to end. So I cut them out completely and just shifted around the couple of important things they did contain (which wasn't a lot) to other chapters. I ended up sending them to a friend of mine who had been hounding me for a sequel just to placate her, but I still never ended up doing anything else with them and probably never will.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 23, 2017, 08:45:58 PM ---I hear you with the sex scenes, too.  Just out of curiosity, do you prefer writing het sex scenes or slash ones?  Any slash writer can answer that question as well, if you want to.

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This is going to sound weird but I much prefer writing the slash scenes. Actually, I got more comfortable writing the slash scenes than any het scenes. I don't even remember the last het sex scene I wrote? Or the last het fic I wrote, to be honest. The slash scenes are just so much easier because I don't feel like I'm awkwardly trying to (or trying really hard not to) picture myself in the female role. If that makes sense. It's also probably because I've just written more slashy scenes than het ones and I can use the boys that already exist rather than having to create a completely fictional female for them to sleep with. Which I feel like should make it more uncomfortable. .. but somehow it doesn't lol.


--- Quote from: Sakabelle on July 23, 2017, 09:31:50 PM ---There was a story I was writing a few years ago that I was really enjoying and when I was editing it to post I realised I had a couple chapters at the end that were just me drawing out writing it because I didn't want it to end.

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This reminded me of a question I thought of earlier in the summer and didn't ask.

Does anyone else get anal about ending their story on a nice "round" number of chapters, or is that just me?

I have this weird, OCD quirk about numbers...  Like if I'm adjusting the volume on my TV or in my car or the temperature on my thermostat, I have to set it at a nice, "round" number - ideally a multiple of 5 or 10, but if I have to go somewhere in between, it has to be an even number.  Never an odd number and DEFINITELY never a prime number!  I'm the same way with chapters - I like my stories to end on multiples of 5 or 10.  I wouldn't be able to stand finishing a story on Chapter 51, for example.  I would either make sure I finished it at Chapter 50 or stretched it out to 55.  That is why the last few chapters of my stories tend to be super long, 'cause I'm trying to make sure I end on an appropriately-numbered chapter LOL.  Or why I invent things like "post-epilogues" so I can make the last numbered chapter 200 and not 201.  Can anyone else relate?


--- Quote from: Sakabelle on July 23, 2017, 09:31:50 PM ---This is going to sound weird but I much prefer writing the slash scenes. Actually, I got more comfortable writing the slash scenes than any het scenes. I don't even remember the last het sex scene I wrote? Or the last het fic I wrote, to be honest. The slash scenes are just so much easier because I don't feel like I'm awkwardly trying to (or trying really hard not to) picture myself in the female role. If that makes sense. It's also probably because I've just written more slashy scenes than het ones and I can use the boys that already exist rather than having to create a completely fictional female for them to sleep with. Which I feel like should make it more uncomfortable. .. but somehow it doesn't lol.

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That doesn't sound weird.  I was just genuinely curious, and your answer explained it well.

RokofAges75 yes it is very different to try a new style of fanfic, but this idea wait waiting for too long in my writing notebook and for the chapter it depends where the story goes. For the sex scene it is more easy for  me to write it since I go on a forum where is only slash roleplay. I'm happy that you are talking to me here, because you didn't on twitter.

Sorry, I'm not on Twitter as much these days, so I'm sure I've missed some things.  It's also harder to have a discussion there, 140 characters at a time.  I'm on this forum all the time, so I'm glad you've joined us here!


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