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Even newer questions to ponder

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My most recent example is also slash.  I never used to be able to take slash seriously, but then I read one of Cinzia's short stories for the summer reading challenge back in 2013, and I enjoyed it.  It was well-written, and even though it was technically a slash, it wasn't overly sexual.  It was easy to overlook that aspect of it and appreciate a good Frick & Frack story.  That is actually what inspired me to seriously try writing a slash, which led to Unsuspecting Sunday and then Sick as My Secrets.  I read a few slash one-shots here and there while I was writing SAMS, mostly to get some inspiration for the sexy scenes LOL, but I can't say I read anything that stuck with me.  But now I'm reading Steph's new story Ever Since New York, which is the first slash novel I've ever read, and I have to say that I'm actually genuinely enjoying it.  In all honesty, I probably wouldn't have clicked on it if it wasn't written by a friend/favorite author, but I also wouldn't have stuck with it if I wasn't enjoying it.  The fact that it's an old-school Brian story helps!  Between reading these stories and writing my own, I've become a lot more open to slash and would read more in the future if the writing was good and the storyline appealed to me, just as with any story.

It was because of Cinzia for me too funny enough. And I remember you reading my one shot Secrets Of The Heart and I was surprised cause I know you don't like to read slash. I am the same way. If it's well written I enjoy reading it.

Wish Cinzia would come back here and see what a trendsetter she is! LOL

Yes, there's another example of my newfound openness to slash LOL.  I don't think I'll ever turn into one of those people who only want to read and write slash, but I also won't pass over a story just because it has that label anymore.

One thing that I've found I really enjoy about slash is that it's a way to include romance without taking attention away from BSB by focusing too much on a female character.  I really enjoyed writing a novel that was just about the relationship between two Backstreet Boys, and I think that's why I'm in such a bromance phase, where most of my ideas focus on two of the Boys (just not in a romantic way).

I think that's why I enjoy slash too. Although I do write regular romance as well, I feel like I enjoy slash a little more because I can focus on the boys and not the random female characters.

Yep.  Nothing against regular romance or random female characters; I enjoy those too, but it's kind of a relief to not have to worry about creating a believable, likable, well-rounded original character.  You still have to make the Boys well-rounded characters, but that's easier cause there's so much already fleshed out for you.  Then the challenge becomes making them sexually attracted to each other in a way that's believable LOL.


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