Fic Talk > General Discussion

Even newer questions to ponder

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Aww, thanks!  I'm glad I made a medical drama convert out of you! :)

AU was the other "outside my comfort zone" genre I was thinking of.  I think the first story that really opened my eyes to how good AU could be was Between the Lines.  I had tried and failed to get into that story before because so many people had recommended it, but something made me finally stick with it - it may have been Mare's old fanfic group or maybe an awards I was judging, I don't remember.  I wasn't that big of a baseball fan at the time, and I didn't like AUs because I missed the Backstreet vibe, but once I got into that story, I LOVED it, and it's one of my favorite fanfics now.  So well-written and full of bromance!  Since then, I've been much more open to AU.  I enjoyed Finding Carter and some of Julilly's AUs like Satin and Silk, and I got into writing AUs like Song for the Undead and 00Carter.  I still prefer canon to AU, but just like with slash, I won't pass by a story just because it's AU anymore.

Aw thanks ladies. Finding Carter was and still is one of my favorite stories I've ever written. These comments made my day.

I love writing AU because there's so much to play with. It's funny because I don't read a lot of it. I go for Canon stories more.

So here's a question I thought of, what got everyone into writing fanfiction in the first place?

I don't exactly know when it was, I just know that in high school I carried notebooks around and wrote a lot between classes, during lunch, before school... I still have my notebooks too.

I think I've told this before, but I'll tell it again lol. I was on BSB websites in like 1998 or something, and I was cruising this one fansite that had a link called "Stories." I thought it was going to be stories about meeting the boys, so I clicked on it, but it was fanfic. Like, so many fanfic stories. Mostly Nick romance which was right up my alley LOL. After reading a whole bunch of them I decided to try writing my own.

I actually contacted the author of that site asking her to host my stuff (and she did!) but I didn't even know the concept of chapters or anything at that time. I was just writing in a word document and adding onto it as I went. So I asked her how people would know I'd updated and she was like "Just split it into chapters and send me new chapters as you write them!" And here we are.

I was digging through some old threads on here and I came across a question I thought would be interesting to ask again. When you get inspiration from a movie, a book or even another fanfic, how do you go about twisting that idea to make it your own?


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