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Even newer questions to ponder

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Having done two stories that were inspired by movies, (When I Grow Up and Jizzle Of Oz) I can answer this lol. When I Grow Up was directly inspired by the movie 13 Going On 30. While it's not one of my best attempts at writing, I changed it up by making Nick the Jennifer Garner character and setting it in the This Is Us era. It was a bit challenging but I made sure to try and keep the comedy element while adding the drama with the Nick/Kevin storyline.

Jizzle Of Oz was a parody of The Wizard Of Oz. I took the boys and tried to fit them to the characters from the movie. Since Nick was Dorothy he needed a female enemy and the natural choice was Paris lol. I guess I just didn't put a lot of thought into it but I enjoyed Leighanne as Glinda with the munchkins wearing t shirts with her photo on them haha.


--- Quote from: DelphinaCarter on August 02, 2017, 04:31:08 PM ---So here's a question I thought of, what got everyone into writing fanfiction in the first place?

I don't exactly know when it was, I just know that in high school I carried notebooks around and wrote a lot between classes, during lunch, before school... I still have my notebooks too.

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After reading "Ground Zero" I was yearning for more suspense and then just decided to try my own hand at it. That was Mizpah and the rest is history.

I was on ffnet for like a hot minute before it closed real life admissions. That's when I tried to find people who hosted and Julie was one of them. I was on Izzy's site as well before Chaos contacted me and offered to host on AC before it was actually AC. Good times!


--- Quote from: Sakabelle on August 03, 2017, 08:49:50 AM ---I was digging through some old threads on here and I came across a question I thought would be interesting to ask again. When you get inspiration from a movie, a book or even another fanfic, how do you go about twisting that idea to make it your own?

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Even though it's not really a specific fanfic or anything that I got my ideas from, it's more the genres in general. It's challenging to make a kidnapping story seem original when there are so many out there. I just tried my best to stick to my style which was first person from multi points of view. My favorite spin on suspense though was writing the story as the haunted house as the main character? I'm still patting myself on the back for that one! Lol

That haunted house story was SO good. And I would have to say that's why I read a lot of your stuff, Mare. I love suspense and you were so creative. Each storyline just pulled me in. It's hard to do a kidnapping story in your own way with being original. Like I did with Figured You Out, there's so many psycho fan stories so I had to kind of do a twist on it. It's hard. Lol

I loved your haunted house story too, Mare!  That was such a creative idea!


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