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Even newer questions to ponder

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--- Quote from: DelphinaCarter on August 02, 2017, 04:31:08 PM ---So here's a question I thought of, what got everyone into writing fanfiction in the first place?

I don't exactly know when it was, I just know that in high school I carried notebooks around and wrote a lot between classes, during lunch, before school... I still have my notebooks too.

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I've heard a lot of people say that's how they started, by writing fanfic in notebooks at school.  That's neat that you still have those!  I think there's something special about having them in your own handwriting.  I started my first fanfic in a notebook and still have that, but it's only a few pages; then I started typing it on my computer and have never really written fanfic by hand since.

I stumbled onto fanfic while browsing BSB sites, and once I realized what I was reading, I got obsessed with reading it.  I read it for probably 5 months or so before I tried writing any myself.  I read this short story that was about Brian's illness when he was 5, told from the perspective of this little girl who lived next door.  I think Brian actually died in it, but then it turned out to be just a nightmare, and the story ends with the girl waking up as a grown woman, in bed with Brian, who she's married to.  It was a cute little story, but I remember being disappointed that it was so short and wanting to read more about what happened in between when they were five and when they were grown up and married.  So I decided to try writing my own story about Brian and a girl growing up together as best friends and falling in love.  I never finished the first version because I got an idea for another story (Heartache) and ended up finishing that one and getting it hosted online, but I went back and re-wrote the original story a year or so later and finished that one (Years of Grace).


--- Quote from: Sakabelle on August 02, 2017, 07:50:28 PM ---I didn't even know the concept of chapters or anything at that time. I was just writing in a word document and adding onto it as I went. So I asked her how people would know I'd updated and she was like "Just split it into chapters and send me new chapters as you write them!" And here we are.

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That's funny!  Does anyone else have an example of something that seems so basic now that you didn't know or struggled with when you first started writing?


--- Quote from: Sakabelle on August 03, 2017, 08:49:50 AM ---I was digging through some old threads on here and I came across a question I thought would be interesting to ask again. When you get inspiration from a movie, a book or even another fanfic, how do you go about twisting that idea to make it your own?

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I guess I usually make it my own by adding or changing details to take the story in a different direction.

In the example I talked about in my answer to how I got started writing fanfic, I took the basic premise of a short story I'd read and extended it into a novel by adding a lot more to the story.

Broken was inspired by the Swollen Issues series - both Nick cancer stories, but in an effort to go my own way, I gave Nick a different type of cancer that would allow me to take it in a different direction (a.k.a. amputating his leg), and I also added in a romantic subplot with Claire's character.

Guilty Roads was actually inspired by The Lion King (which was inspired by Hamlet), but I used Backstreet Boys instead of lions, mobsters instead of hyenas, Amish people instead of Timon and Pumbaa, and changed the setting from Africa to Pennsylvania LOL.  And actually, the whole "Let's come up with a way to twist a Disney movie into a fanfic plot" idea was inspired by the fanfic Faceless, which I always thought had been inspired by Beauty and the Beast.  So there was a lot of inspiration behind that story.


--- Quote from: DelphinaCarter on August 03, 2017, 04:47:38 PM ---Jizzle Of Oz was a parody of The Wizard Of Oz. I took the boys and tried to fit them to the characters from the movie. Since Nick was Dorothy he needed a female enemy and the natural choice was Paris lol. I guess I just didn't put a lot of thought into it but I enjoyed Leighanne as Glinda with the munchkins wearing t shirts with her photo on them haha.

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Who else enjoys reading and/or writing parodies?  What's your favorite parody you've read and/or written?

I love parodies.. I might love suspense but I highly enjoy a good parody, obviously cause I'm a huge Weird Al fan. So my love for parodies carried over to my reading tendencies. I've only written one so I guess Jizzle Of Oz is my favorite lol.

I just remembered that Forces Of Nature, although I didn't finish it was directly inspired from the movie Twister. Nick was based off Dusty, AJ was based off Bill and Kevin was based off of their rival Jonas. I wish I'd finished that one.

Then Weird World was taken from a Weird Al song called "I Think I'm A Clone Now", inspired by the lyrics about having a clone of himself.

My favorite parody of sorts I've read was Five BSBs In Search Of A Plot and Julilly's story about Gaston for that Beauty And The Beast writing challenge we did.

As for the notebooks, my first story I ever wrote was the first story I have ever posted on AC which was called Incomplete. I have a couple others that I never posted, including one about 9/11 that I wrote in high school.


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