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Even newer questions to ponder

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I feel so ashamed I didn't mention 00Carter lol that's right up there in my favorites too. And 1000 Ways.. Even though it's not a parody it's a comedy. I love to read stuff like that now and then.

Thanks! :)

How I got into fanfic.

So I've been writing since second grade, like somewhere in a crate of my childhood that I got after my mom passed away, are those little books some elementary schools will help you "publish" if your teacher thought you had written a good story. You got picked to publish it as your own little book. My teacher at the time told me I was good and I heard it a few times in later grades and as a kid who already loved books, I very quickly found I loved writing more than I did playing pretend. My mom wanted to encourage this so by 5th grade she bought me my own typewriter. So I wrote even more, all original fiction obviously.

Fast Foward to 13 my sister gave me a computer for Christmas and I was able to get on the internet full time and I looked up websites about my favorite group at the time. I, like Saka Steph saw a "stories" link, and I clicked and discovered fanfiction. The idea of combining my two favorite things sounded awesome and I went from there. Quickly discovered and posted there till they got rid of RPF. After that I got hosted on a friend's website that I was collaborating with and she let me know about AC as well.

When I get inspired by books, usually it's not so much twisting them or spinning them, it's always questions. Like... "What would happen if Nick was in that situation?" or "What if this was different? I could throw BSB in the mix too." Or, like my This Is The End idea, for example. "What were BSB doing all this time before they ended up in heaven?" I find my best story ideas literally come out of nowhere.

Or, from talking to Julie at 3am - which funny story, happens just as easily in person at our hotel room as it does when we're on yahoo or FB messenger in the middle of the night.

That's so neat that you had an actual typewriter to write on!  Do you still have it?

I had an old PC in my room by the time I started writing fanfic, but it didn't have an internet connection.  This was back in the dial-up days, of course.  So I would write in my room, save my files to a floppy disk, and then move to my mom's computer to get online and post stuff.  To read fanfic, I would copy/paste chapters to a Word document, save them on my floppy, and take them back to my own computer to read offline because my mom would get mad if I stayed online for hours at a time, tying up the phone line.  Eventually I got internet in my room, and that made things much easier!


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