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I wrote on a type writer too and I still have it. There's something about it that I like. The smell of the ink and paper.

Julie I did that but I would take my floppy disk to school and use the school computer when I was on . That was the first place I posted my stuff before I found AC. I like AC a lot better.


--- Quote from: DelphinaCarter on August 05, 2017, 08:11:05 PM ---I wrote on a type writer too and I still have it. There's something about it that I like. The smell of the ink and paper.

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So cool!  I've never used a real typewriter before, but I love the idea of it!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on August 05, 2017, 08:28:11 PM ---So cool!  I've never used a real typewriter before, but I love the idea of it!

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It was a lot faster than going to the library and printing things. I used to do school reports on a typewriter sometimes if I didn't have time for the library.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on August 05, 2017, 07:03:13 PM ---That's so neat that you had an actual typewriter to write on!  Do you still have it?

I had an old PC in my room by the time I started writing fanfic, but it didn't have an internet connection.  This was back in the dial-up days, of course.  So I would write in my room, save my files to a floppy disk, and then move to my mom's computer to get online and post stuff.  To read fanfic, I would copy/paste chapters to a Word document, save them on my floppy, and take them back to my own computer to read offline because my mom would get mad if I stayed online for hours at a time, tying up the phone line.  Eventually I got internet in my room, and that made things much easier!

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Sadly no, I eventually broke it. I adored that thing though till I got my own computer LOL. When my sister gave me the computer she set me up with internet too cause her company paid for it so until I was like, 18 I had hers. Then they switched her to broadband and I had to get it myself. So I was always the only internet user in the house cause my parents weren't really fussed about learning it.


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