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Even newer questions to ponder

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--- Quote from: MaggieW on January 04, 2018, 10:23:11 PM ---I really enjoyed it too. I'm going to read it through a second time so I can make notes on things I wanted to the first time, as well as refamiliarize myself with it for the book review. (I first read it mid-December. Took me three days, which is short for me when reading nonfiction books.)

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Yeah, it was a quick read.  I did the same thing last summer, re-read a lot of it and flagged it with sticky notes for a story I'm writing that takes place in early 2008.  It is very interesting to write about Nick in that time period now, knowing what we know, compared to how I naively wrote Nick back then.


--- Quote from: DelphinaCarter on January 05, 2018, 01:50:29 AM ---I don't really believe in resolutions per se but I guess write more for me. Maybe finally finish the two stories I'm working on, and get around to posting the two other projects I'm playing with. One is a group fic the other is a slash novel.

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Yay group fic!

Is it bad that I didn't even bother saying I hope I finish one of my long-unfinished stories?  I already know that's an unrealistic resolution LOL.

Now if I could find my motivation to write on the group fic that would be nice. I'm having writing ADD. LOL. this is why I'm usually working on more than one thing at once.

Writing ADD is almost as annoying as writer's block.

Ugh, what a morning wakeup I, and the rest of the people of Hawaii had.

Truly felt like a fucking story/movie come to life...  :(


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