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Even newer questions to ponder

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--- Quote from: mare on January 15, 2018, 10:55:35 AM ---Generally, I'm not one of those people who think someone should be fired for making a mistake, but how on earth has this guy who hit the wrong button not been fired? That's not a tiny little mistake he made there. That was a pretty huge, apocalyptic sized mistake. That's just how things are here in the US these days. I mean, yikes!

--- End quote ---

Right?!?! I can’t stand our mayor either, because he totally downplayed the situation, staring that no injuries or death resulted of the incident. Yet there were multiple car accidents, a man died trying to escape the “incoming missile”, another man suffered a massive heart attack from the stress brought on by the mistake. And the worker was simply reassigned. Like, why?! Just so upsetting. ::)

As if that doesn’t make it any better, there was an interview conducted in the same damn place the mistake was made, and low and behold, right there behind the interviewee is a post-it note of a FKN PASSWORD!!! ??? Like seriously, these so called “professionals” are seriously making Hawaii look so bad and incompetent right now!

I mean, I couldn’t help than to laugh at how we were all the butt of late night show’s jokes last night, but as a Hawaiian, I HIGHLY resent their remarks of referring to all Hawaii residents as “Hawaiians”... “the Hawaiians made a mistake and pressed the wrong button.” Um, no, just some idiots and dumbass politicians running this shit that never thought it thru, lol. Our governor and mayor is seriously a fkn joke, lol. Did ya’ll see the pic of the “button/window drop down” setup?! It’s ridiculous... maybe moreso than the fact that they didn’t even have a fkn false alert to send out cancelling their initial alert. ::)

And poor Japan had gone thru what we did, but thankfully the correction came exactly a few minutes after, and thankfully it wasn’t widespread news.

Moving on to happier topics...  Who's ready for new BSB music?!  I can't believe it'll be 5 years since IAWLT came out!  Hopefully the new album will be out by that anniversary.  I saw they were recording again this week... seems like they've been working on this thing forever!

What album have you found most inspirational, in terms of inspiring story ideas?  Or, for those who don't get inspired by BSB music, which album cycle/era were you most inspired/prolific during?

God I'm SO READY. This has been the longest we've had to wait for a new album and while all the stuff in between helped (okay yeah I've been spoiled having them just 20 minutes away), I'm dying for new music now.

I was really prolific during the Kevin-less years. The angst I imagined it to give Nick was great lol.

I want to be excited. Maybe when it gets closer or when they actually release a song. As for your other question, I have never used music as motivation.

I cannot wait to hear new bsb music! Have you hear a song create by a guy on YouTube for the guys call still together?


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