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--- Quote from: Carter-Orange on July 23, 2018, 11:27:09 AM ---So glad to see some updates on here!

I'm still a fan and always will be, I listen to them every single day at some point (usually during my drive to and from work).  I love the new song and it's good to hear them being played on my local radio station.

I don't have the money for the cruises or Las Vegas, but next time they tour over here, I will be going!  It's been over four years since they were last in the UK.

As for real life, we've had a tough few months as my mother in law was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year and died last month.  So we've been up and down to Devon where they lived to visit them quite a lot, it was so awful for her in the end, I can't believe how cancer can take over so quickly and devastate a person so much.  But I'm glad she's not suffering anymore.  On top of that stress we also moved house the week before she died.  So it's been hard work recently, but at last things are calming down.

Steph - congrats on the new job :)

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Sorry for your loss. Moving is never fun! Hopefully you found the house of your dreams!


--- Quote from: Sakabelle on July 15, 2018, 08:59:55 PM ---I really enjoyed Don't Go Breaking My Heart. I had it on repeat basically the week it came out and I still listen to it a lot during workouts, it's a good warm up song.

In terms of BSB fandom I had a very hard time with the Nick thing and then the fandom reaction around that just sickened me. I'm sorry, but it did. It turned me off of BSB a lot. I still like them and if they come here next year I'll probably go, but I don't think I'm going to do another meet and greet or cruise. I likely wasn't going to anyway, but that kind of sealed the deal for me. I also have zero money on account of everyone in 1D deciding to go solo at once, blah. But I have seen all of them except for Louis this past year, so that's been fun.

In terms of life stuff, I made a drastic change and left the company I'd been at for almost ten years a few months ago. I got a new job off of getting my PMP designation and have been focusing a lot of energy there as well. It's quite different as I used to work near the outskirts of the city, and now I work right in the downtown core. So the commute to work is a lot longer, but there's a lot more happening around there. It's been a huge change.

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Congrats on the new job!


--- Quote from: usako on July 18, 2018, 08:21:54 AM ---Hello everyone!

Even though I rarely post stories here anymore, I do jump in here and now to see if there is someone around. I'm still writing and, yes, I'm still writing FrickNFrack stories, although the writing has quite taken some breaks during these last two years, as well for my fandom. I'm still a fan. I still love the Boys and can't wait for the new album and, finally, the world tour. But all the Vegas stuff, though exciting and thrilling, has been kinda of sad because it's hard to keep your fandom alive when the group kept talking only about it and you're on the other side of the world. lol
As for real life... lol I had a job until February and then lost it a month before the contract was actually over. That, plus a year that has been really hard (my oldest cat dying in August; my grandma almost paralyzed and spent six months going back and forth to the hospital; my brother that, on a holiday with his Iranian girlfriend, decided to get married and told us only when they were back and still things aren't going well.) sent me in a dark place. But, as always, writing helped me so now things are a little bit better. If I could only find a job before the tour, because I'm determined to do VIP and have, finally, my photo with Brian lol

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Sorry to hear about all of that! Hoping things pick up for you soon!

Best and worst BSB memories. Probably the best ones were all surrounding the NeverGone tour and the Up Close and Personal. That was the first time I've ever seen them in concert. I also loved their shows at Hershey Park and Radio City. Also enjoyed going to Howie's bowling event in NYC.

Probably the worst memories for me is when Kevin left and that god awful album that followed. They almost completely lost me at that time. I'm so glad Kevin came back!

The craziest thing I've done is drive to Nashville for Brian's golf event a small lifetime ago. Even though I did that to also go back to Nashville, there's no way I would've made that ride alone if BSB weren't involved. I'm pretty sure I'd never do that again but I think I was at the height of my fandom at that point.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 24, 2018, 02:49:20 PM ---I'm sure that was amazing!!  I'm surprised you were able to get Brian, but not Nick.  The last cruise I went on in 2014, Brian was by far the hardest to get a selfie with.  Rose and I just barely managed to get one right before he left the deck party on the last night by asking Leighanne if we could get one with both of them.  Sucking up to Leighanne totally worked LOL.  Nick was probably second hardest just because he always has so many people swarming around him, but we got one with him while he was walking through the crowd the first night.

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It's funny how I ended up getting Brian on the recent cruise. We had terrible seats in the theater for the events in there. So I'd nearly given up all hope of getting any pictures other than the group one by the last day of the cruise. Even though the guys were doing the selfie lines, I didn't follow them around  the ship so I didn't know they were happening....s o I often missed them.

On the last day it was Brian and Leighanne's game show. So half of the people didn't show up to the event. They let us move forward. I was like three rows from the stage and I had worn my costume to the event because we got ready for the deck party early. Leighanne was picking her team for the game show and chose me because of my costume.

I ended up on stage. Our team won the game and I got a selfie with Brian and a 25.00 poker chip from him as a prize. It was so great to be chosen for the game, something I'd never thought would happen to me. Probably one of my coolest moments with the boys.


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