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Even newer questions to ponder

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I'm so glad they helped you pull through your depression, Tracy.  They seem to have helped so many people that way!

Speaking of seeing them crying... One of my favorite memories is when they got their star on the Walk of Fame.  I wasn't at the ceremony, but I remember many of us watching it online together.  I ended up crying through most of their speeches because once they each started crying, they got me going to, but they were happy tears.  That was such a cool thing!

Thanks everyone. I was at my old job for a really long time, since I was 23, so I had sort of reached a wall with as far as my career could go at that place. People sort of still saw me as a "college kid" and didn't really take me seriously, despite numerous advances I'd made. Plus I got married to someone who also worked there and that didn't really help, as he was on the innovation side of the company, and I was on the maintenance side. I was told I'd never be able to move over to innovation because of that, so it was time for me to go. The new place has been really great. Sometimes it's just good to get a fresh start. The role itself is really similar to what I did, but I am more business focused instead of IT focused so that's been a really interesting learning curve!

Steph, I am sorry to hear about your mother-in-law.

As for BSB, the craziest thing I have done is probably fly to Halifax to meet up with Julia only for us to then drive down to Boston to meet up with Hannah for Nick's ITO tour. It's either that or last summer I drove 7 hours down to Minneapolis, saw the boys (and endured FGL lol) and then went to the afterparty... and then drove home the next day.

Probably the worst fandom moment was AJ going to rehab. I didn't know until the next day because we didn't get TRL up in Canada, but I remember my friend and I were just devastated.

I've been lucky to have a lot of great fandom moments, but I agree with Julie, watching them get the Hollywood star was really great. Definitely teared up watching the stream of that. Meeting the boys for the first time will always be special to me as well. Also just seeing them in Vegas last year with my husband and our friends was tons of fun! All four of us were really into it and it was just really fun to experience with people who weren't necessarily big fans. They all said the show was really good. I feel like, if that was going to be my last hurrah in terms of my crazy days of BSB, that was a good one to go out on. But I've also said that before and then I got deep back into it, so who knows LOL.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 23, 2018, 05:58:55 PM ---That sounds amazing!!

--- End quote ---

It was lol

I haven't really done anything crazy for them, I always have to drive about 3 hours to see them when they tour here though as they never come to Wales.

Worst memory was when Kevin left as I thought it would be over.

If I had the money I would definitely see them in Las Vegas.  Told my husband that if we won the lottery we are going!

Purpura Lipstick:
My worst memory honestly doesn't really have to do anything with the boys.  Yes, that damn cruise experience of having to cancel due to pregnancy was the worst.  Again, nothing to do with the boys but it was really the start of me pulling back from the fandom.  I have had friends try to get me to go to Vegas to see them but I really have no desire.  I still listen to their music, love the new song, but I don't really care to see them live anymore. :( 


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