Fic Talk > General Discussion

Even newer questions to ponder

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I am going to try and do some writing over the holidays, maybe. I haven't talked about this a lot, but at the beginning of last year I got a LOT of really negative feedback on a fic I worked really hard on and it kind of crushed all my writing inspiration. But I'm trying to get back into it. I understand that sometimes we'll get constructive feedback and I'm fine with that, but comments that are just attacking me and saying something I did "pulled them out of the story" and "You've written a lot of 1D fic, how could you do this?" was just.. yeah.

People like that tend to suck all the fun out of writing. These people need to remember it’s fanfiction. It’s not like you’re getting paid to write about these people!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on December 10, 2018, 06:29:28 PM ---Is anyone else feeling inspired by the new music and BSB excitement, as far as writing goes?  I know Tracy has been writing, but otherwise, the site has been pretty quiet lately.

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That VEVO interview was great. For only 10 minutes, it seemed to address many of the things we’ve always wondered. I wouldn’t be surprised if a story or two popped up about it.


--- Quote from: mare on December 13, 2018, 05:01:39 PM ---That VEVO interview was great. For only 10 minutes, it seemed to address many of the things we’ve always wondered. I wouldn’t be surprised if a story or two popped up about it.

--- End quote ---

I've toyed with a few one shot possibilities. It's just getting some time to sit and really write it.

I've still been posting quite steadily. But that interview did make me want to go back to my group fic I was working on a while back.


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