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Even newer questions to ponder

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--- Quote from: Sakabelle on December 12, 2018, 09:30:23 AM ---I am going to try and do some writing over the holidays, maybe. I haven't talked about this a lot, but at the beginning of last year I got a LOT of really negative feedback on a fic I worked really hard on and it kind of crushed all my writing inspiration. But I'm trying to get back into it. I understand that sometimes we'll get constructive feedback and I'm fine with that, but comments that are just attacking me and saying something I did "pulled them out of the story" and "You've written a lot of 1D fic, how could you do this?" was just.. yeah.

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Sorry to hear that!  That is rough.  Constructive criticism is one thing, but some people are so quick to react negatively when the storyline doesn't go the way they wanted it to.  At the end of the day, you don't owe anyone anything - write what you want, and screw what other people think.  That said, I'm sure some people loved it!


--- Quote from: mare on December 13, 2018, 05:01:39 PM ---That VEVO interview was great. For only 10 minutes, it seemed to address many of the things we’ve always wondered. I wouldn’t be surprised if a story or two popped up about it.

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I could see that happening!

Did anything in that interview surprise you guys, or what did you think was the most interesting part?  It was interesting for me to hear Nick talk about Now or Never and admit that he kind of did it to rebel from the group and the whole boyband image.  I guess we always kind of knew that, but I don't recall ever hearing it from his mouth like that before.  It explains so much of the whole sound and vibe of that album.  But I loved what they said about finally embracing themselves as a boyband and just trying to be themselves.  They have definitely done that in the last five years, and I think they're at their best that way!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on December 14, 2018, 08:06:33 PM ---I could see that happening!

Did anything in that interview surprise you guys, or what did you think was the most interesting part?  It was interesting for me to hear Nick talk about Now or Never and admit that he kind of did it to rebel from the group and the whole boyband image.  I guess we always kind of knew that, but I don't recall ever hearing it from his mouth like that before.  It explains so much of the whole sound and vibe of that album.  But I loved what they said about finally embracing themselves as a boyband and just trying to be themselves.  They have definitely done that in the last five years, and I think they're at their best that way!

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I love that they've embraced who they are. I think the NON talk was the most interesting to me as well. Nick was very honest about it and while many of us suspected that was his rebel teen phase essentially, it's neat to hear him admit it. Everything about the DNA era has been so well done and honest that I'm really excited for what the album will bring.

I don’t think I was surprised, but I thought it was enlightening that he kind of admitted he was embarrassed to be in a boyband and the mocking really bothered him. I agree that once they embraced who they were, they’ve been more successful. Like they realized, it’s not selling out if you use other people’s songs instead of your own, among other things. They all seem so comfortable in their own skin finally. I’m really happy for them and the fact that the industry seems to finally be taking them seriously as well.

I'm still over the moon about the Grammy nomination!  It's about time they started being taken seriously and respected for both their longevity and their talent.  I love that they have shown they can write their own music, play their own instruments, and evolve their style over the years, but there is something to be said for a well-written, catchy pop song like both singles they've released this year, no matter who wrote them.  DGBMH and Chances both sound current, but still have that classic BSB boyband vibe.


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