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Even newer questions to ponder

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 11, 2019, 08:11:28 PM ---I miss your writing!  But that does make sense.  I'm still writing but not posting right now, and I think the feedback is what I miss most too.  But the whole not posting part has alleviated the pressure to update and the guilt I feel when I leave people hanging too long, which has been nice.  I still enjoy writing for myself, with the knowledge that I'll eventually post it for other people to read and hopefully get some reviews then.  I will admit, though, it's harder to stay motivated without that feedback!

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Aww thanks! I remember back in the day when we'd only get feedback via email. Maybe you guys should start putting your email address at the bottom of each new chapter you post. One thing about the email feedback was it was real feedback. I know if I took the time to actually email an author about their story, I wouldn't just say "That was good!" Whenever I'd receive it, it was a nice long account of what they liked or didn't like followed by questions which turned into discussions, which turned into friendships that have far exceeded the fanfic itself.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 11, 2019, 08:15:02 PM ---I'll have to check that one out; I haven't even heard of it!  I LOVED The Fault in Our Stars, but then I read Paper Towns and didn't enjoy that one nearly as much.

Do you see yourself writing more original fiction in the future?

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You should check it out. It's not a medical drama but the lead character is a hypochondriac amongst many other issues.

I want to write. I've had an idea in my head for about two years now but unlike fanfic where I already had the boys as my characters and only had to develop the storyline, I'm finding it difficult to figure out who I want as a lead telling the story. Whether it should be a female or a male. I tend to feel more comfortable writing as a male, but I also picture the lead as a female. I'm definitely a transgender writer. I completely identify as a male character more than a female one. Is that a thing? Can we make that a thing? lol

Slightly off topic and should probably go into the tv thread, but speaking of medical dramas, have you watched New Amsterdam? I am really enjoying that one.

See I've been reading a lot, and I'm thinking that's why I've gotten so many ideas. But then I end up picking up a new book instead of writing LOL. Have any of you read The Girl With All The Gifts? It's a really interesting book and unsurprisingly has some zombie esque themes but not actual zombies.


--- Quote from: mare on January 12, 2019, 06:35:28 AM ---Aww thanks! I remember back in the day when we'd only get feedback via email. Maybe you guys should start putting your email address at the bottom of each new chapter you post. One thing about the email feedback was it was real feedback. I know if I took the time to actually email an author about their story, I wouldn't just say "That was good!" Whenever I'd receive it, it was a nice long account of what they liked or didn't like followed by questions which turned into discussions, which turned into friendships that have far exceeded the fanfic itself.

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Very true!  The email feedback did tend to be more detailed and lead to full conversations instead of just a reply to a review.  That and this forum are how I've made most, if not all of my friends in the fandom.  I do miss that about the email feedback, although the reviews made it much easier to keep feedback organized.  I am not above going back to read old reviews when I need some motivation.  I'm glad we can still access them on AC.


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