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Even newer questions to ponder

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We've probably discussed this at some point before, but how have your opinions of each of the Boys changed from when you first became a fan to now?

I was listening to my BSB playlist in my car on the way home, and the All I Have to Give Conversation Mix (LOL) came on.  I was listening to it, and it made me think about how differently I view the guys now compared to the impression I got of them the first time I heard that song.  Like, I always loved how Brian talked about wanting to be with a smart girl who likes to go to school; I ate that up as a teenybopper because that was me!  But now I think about how Brian didn't even send his own kid to real school and how he's a Trump supporter, and I realize he and I are not really compatible at all, LOL.  I will always identify as a Brian girl, but my favorite Backstreet Boy is '90s Brian... whereas if I was new to the fandom and was just picking my favorite Backstreet Boy now, it would probably be Nick.  I adore mature Nick from the last decade, and I even loved him through his hot mess phase in the 2000s, but '90s Nick still does nothing for me.

first of all....super trippy being on here on my laptop for the first time. answer Julie's question...In the beginning, I didn't even have a favorite Backstreet Boy at first back in the day. Between 1996 to 1998 there was no particular Boy that I liked over the others...until about 1999 when Nick somehow became my favorite. Not even sure how that happened but one day I wrote in my journal that he was my favorite. He was my favorite I think because of a really dumb thing. I think I read in like one of those teenybopper magazines that his favorite food was pizza (which everyone knows its my favorite) and that he loved Nintendo.

Of course 13/14 year old me who had no idea about boys or what she wanted out of life assumed that of course if a guy has two things in common with you, it's totally meant to be  :D :D :D

As I got older, I learned more about Nick...oldest sibling in the family, just like me. He loved the ocean, just like me and had a love for comic books and writing. Just like me.

I kind of glommed onto him. So if you ask me who my favorite is...depending on my mood it's definitely Nick. He's inspired me to keep going in so many was. To be who I want to be and not care what anyone thinks, to finally love myself and that positivity is key.

Brian is also my favorite, however...beca me my favorite in 2011 when I met the boys for the first time. Brian played the role of the "greeter" and welcomed me with literal open arms for a hug. He gives great hugs. He's always upbeat no matter what is going on. Doesn't care what people think of him or his opinion and is always smiling. So between the two of them, they both inspire me a lot. I have a soft spot for Nick becasue his music and his inspiration kept me from committing suicide ten years ago. sorry for rambling LOL but thats how i feel about Nick and Brian.

In the beginning, I always thought Kevin was mean, kind of bossy and stuck up. However since I've seen him in person, witnessed how funny and sarcastic he he's the life of the party...I completely take all of that back. Kevin's hotter to me now in a weird way. I just love how blunt he is and his sense of humor. He's defnintely grown on me.

I wrote Kevin off as the big brother but young me only saw him in that role. Which I still love, but that's not all there is to Kevin. He's probably the biggest change in terms of perspective. Kevin is always so great with fans, he really does everything he can to make you feel heard online and in person. Not to mention he can party with the best of them LOL. His return made me appreciate him so much. If I had to rank, he'd be practically tied with Nick.

As a teenager I used to say I was a "Brian and Nick" girl. I would lean more towards one or the other depending on what was happening. During Nick's hot mess years of 2003-2006 I leaned more Brian, for example. But like Julie, that's because I thought Brian was 90s Brian. While social media really helped me appreciate everyone in the group more, it made me step back from Brian. He's not the person I thought he was, and that's okay. I always respected that he's someone who stands by his beliefs. I just don't agree with him on a lot of things. Backstreet Boy Brian I still love, but Brian the person, not so much. I can look past it mainly cause I have a brother who thinks like he does, so I've got practice in it. I'll forever have a soft spot for one of my original faves, if that makes sense.

Nick, I loved 90s Nick. I've always been a dork, hyperactive, loving random things. I've joked with Julie that if he was a normal person that we met we'd probably all be good friends since he's pretty quirky himself. I think had I not been a teenager during his hot mess years I might've moved on to a different "fave" Boy. I mean by the time he dropped the weight and started working on himself in like 2007, I was barely 21 LOL. Mature Nick  is definitely my favorite Nick and his voice sounds even better today. I'll always identify as a "Nick Girl".

Howie - man, I wish I'd known he had the sense of humor he had back when I was younger. I never appreciated it till Unbreakable after Kevin left and he got more time. I ignored Howie, like I liked him in the 90s but I never paid attention to him LOL.

AJ - Funnily enough I've always had the same level of appreciation for AJ. Mainly cause his voice is always able to give me chills when he really lets go. AJ is AJ, no matter what decade when it comes to his choices about style or whatever LOL.

I know many people not gonna like me right now, but Brian has always been my favorite since the very beginning. Yes for his voice at first, but later for his courage in dealing with his various medical problems. It has help me to keep fighting against my own illness and I hope one day to have the chance to meet him in person.

Why? Everyone likes a BSB for different reasons. No one here will hold it against you. :)


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