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Even newer questions to ponder

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Same!  I will always love Sphynkter!

I remember being really excited for the Straight Through My Heart video when we found out the concept involved vampires, but I was a little disappointed by the end result.  Not enough vampire action for me.  It's still a decent video, though; I like the dancing and the shots of the boys with fangs.

My favorite to this day is Larger Than Life. The Call is a close second, followed by As Long As You Love Me, and then Everybody. I really like Chances though, out of their recent videos. Straight Through My Heart was such a disappointment lol.

My favorite video is Larger Than Life. It's very futuristic and Sci fi is one of my favorites, but Just Want You To Know is a close second cause I love 80s hair bands.

How about least favorite video?  Mine has to be Helpless When She Smiles.  The imagery in the lyrics of that song are so strong, they could have done SUCH a cool video.  I was expecting to see hurricanes and reckless rides in the pouring rain, and instead, they stood in a field.  In black and white.  SO disappointing.  I've literally only watched that video once all the way through, and that says it all.

Yea, that video wasn't that great. Didn't do the song any justice. For me I feel like Drowning(dry version), More Than That, Incomplete are just too similar. They seem to lack depth, at least to me. Sure they can seem aesthetically pleasing for a boyband ballad, but I just feel they could have done better.  (on a side note, I feel like Howie was going through weird hair length phases in each of those videos lol)

I think what they did for the Incomplete video would have worked better for HWSS from what you said. 


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