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Even newer questions to ponder

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And also, sorry for not being around much.  Real life gets in the way :(  I've ended up moving house again and we've had to renovate Tim's house as the people he rented it out to completely trashed the place :(


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 05, 2017, 11:21:03 PM ---On the flip side, All American is definitely one that I enjoy better now than I did when it first came out.  It grew on me quickly (like, within a few days), but I was actually kind of disappointed with it when I first heard it because I felt like it wasn't as personal as I'm Taking Off and the songs, while more upbeat and fun, lacked substance.  After listening to it more and learning the lyrics, though, I think it has a lot more substance than I initially thought, and some of the songs are very personal and Nick-ish.  Now I think it's his best solo album, and there's not a single skip song on it for me.

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I agree wholeheartedly with this. The only song on there that I find "meh" is I Will Wait, lol. But the rest of them are so much fun! It is a very Nick album for sure, and it speaks to where he is with his life now. He's happy and content, and he's not trying too hard to force out a serious introspective album. I sort of feel like it's what he wanted to do with Now or Never, only now he's older and more mature and able to more effectively walk the line between songs that aren't overly serious, and songs that are just plain stupid. Not having a label breathing down his neck and making bad decisions is working in his favour as well.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 05, 2017, 11:21:03 PM ---As far as BSB albums go, I think Millennium has held up very well.  That's always been one of my favorite albums, and it's still one I can listen to all the way through without skipping any track.  The tracks that were my favorites when it came out are still my favorites, and I think if I were to make a list of all-time favorite BSB songs, there would be multiple songs from Millennium in the top 20.

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Also agree with this. I love Millennium a lot more now than I did back in the day, actually. I remember when I was younger listening to mostly the first three tracks, and occasionally listening to It's Gotta Be You. I never listened to any of the slower ones, but now that I'm older I appreciate them a lot more. Like Don't Wanna Lose You Now - I often skipped it when I was 13. I never skip it now. Spanish Eyes too.

I think I feel the same about IAWLT now as I did when it came out. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. I found their effort in doing more acoutic-y songs sort of bland, like Breathe and Try. But their more classic BSB sounding songs like Soldier and Love Somebody I found to be really good.

My opinion on This Is Us is the same now as it was when it came out - it's a hot pile of garbage with one good song. Nick's incredible vocals are completely wasted on the material here.

Here's a question - knowing what we know now about the group and the issues they were having, what's everyone's opinions on Black and Blue? Maybe we've talked about this before. I know the boys say that it was rushed out, which is totally true. It came out a year and a half after Millennium! That is just crazy to think about. There are some gems on that album for sure - The Call, Get Another Boyfriend, Everyone and Time come to mind. Do you think if they'd had more time that the album would have been better, or were they so burnt out that it wouldn't have mattered? Would it have sounded more like Millennium or would it have gone further back into their R&B roots?


--- Quote from: Carter-Orange on July 06, 2017, 09:41:42 AM ---And also, sorry for not being around much.  Real life gets in the way :(  I've ended up moving house again and we've had to renovate Tim's house as the people he rented it out to completely trashed the place :(

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Glad to see you pop in here still, Steph. Sorry to hear things have been rough with your houses!

I don't really pull out their stuff and listen to it, but making playlists for my long drive I gave to say that Milennium and Never Gone are the only albums that I include every song. If it weren't for Try and One Phone Call, IAWLT would make the cut as well. I think I might just have two or three from This Is Us. I wasn't a fan of the albums minus Kevin.

As far as Black and Blue, it's always been my least favorite album. (I don't even count the non Kevin ones lol) I enjoy the Call, The One and Shape of my Heart, Everyone and HDIFILWY but all the others were just eh, to me.


--- Quote from: Carter-Orange on July 06, 2017, 09:41:42 AM ---And also, sorry for not being around much.  Real life gets in the way :(  I've ended up moving house again and we've had to renovate Tim's house as the people he rented it out to completely trashed the place :(

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That sucks! That happened to a good friend of mine as well. Then trashed the place and also were behind three months rent. She ended taking them to court but in the process she lost the house because she couldn't name the payments on her place and the old one. People are so inconsiderate!


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