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Even newer questions to ponder

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--- Quote from: Carter-Orange on July 06, 2017, 09:41:42 AM ---And also, sorry for not being around much.  Real life gets in the way :(  I've ended up moving house again and we've had to renovate Tim's house as the people he rented it out to completely trashed the place :(

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Oh no, what a hassle!  Sorry about the renovations.  I hope you're enjoying your new house!


--- Quote from: Sakabelle on July 06, 2017, 12:13:45 PM ---I agree wholeheartedly with this. The only song on there that I find "meh" is I Will Wait, lol. But the rest of them are so much fun! It is a very Nick album for sure, and it speaks to where he is with his life now. He's happy and content, and he's not trying too hard to force out a serious introspective album. I sort of feel like it's what he wanted to do with Now or Never, only now he's older and more mature and able to more effectively walk the line between songs that aren't overly serious, and songs that are just plain stupid. Not having a label breathing down his neck and making bad decisions is working in his favour as well.

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That's a great point about Now or Never, and I can definitely see that.  Now or Never had more fun songs on it too, but like you said, some of them were really stupid.  There are maybe a couple of "stupid" songs on All American, but they are so catchy, I can't help but love them!  The song All American is one of my favorites on the album because it's just so freaking catchy that I can overlook the fact that it's literally about a girl's ass and uses Kim Kardashian as an example of being "All American."  I can't say the same for songs like Is it Saturday Yet.

Nick is actually a really good songwriter.  I'm not sure if he would have been able to write songs of the same caliber in the NoN days, but I think most of the stuff he's written in the last few years has been super catchy musically and clever lyrically, and that can't be easy to do.


--- Quote from: Sakabelle on July 06, 2017, 12:13:45 PM ---I love Millennium a lot more now than I did back in the day, actually. I remember when I was younger listening to mostly the first three tracks, and occasionally listening to It's Gotta Be You. I never listened to any of the slower ones, but now that I'm older I appreciate them a lot more. Like Don't Wanna Lose You Now - I often skipped it when I was 13. I never skip it now. Spanish Eyes too.

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Millennium is the first BSB album that I actually did listen to all the way through.  The US debut I only listened to about half of for at least the first year I had it.  I think some of the ballads toward the end of Millennium (Back to Your Heart, Spanish Eyes, No One Else Comes Close) are a little boring, but I still like them and don't usually skip.  Don't Wanna Lose You Now is still my all-time favorite BSB song.  It wasn't my favorite the first time I heard it, but I remember the moment, maybe a couple months after that album came out, when I was listening to it and thought, "Wow, this song is really beautiful."  It just struck a chord in me one day, and I've loved it ever since.

One song on Millennium I didn't used to appreciate nearly as much as I do now is Don't Want You Back.  That seems to be a favorite among a lot of people I know, but it was never one of my favorites on that album.  I've always liked it, but remember when we got to vote on TRL for the third single, and it was between It's Gotta Be You, Don't Want You Back, and The One?  Don't Want You Back would have been my last choice at that time.  Now it would probably be my second choice (I still love The One, which is what I voted for).  Seeing them sing it on the IAWLT tour gave me a newfound love for Don't Want You Back!  I loved their choreography for it.

Does anyone else have songs that they didn't love until they saw them live?  Panic and Love Somebody are two more examples I can think of for myself.


--- Quote from: Sakabelle on July 06, 2017, 12:13:45 PM ---My opinion on This Is Us is the same now as it was when it came out - it's a hot pile of garbage with one good song. Nick's incredible vocals are completely wasted on the material here.

Here's a question - knowing what we know now about the group and the issues they were having, what's everyone's opinions on Black and Blue? Maybe we've talked about this before. I know the boys say that it was rushed out, which is totally true. It came out a year and a half after Millennium! That is just crazy to think about. There are some gems on that album for sure - The Call, Get Another Boyfriend, Everyone and Time come to mind. Do you think if they'd had more time that the album would have been better, or were they so burnt out that it wouldn't have mattered? Would it have sounded more like Millennium or would it have gone further back into their R&B roots?

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LOL!  What's the one good song?  Most of you would probably go with Undone, but my favorite is This Is Us.  I still love Straight Through My Heart too, but some of the others that were favorites at the time - If I Knew Then, Masquerade - I'm not as into anymore.  That is my least favorite album of theirs in general, though.

I feel the same way about Black & Blue as I do Unbreakable - I think there are definitely some gems on it, but there are also too many throwaway songs that could have been replaced with something better.  That said, I think Black & Blue has held up better than Unbreakable for me.  Maybe it's just because the singles from that album I consider "classics," whereas they just seemed to forget about the whole Unbreakable album, singles included (although the singles they chose from that album wouldn't have been my choice of singles anyway).  I still love many of the songs on B&B that weren't singles too, like Answer to Our Life, Everyone, Get Another Boyfriend, Not for Me, and How Did I Fall in Love With You.  But with the exception of HDIFILWY and MTT, the ballads on that album are really blah, and that's where I think they could have taken more time to get better songs.

I'm not sure if their overall sound would have changed; I think B&B is very reflective of the "boyband sound" at that time.  It's the album where I thought their music was most similar to NSync's style... which I don't mean as a diss.  I kinda like the cheesy late 90s/early 2000s boyband style of song.  I think that's why I've always loved One Phone Call, cause it sounds like a cheesy boyband throwback LOL.  I prefer that style or pop or pop/rock to the super old-school, Boys II Men-ish R&B though.

The scissors the scissors the scissors lol

I think I mentally blocked Unbrakable out of my mind, but I do get This is Us and Unbreakable confused. I really am a bad fan. I thought The One was on Black and Blue lol oops


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