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Even newer questions to ponder

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Okay, favorite parts:

For Howie, it's his verse of Show Me the Meaning:  "There's nowhere to run, I have no place to go. Surrender my heart, body, and soul..."  I've always loved how he sings it live, the run he does on the word "soul."  Example:

For Brian, it's his solo in More Than That right before the last chorus:  "I will love you more than that, I won't say the words, then take them back."  I've always thought that was the most beautiful section of the whole Black & Blue album.

For Kevin, it's a tie between his verse on Drowning (especially "Love me mouth to mouth now") and his verse on Show 'Em What You're Made Of (especially "Like a lion, I will survive"). I love both parts lyrically as well as musically.

For Nick, I'd probably have to go with the chorus of Incomplete, especially when I can watch him sing it to see the angsty facial expressions.  Bonus points for doing the "Oh-oh-ohh..." after the last "incomplete" (which I cannot for the life of me find a video of), and double bonus if he drops to his knees onstage.

I had the hardest time with AJ, but I finally realized it's his verse in Take Care, especially "I can hold you while you cry, you know!"  That is one of my favorite parts of the whole IAWLT album.

Honorable mention goes to Kevin and Howie for their verses at the beginning of Feels Like Home, especially Howie's "Senoritas greet us sipping margaritas on the beach..."  I've always loved how that line sounds, and I love how Kevin sounds in general on that song!

And another honorable mention for favorite duet goes to Kevin and Brian in Nobody But You.  I only listen to that song for their part together... "Somebody tell me cause I can't eat or sleep when you're not close to my body, you're a bittersweet delight... come and help me through the night."  That is not one of my favorite songs, but I will rewind just to listen to that part over again.

I'm pretty sure we've discussed this one before, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway.  Someone tweeted me this question:  "Seriously, why is Nick always the fanfic kick puppy?"  In other words, why do we like to torture Nick so much?


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 09, 2017, 02:08:06 PM ---I'm pretty sure we've discussed this one before, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway.  Someone tweeted me this question:  "Seriously, why is Nick always the fanfic kick puppy?"  In other words, why do we like to torture Nick so much?

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I'm gonna come back to the song question but this question had me dying lmao. I think it's because Nick's the most popular one. You pick on those you love, or at least we do! That and for the longest time he had the most drama, was the most visible. AJ was a close second so it's easy to picture everything bad happening to him from a reader or writer standpoint.

He's a good victim, what can I say LOL.

I agree with that.  Aside from the obvious popularity factor, I think it's because Nick has always seemed the most vulnerable.  In the early days, it was because he was the baby of the group, so it was fun to hurt him and have the other guys either taking care of him or trying to protect him or feeling frustrated that they couldn't.  And then, like you said, as he got older, he just seemed to have the most issues, so it was easy to exploit that and get him involved in situations that wouldn't necessarily be believable for the other guys.

I think, for me, his lack of close family ties until he married Lauren and had Odin is also partly what made me switch from Brian to Nick as my "kick puppy" because it was just easier than finding ways to write out the wife and kid.  In short, I torture Nick because he makes it so easy!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 08, 2017, 11:42:40 PM ---For Howie, it's his verse of Show Me the Meaning:  "There's nowhere to run, I have no place to go. Surrender my heart, body, and soul..."  I've always loved how he sings it live, the run he does on the word "soul."  Example:

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I forgot about this! He really does sound great singing that part live.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 08, 2017, 11:42:40 PM ---Honorable mention goes to Kevin and Howie for their verses at the beginning of Feels Like Home, especially Howie's "Senoritas greet us sipping margaritas on the beach..."  I've always loved how that line sounds, and I love how Kevin sounds in general on that song!

--- End quote ---

I remember being really annoyed with this part when IAWLT first came out, and now it's one of my favourite parts on the CD, lol. That whole song is really a jam.

As for poor, tortured Nick, I think it's sort of a combination of him being the most popular and him having the most issues. It's weird to say because AJ also had a lot of issues but there seems to be waaay more stories about Nick having drama rather than AJ. It's not just a matter of Nick romance either, it's anything! It could also be that he would give the best, most dramatic reaction in any situation just from what we've seen of him. The rest of them are more rational. Example:

*A hole opens up in the sky, the pending apocalypse is here*

Howie and Kevin: Oh, we read about this in The Globe and Mail. Good thing we combined our forces and built a bunker. Everyone into the bunker!
AJ: *Lights a cigarette* Well, this blows.
Brian: *Clutches his bible*
Nick: ARE YOU KIDDING ME??! How can this be happening?! I've got two girls waiting in my bed and after that I'm moving into my twentieth house on the beach. Everything is terrible. I should have patched things up with my family. No, I shouldn't have, they're terrible. I'm in such crisis! Brian's praying - I bet he won't save my soul. We used to be best friends AND NOW WE'RE NOT.
Howie and Kevin: *Drag Nick to the bunk while he clutches his beautiful blonde head, crying the whole way*

Well, that got away from me a little bit LOL.


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